Start an Apprenticeship

Apprenticeship training is an agreement between a person wishing to learn a skill and an employer who can provide the environment for skills training. It is administered in Ontario by the Apprenticeship Client Services Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.

What's involved?
To become certified, you'll need a combination of on-the-job experience and in-school training by an approved trainer. After completing their in-school training, apprentices receive a Mohawk College Certificate. When apprentices pass the Advanced Education and Skills Development exam, they receive a Certificate of Qualification.

How to start an apprenticeship
To become certified in a career requiring an apprenticeship, you need a combination of approved on-the-job experience and in-school training.

To apply for apprenticeship training at Mohawk, you must first be registered as an apprentice. Don’t have an apprenticeship lined up? We may be able to help you find one.

4 Ways to Enter a Skilled Trade in Ontario

1. Find an employer who is willing to train you in your preferred trade

Once you find an employer willing to offer you an apprenticeship, you will need to do the following:

  • Contact the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (opens new window)

  • Make an appointment to meet with an Apprenticeship Training Consultant, along with your employer.

    The Training Consultant will ensure that your employer has
    the appropriate background to train you, assist with the necessary paperwork and monitor your progress through your training. Once registered, your work hours will count toward your Certificate of Qualification (C of Q) in your trade. Each trade requires the completion of a certain number of hours before you are eligible to take the in-school training.

Note: If you are age 25 or less, Mohawk’s Community Employment Services office might be able to help you.

2. Enter a Pre-Apprenticeship Training program

When you have completed the program you will have the skills and experience to make you more attractive to potential employers.

3. Complete a college diploma that relates to your preferred trade

Employers look favourably upon someone who has related skills, and who has shown the discipline and commitment to complete a college program. Mohawk College has several programs which could help, and also provide portions of the in-class apprenticeship curriculum for specific trades.

4. Register in Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)

Students entering Grade 11 may register to become apprentices while finishing high school. Interested students should contact their secondary school counsellor, school technical director or local apprenticeship office for more information.


Where can I learn more?

To get more information about this and other apprenticeship opportunities, Visit Skilled Trades and Apprenticeships.