Math Help

Math Support

Appointment-based and drop-in tutoring for foundational math courses and concepts.

Math Drop-In

  • Do you need help with a math question?
  • Do you want homework support?
  • Are you looking for a quick math consult?
  • Are you struggling with basic math?


Math Tutoring Appointments

  • Are you taking a math course?
  • Are you struggling with math in a course?

PASS Sessions

Group study sessions designed just for you!

  • MATH 10088
  • MATH MA179
  • MATH 10078

Drop-In Hours

Fennell Campus

Learning Support Centre (Room C122)


Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm


Stoney Creek Campus

Library (Room A122)


Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm


Virtual Drop-In

Virtual support via Zoom


Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm


Join Zoom drop-in 




Math Resources

Math Minutes Videos

The Math Minutes videos are a series of videos that cover some of the basics of Mathematics, including:

  • Basic Operations: Multiplication without a calculator, long division, order of operations, simplifying radicals without a calculator
  • Fractions: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions and mixed numbers
  • Decimals and Percent: Decimals and rounding, percentages 
  • Algebra: Basic algebra, exponent rules, factoring
  • Linear Equations: graphing a line using a table of values and using slope and y-intercept
  • Trigonometry: Pythagorean Theorem, Trigonometric ratios
  • Logarithms: Definition, laws, simplifying logarithms, expanded forms

Math Compass Videos

Check out the Math Compass videos for helpful strategies and how to study for and take an online math test.

Watch: How to study for an online math test

Watch: How to take an online math test

Watch: Math learning strategies