Mohawk College collects and retains personal information of students, alumni and other parties, including but not limited to faculty, staff and private citizens as part of services the college provides, under the legal authority of The Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, Schedule F (“OCAAT Act”). This information is used for the academic, administrative, employment-related, financial, statistical and other appropriate purposes of the College. In all circumstances, when dealing with personal information of any individual Mohawk is obligated to adhere to the provisions of the Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).
The information collected by Mohawk College may be used, among other things, to admit, register and graduate students, record academic achievement, issue identity cards and, where applicable, facilitate local transit passes, to provide access to information technology systems and to operate academic, financial, athletic, recreational, residence, alumni and other College programs. Information collected from prospective or current students before or after enrollment may also be used for the purposes of statistical analysis, research and marketing. Information on admissions, registration and academic achievement may also be disclosed:
(a) as part of day to day operations of the college,
(b) used for statistical and research purposes by the College,
(c) where it is necessary and proper in the discharge of the college’s functions, or
(d) as required under law.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Mohawk College is required to disclose personal information such as Ontario Education Numbers, student characteristics and educational outcomes to the Minister of Colleges and Universities under s. 15 of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M. 19, as amended, under the authority of the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002. The ministry collects this data for purposes such as planning, allocating and administering public funding to colleges, universities and other post-secondary educational and training institutions and to conduct research and analysis, including longitudinal studies, and statistical activities conducted by or on behalf of the ministry for purposes that relate to post-secondary education and training. Further information on the collection and use of student-level enrollment-related data can be obtained from the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities website.
In addition, the federal Statistics Act provides the legal authority for Statistics Canada to obtain access to personal information held by educational institutions. The information may be used for statistical purposes only, and the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act prevent the information from being released in any way that would identify a student. Students who do not wish to have their information used can ask Statistics Canada to remove their identifying information from the national database. On request by a student, Statistics Canada will delete an individual's contact information (name, address, or other personal identifiers) from the PSIS database. To make such a request, please contact:
Via telephone:
Monday to Friday
8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. EST/EDST
1-800-307-3382 or 1-613-951-7608
Via mail:
Institutional Surveys Section
Centre for Education Statistics
Statistics Canada, Main Building, SC 2100-K
Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0T6
The names of alumni, their School and program, award information, degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded and date of graduation is considered public information and may be published by Mohawk College. In addition, student photographs posted by the College in the form of individual pictures or class pictures may be publicly displayed.
Mohawk College may also collect personal information from other relevant sources including, without limitation, the Ontario Colleges Application Service, secondary schools, colleges, universities and other institutions previously attended, including third-party services and test score providers where the items collected form a part of the application or admission process to a College program. In addition to collecting personal information for its own purposes, Mohawk College collects specific and limited personal information on behalf of the Mohawk Students' Association (MSA).The MSA uses personal information for the purpose of membership, administration, elections, annual general meetings, health plans and other related matters only. Please contact the MSA’s office if you have questions about the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information and their respective privacy policies.
Use of Third-Party Vendors
Mohawk College uses third-party vendors to process personal information on its behalf. It acknowledges its continued accountability for processing, and employs due diligence in selecting, contracting with and managing its vendors. The following college services entail processing and storage by third-party vendors outside of Canada: IT services (Microsoft Corporation), payment processing, online proctoring, student registration (domestic and international), virtual reality, remote desktop services, OneCard System, IAHS platforms, web-based annotation software, peer tutoring scheduling, student rights and responsibilities, library services, some human resources services and International SOS services.
Use of Proctoring Software
Online proctoring involves the collection of personal information for the purpose of maintaining and protecting academic integrity in our use of online testing. The College collects this information based on section 2 of the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Mohawk College is committed to nurturing an equitable, diverse and inclusive learning and working environment for everyone. Through the college’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Commitments, strategic action plan, and the development of our EDI framework, equity lens we will identify, address and eliminate systemic barriers in our policies, programs, services and opportunities, supporting our applicants, students and employees.
At Mohawk College, we honour, value and celebrate the whole of every person. We understand that the work to identify, address and eliminate the systemic barriers, including discrimination, that equity-deserving groups experience in accessing post-secondary education is imperative and ongoing. The EDI-related data collected through the OCAS application process will not be used to influence or determine any admissions decisions. Rather, this applicant data, in aggregate, will be used to identify gaps so that we may strategize how to close these gaps and improve the services and supports we provide to our learners. We will continue to share updates on our EDI action plan as well as the progress made within our strategic priorities. For more information on Mohawk College's EDI initiatives, visit the EDI website.
Copyright Notice
All materials provided on the Mohawk College website are protected by copyright and federal and provincial laws of intellectual property. No logo, image, audio or video file, or text information may be copied or re-transmitted from the website without the express written permission of Mohawk College.
To obtain such permission, please contact the web [at] (Webmaster).
Terms of Use
The Mohawk College website (“the Website”) uses Google AdWords and Facebook remarketing tags. The website uses Google AdWords, Google Ad Signals and Facebook remarketing services to advertise on third party websites to previous visitors to the Website. It could mean that we advertise to previous visitors who haven’t completed a task on the Website (ex. using a contact form to make an inquiry) or in the form of an advertisement on the Google search results page, a site in the Google Display Network, or on Facebook. Third-party vendors, including Google and Facebook, use cookies to deliver ads based on an individual’s past visits to the Website. Any data collected will be used in accordance with the College’s Privacy and Legal Statements, as well as Google and Facebook privacy policies, as applicable.
You can opt-out of remarketing by visiting the following links below:
The contents of the Mohawk College website are provided for informational and educational purposes. While the College endeavours to update the website regularly, you are strongly advised to verify all information by contacting the appropriate representative of the College prior to making a final decision. The College cannot accept any liability for the consequences of inaccurate or incomplete information on the website. Website errors or omissions brought to our attention will be updated as quickly as possible.
Mohawk College may provide links to other websites outside of the College. Mohawk College makes no warranty or endorsement of material contained within such websites, nor does the College assume any responsibility for the linked website or its contents.
To report errors or bad links, please contact the web [at] (Webmaster), noting the page where you found the error.
Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation
Mohawk College students, employees, donors, alumni and community partners may receive email communications from Mohawk College regarding a variety of matters. Such communication will be made in accordance with Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). For questions related to CASL or for more information, please contact myconsent [at] (myconsent[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca. )
If you have any questions related to mandatory messages, mandatory unsubscribes, or, to reinstate your consent to research mandatory messages, please contact myconsent [at] (myconsent[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Changes to these Statements
Mohawk College reserves the right to make changes to these Privacy and Legal Statements from time to time as required without notice.
For questions about how the College addresses privacy protection, you may contact Jessica Lapcevich, Manager, Risk, Legal and Governance Services. jessica.lapcevich [at] (Email )privacy [at] (privacy[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)jessica.lapcevich [at] ( )or call 905-575-1212.