At the age of eight living in India, Rami Patel was abruptly removed from school by her parents and forced to prepare for her future as a wife. Four years later, Rami entered an arranged marriage with a retail business man 12 years her senior. The dream of an education had become a distant memory as Rami’s focus turned to her husband’s business and their eight children.
Rami’s passion for education was once again resurrected through her children. She frequently encouraged and instilled the importance of education to both her sons and her daughters. Rami’s favorite saying was “whatever you put in your brain no one could take from you.” Sadly, Rami passed away in April 2014.
Mira, Rami’s daughter and Mohawk College student, established this special award to create a legacy acknowledging her mother’s passion for education and to act as an inspiration to others.
If you’d like to learn more about how you can honour a loved one by supporting Mohawk students through the awards program, please contact:
Gena Dureault
Senior Development Officer, Awards & Planned Giving
Mohawk College Foundation
Phone: 905-575-2208
gena.dureault [at] (Email Gena)
Charitable Registration # 11924 5744 RR0001