Through a partnership agreement with triOS College, a registered private career college, Mohawk College offers International students the opportunity to earn a Mohawk College credential at triOS College’s Mississauga campus, located at 100 City Centre Drive.
Through this partnership, International students are able to:
- Earn a high-quality Mohawk College credential while remaining in the Greater Toronto Area.
- Be eligible for a post-graduate work permit so they can remain in Canada.
- Access services and accommodations support that meet Mohawk College’s standards.
- Choose from a selection of popular Mohawk College business programs, with additional program offerings in IT, administration, early childhood education and social services becoming available in the future based on market demand.
All classes and services at the Mississauga location will be delivered by triOS College employees in accordance with the agreement.
Mohawk’s partnership with triOS was established through a Binding Policy Directive from the Ontario government in December 2019, which allows for contractual arrangements between a public college of applied arts and technology in Ontario and a third party for the delivery, by the third party, of college programs leading to an Ontario College Credential.
Visit this website regularly for future updates on this exciting partnership.

Mohawk College is a public college that educates and serves more than 32,500 full-time, part-time, apprenticeship and international students at three main campuses in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. International students may also study at Mohawk College’s campus locations in Hamilton.
Learn more about International education at Mohawk