Income Tax Forms

2024 Tax Year T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificates

T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificates for the 2024 tax year are now available on MyMohawk as of February 26, 2025. The 2024 tax year concluded on December 31, 2024. Certificates are not issued early. A reminder that certificates are issued based on date of enrolment and not date of payment.

How to access your T2202
Refer to the step-by-step instructions in the FAQ below to access your T2202. If you encounter any difficulties or have other concerns, your question may be answered below. If further help is required please email taxformt2202 [at] (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca). Include your name, MohawkID and details of your error or issue for assistance.

SIN Missing
If you receive the message "Your Social Insurance Number (SIN) is missing from your T2202", first ensure you have provided your SIN or confirmed it is already on file and ensure your mailing address is up to date. Once done, please contact taxformt2202 [at] (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) to have your T2202 amended to include your SIN. Do NOT provide your SIN in any email correspondence. 

Address Missing or Not Current
Before contacting us, update your mailing address in MyMohawk. From the main Home menu in MyMohawk scroll down to the Personal Information section and select Update my address(es).

If you cannot log in to MyMohawk
Refer to the Student Tech Support web page for self-service support and contact information to troubleshoot. Mohawk College students retain access to MyMohawk for one year after the date of their last class.

Will I be able to access my T2202 after I graduate?

Mohawk College students will retain access to MyMohawk for one year after the date of their last class. If you are graduating or withdrawing ensure you have added or confirmed your SIN is on file as soon as possible. This will ensure it is included on your T2202 when issued. You should also ensure you have downloaded any past tax year T2202 already issued to you.

What if I cannot log in to MyMohawk?

Mohawk College students will retain access to MyMohawk for one year after the date of their last class.

If you cannot log in to MyMohawk: For support with logging in to MyMohawk refer to the Student Tech Support web page for self-service support and contact information.

If you can log in to MyMohawk: If you are prompted with the "Turns out you don't have permission to access this area" message please log out completely of any Mohawk applications including MyMohawk and clear your cache. Then try to log in again. To confirm you are completely signed out you will be prompted to sign in again. If you are eligible but continue to encounter difficulty with accessing an available T2202, please email taxformt2202 [at] (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca). Include your full name, date of birth and MohawkID (student number) if known. Include any details and a screenshot of your issue. Do not provide your SIN by email.

How do I access my T2202?

Your T2202 data including eligible months and claimable amounts are transmitted directly to the CRA, but you may require a copy when preparing your filing or for audit purposes if requested by the CRA. Starting with the 2019 tax year, your T2202 record is filed electronically with the CRA directly by Mohawk College as a Designated Educational Institution (DEI). You should retain a copy of your T2202 for future reference. To access your T2202, log in to MyMohawk.

IMPORTANT: Ensure you sign in with your 9-digit student ID in the proper format (E.g. 000101060 [at] (000101060[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca))

  1. Select the Payments and Statements tab
  2. Navigate to the My Statements section
  3. Select T2202 Tuition Tax Receipts
  4. Wait for the page to load completely
  5. Select the tax year available to you from the drop down and "Printable T2202 Form (PDF)"
  6. Click Submit
  7. Save (download) or print your T2202 (PDF options will be specific to the applications you have installed on your computer)

If you need support logging in to MyMohawk please visit the IT Service Desk page for assistance.

IMPORTANT: If you receive the message "Your Social Insurance Number (SIN) is missing from your T2202" when attempting to download your T2202, please contact taxformt2202 [at] (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) to request an amended T2202 to include your SIN.

What if I get the message that there is no information to view?

If you see the message "There is no T2202 information available for you to view" when attempting to access a T2202 it means one was not issue because you do not have eligible amounts and/or months for the tax year. The tax year is based on calendar year in-class enrolment. For example, amounts paid in 2023 toward in class enrolment between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024 will be reflected on a T2202 for the 2024 tax year issued in February, 2025.

What if I get an error when attempting to open my T2202?

If you receive an invalid URL error or similar you should clear your cache and review and disable any browser extensions that may be interfering with your PDF being displayed.

Can someone else request my T2202 on my behalf?

T2202 can only be provided to the student in accordance with our Access to Student Records policy. Please review the policy for instructions if you would like to allow someone else to request the T2202 on your behalf.

What is a T2202 Certificate?

