Our Association
- provides a forum for entertainment and recreation as well as newsletter and e-communications that help keep members connected with each other and aware of retiree events.
- assists retirees in renewing old friendships and making new ones.
- acts as an advocacy group for retirees.
- provides access and input to the college mainstream.
- maintains connections with other colleges through our memberships in OCRA.
- provides financial support to students.
- promotes, supports and protects the general well-being of retirees.
- organizes recreational, cultural and social activities such as hikes, theatre and concert events
Mohawk College funds the first year of RAMC membership for new retirees. The annual renewal fee includes membership in the Ontario Colleges Retirees’ Association (OCRA). Specific member benefits include limited complimentary parking at Mohawk’s Fennell & Stoney Creek Campuses; access to RAMC newsletters and email distributions; and invitations to retiree and college events such as the President’s Breakfast, annual membership meeting, and various social and cultural activities.
Our membership year runs from September through August and the annual fee is $25 ($15 for OCRA life members). Membership is open to individuals who meet criteria as defined in RAMC's bylaws. Send any membership inquiries to ramcmembers [at] gmail.com (ramcmembers[at]gmail[dot]com).