Dave Parkinson hopes his own journey – and a new scholarship in his name – inspires other mature students
Dave Parkinson’s job in a warehouse was not what he dreamed of doing with his life. His wife always encouraged him to go back to school but after 25 years, he lacked the confidence to try.
A layoff in 2017 forced him to make a change.
He had been volunteering at local schools and knew he wanted to work with students. He applied for Mohawk’s Educational Support program but needed to upgrade his English mark in Mohawk’s free Academic Upgrading. With his wife in his corner, he found the courage to walk through the door.
“Academic Upgrading was essential to my success. I learned how to be a student again.”
During his two-year college program, he completed a placement at Mohawk’s City School and decided that was the place for him. He has been a Learning Support Officer since April 2019.
“I can relate to adult learners because I’ve made that journey myself. It’s the perfect fit for me.”
Parkinson and his wife have established the David and Rebekah Parkinson Scholarship for mature students returning to school.
“We are establishing this out of gratitude. The sheer amount of support at the College is so inspiring. My name is on the diploma but about 100 people are behind that. I want others in similar situations to know that they can do this, too.”