Offer Dates for Late Release Programs

Offers are delayed to allow for receipt of high school grades as well as to allow for the completion of additional selection criteria such as auditions or questionnaires.

Oversubscribed/Competitive Programs

Oversubscribed/Competitive programs have more applicants than there are spaces available. You must apply for these programs before the equal consideration date to be eligible for the first round of offers. Late applications will be considered pending space in the program. For more information on the competitive program process, please review the Offer of Admission page.

Equal Consideration Date

The Equal Consideration Date is the deadline for applying to oversubscribed and/or highly competitive programs. Individuals interested in one (or more) of our competitive programs are strongly encouraged to apply before the respective equal consideration date.

After the equal consideration date, applications are considered on a first-come, first-serve basis.

November 1 Offer Release 

Beginning November 1, Ontario Colleges can begin to send offers of admission to those applicants who have met the admission requirements for the program(s) for which they have applied. Oversubscribed/competitive program offers will not be released at this time. Oversubscribed program offers will be released after the Equal Consideration Date. The timeline for the release of oversubscribed programs is outlined below.

The college will begin to release offers for Winter in mid-July. Applicants can review the list below for any programs, which have exceptions to this timeline.

Summer Intake 

The college will begin to release offers for Summer in early February.  Applicants can review the list below for any programs, which have exceptions to this timeline.  

Equal consideration Date: October 1.

NumberNameProgram TypeOffer Release Timeline 
715Practical Nursing CompetitiveDecember
758Practical Nursing (PSW to PN Bridging Stream)CompetitiveDecember
717Diagnostic Cardiac SonographyCompetitiveMid-March

Fall Intake

NumberNameOffer Release Timeline
049Oil and GasFebruary 1
180Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Techniques February 1
403Electrical Engineering Technician – PowerFebruary 1

Fall Intake

Equal Consideration Date: February 1.

NumberNameProgram TypeOffer Release Timeline
407Pharmacy Technician Competitive Mid-March
607Pharmacy Technician - Fast TrackCompetitiveMid-March
728Cardiovascular TechnologyCompetitive Mid-March
715Practical Nursing Competitive Mid-March
758Practical Nursing (PSW to PN Bridging Stream)Competitive Mid-March
284CICEOntario College Certificate/specialized admission process Late April
717Diagnostic Cardiac SonographyCompetitiveLate May
374Game - DesignDiplomaMid-March
769Magnetic Resonance ImagingCompetitiveLate May
750Medical Radiation Sciences - UltrasonographyAdvanced DiplomaMid-March
740Medical Radiation Sciences - RadiographyAdvanced DiplomaMid-March

Winter Intake 

Equal Consideration Date: June 1.

The college will begin to release offers for Winter in mid-July. Applicants can review the list below for any programs, which have exceptions to this timeline.

NumberNameProgram TypeOffer Release Timeline
728Cardiovascular TechnologyCompetitiveJuly
715Practical NursingCompetitiveJuly
758Practical Nursing (PSW to PN Bridging Stream)Competitive July
769Magnetic Resonance ImagingCompetitive October