The T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificate is issued for income tax purposes. It is issued to all students who have paid tuition and fees for qualifying courses occurring within a tax year that are eligible for a claim on their income tax return. Not all fees paid are eligible to be claimed. For support with filing income taxes refer to the P105 Students and Income Tax publication.

All students should download and retain a copy of their T2202. Your T2202 data including eligible months and claimable amounts are transmitted directly to the CRA as of the 2019 tax year. You may require a copy when preparing your filing or for audit purposes if requested by the CRA. You do not need to submit a copy of your T2202 when filing your tax return unless it is requested by the CRA.

A T2202 is not a payment receipt or verification of enrolment. For support with payment contact the Registrar's Office. For proof of enrolment for RESP or parental benefits, refer to the Verification of Attendance page.

Am I eligible to receive a T2202 certificate?

T2202 certificates are issued to students who have paid $100.00 or more in eligible fees for post-secondary level courses beginning and ending in a tax year for which certificates are being issued. A tax year is January 1 to December 31. Eligible amounts are not based on date of payment or academic year. A T2202 is issued even if your fees were ultimately covered by a third party sponsor or organization. Refer to your sponsoring person or agency for a determination on who is eligible to claim the amounts.

Note: Effective as of the 2019 tax year the CRA has replaced the T2202A form with the T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificate. Certificates for previous years will still be issued as T2202A. For more information visit the Mohawk T2202 SIN Collection FAQ.

What if I am an international student?

Support for international students can be found in resources available through the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Are you an international student studying in Canada?
Taxes for International students studying in Canada
P105 – Students and income tax

You can also contact International Student Services for additional resources that may be available to international students at Mohawk College. Complete the Email International Student Services form for assistance.

When can I access my T2202 certificate?

T2202 certificates for the previous calendar year are available by the last day of February of the current year. For example, T2202 certificates for the 2024 tax year will be available by February 28, 2025. Updates on the availability will be posted at the top of this page. Eligible students will be notified to their email on file that a T2202 is now available.

Why doesn't my T2202 certificate match the amount I paid for my program or course(s)?

The eligible tuition fees are based on the calendar year the course was taken and not the year the fees were paid. Students who pay amounts in one calendar year toward actual course enrolment in a subsequent calendar year, will have eligible amounts reflected on a T2202 for the next tax year. For example, amounts paid on or before December 31, 2023 toward enrolment as of January 1, 2024 will be reflected on a T2202 for the 2024 tax year issued in February, 2025. If your course end date extends beyond December 31, a portion of eligible amounts will be included on the T2202 for the next tax year.

The T2202 is not a payment receipt. The total amount of tuition fees paid may not necessarily correspond to your T2202 because not all fees included in the tuition fee are tax deductible (eligible to be claimed on the T2202).

Materials and administrative fees are not eligible for a tax deduction. Fees that are not eligible include (but are not limited to) Student Programs and Supports, student association fees (Administration & Student Government, Events & Activities), medical care (including Health and Dental), Alumni fees, and recovery taxes. Other ineligible fees are transportation and parking, meals and lodging, goods of lasting value that you will keep, such as a computer, microscope, uniform or an academic gown, initiation or entrance fees to a professional organization or cost of books (other than books that are included in the total fees for a correspondence course). OntarioLearn fees for CE programs, MSA CE fees, and Miscellaneous CE fees are not eligible to be claimed. Refer to the P105 Students and Income Tax guide published by the CRA to review the requirements for T2202 Certificates.

If you have further questions about the amounts or months displayed on your certificate as issued by Mohawk College, please contact taxformt2202 [at] (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca). Provide your name and MohawkID in your e-mail. Do NOT provide your SIN in any correspondence.

Why doesn't my T2202 certificate reflect my Co-op enrolment?

Co-op semesters (work terms) do not count towards eligible amounts or months of attendance that can be claimed as you are not in school on an academic term. Your status may different for OSAP or other purposes. Refer to your Co-op Specialist or Financial Assistance for support with your co-op and how it may impact any financial assistance you are eligible for.

What if the address on my T2202 does not match my current mailing address?

You may submit the T2202 as received even if the address is incorrect or not current. Note that it is not necessary for students to submit the T2202 form with the tax return, but they must produce it if requested by the CRA. If you need to change your mailing address with Mohawk College please refer to the Name or Address Change web page for next steps. 

If you have questions about your address or other personal information as it is displayed on your tax certificate as issued by Mohawk College, please contact taxformt2202 [at] (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca). Provide your name and MohawkID in your e-mail. Do NOT provide your SIN in any correspondence.

