Get Ready for Training Nights

The upcoming Get Ready for Training Night event has been cancelled. Registered apprenticeship students can check their emails for more information.

Thursday, February 27, 2025 | Stoney Creek Campus | 4pm - 7:00pm

Students are highly encouraged to attend! Drop in any time during the event to speak with helpful staff members in person to get your questions answered before your first day. Short information sessions and campus tours will also be running throughout the night. Staff will be available to discuss MyMohawk, Wi-Fi, ONE Card, parking, campus services, and more!

Door prize, free giveaways, and a kids' colouring station also running at the event. 

Short information sessions and campus tours will also be running throughout the night. Plan your visit by using the session schedule below:

Services Available

  • Service Canada
  • Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship Community Hub
  • Registration and Records
  • One Card/Parking
  • Mohawk Students’ Association (MSA)
  • Digital Skills
  • Student Life

Information Sessions

Attend 20-minute information sessions on topics such as: Financial and EI with Service Canada, Upgrading your Skills for Success, and Exploring Your Schedule.


Session Descriptions

Apprenticeship Hub | Finances - Scholarships & Budgeting

Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship Community Hub is here to help you navigate your apprenticeship path leading to certification. Want to learn more about Financial Supports, submitting your EI, and much more. Connect with us through the Apprentice Checklist.

Student Life | Exploring Your Schedule

Get ahead of the curve and attend this informative session on all things scheduling. Staff will help you access your timetable prior the start of your training. We will also provide information on how to properly read the layout and further information provided on your schedule.

Service Canada | EI

Service Canada staff are on site to explain the EI process for apprenticeships, including applying, receiving, and Part II benefits.

Health and Wellness (Peer Led) | Stress & Wellbeing for Trades Students

Our Counselling staff are here to support you! Attend this session to learn our top 5 strategies to help you focus on your academic and life goals to be successful during your apprenticeship journey.


Session Schedule

TimeSession Running
4:00pmFinances - Scholarships & Budgeting
4:30pmStress & Wellbeing for Trades Students 
5:30pmUnderstanding Your Schedule
6:00pmService Canada - EI


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