What if the name on my T2202 does not match my current or legal name?

Please refer to the Name or Address Change web page for next steps to update the name on your student account. Do not email requests for name changes to taxformt2202 [at] (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca). Only once a name change has been completed should you follow up to taxformt2202 [at] (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) if you need an amended T2202.

What Does Column B and C mean?

In addition to claiming tuition and ancillary fees, you are also eligible to claim an education amount for each month of full-time study or part-time study. Please note that the CRA threshold for full-time or part-time claimable month credits will differ from other full-time or part-time determinations such as OSAP or fee assessment according to your program of studies. You as the student are responsible for understanding if and how a T2202 when reported may impact your eligibility for benefits and/or your income tax filing (refund or amount owing) based on reported enrolment.

Students admitted in to a full-time program are generally regarded as full-time. A student is considered a full-time student when they regularly attend courses at a post-secondary level.

A full-time claimable month equals at least 10 contact hours per week for three (3) consecutive weeks in a qualifying program in a calendar month.

If the program enrolled is more than three consecutive weeks with at least ten (10) hours per week, then the month in which the program (courses) start or finish are considered full-time even if the courses did not meet the threshold definition in those months.

A part-time claimable month equals at least three (3) consecutive weeks in a calendar month and involves a minimum of 12 hours of instruction in the calendar month.

Why am I issued a T2202 when I stopped attending my course(s) or program?

If you stopped attending but did not formally notify the college of a withdraw, a T2202 will still be issued. Lack of attendance or OSAP denial does not constitute a formal withdrawal. To formally withdraw from a postsecondary courses and/or program visit the Program/Course Withdrawals page. For Continuing Education (CE) courses refer to the Course Cancellations/Withdrawals/Refunds web page.

You may still receive a T2202 even if you withdrew. Eligibility depends on the date of withdraw. You still may have eligible amounts and/or months to claim.

Your T2202 is a reflection of your academic record and is subject to the rules outlined by the CRA that determine eligibility to report a T2202. If you have questions about your attendance or withdraw reach out to your program area or contact the Registrar's Office to be directed accordingly.

Does a T2202 impact my tax return or eligibility for government benefits or assistance programs?

Your T2202 is a reflection of your academic record and is subject to the rules outlined by the CRA that determine the requirements to report a T2202 record. Consult a qualified tax professional or the CRA, and review your eligibility for benefits or assistance programs prior to enrolling with Mohawk. You as the student are responsible for understanding if and how a T2202 when reported may impact your eligibility for benefits and/or your income tax filing (refund or amount owing).

Enrolling in courses or programs may impact your eligibility for programs such as, but not limited to, the Canada Workers Benefit (CWB). You are not eligible for the CWB if you are enrolled as a full-time student at a DEI for more than 13 weeks in the year unless, on December 31, you have an eligible dependent.

For support with filing income taxes refer to the P105 Students and Income Tax publication.

What if I was taking Continuing Education (CE) courses or more than one program during the tax year?

The T2202 for student taking CE courses will reflect a program of "Undeclared". CE students may be working toward a complete program but this is not reflected on the T2202 while in progress. If you were enrolled in more than one full-time program, all eligible months and amounts will be reflected, but the T2202 will only indicate your most recent program for the tax year, even if you withdrew from that program. This does not affect your filing with the CRA.

How do I access my T4A?

A T4A Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income will be issued if you received any eligible awards, scholarships, or bursaries for the tax year. Follow the steps below for assistance with retrieving your T4A. The T4A is issued by Mohawk College's Accounting office. If you need assistance a T4A please email Taxformt4a [at] (Taxformt4a[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca).

  1. Select the Payments and Statements tab
  2. Navigate to the My Statement section
  3. Select T4A
  4. Follow the prompts

How do I access my T4?

A T4 is issued if you were employed by Mohawk College during the tax year. T4 are issued by Payroll. Contact Payroll Services using the Ask Payroll form for support with accessing your T4.

Additional Help

Some questions may also be answered by referring to the Mohawk College T2202 SIN Collection FAQ. If you have other questions about your tax certificate amounts, eligibility, or personal information as it appears on your certificate issued by Mohawk College, contact taxformt2202 [at] (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca). Please include your name and MohawkID in your e-mail. Do NOT provide your SIN in any correspondence.