Mohawk’s waste programs help to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and supports recycling and composting on campus. Learn more about how waste is sorted on campus and about the special collection options.
Waste Reduction
Knowing what goes where when sorting waste helps to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfill and allows for more items to be recycled and composted. Mohawk provides waste sorting stations across campus to support waste sorting and to reduce our overall environmental impact.
Centralized Waste Stations
The Centralized Waste Stations allow you to properly sort your waste into Organics, Clean Containers and Landfill bins. Each bin has corresponding signage above with examples of what belongs in each waste bin.
A sink in the waste station allows users to rinse dirty food containers before recycling.
The Central Waste Stations can be found in the cafeterias at the Fennell and Stoney Creek Campuses.
Clean Containers Recycling

Place the following items in the Clean Containers bin:
- Plastic water bottles
- Aluminum cans
- Juice boxes
- Milk cartons
- Plastic food clamshells (plastics #1, #2, #3, or #5)
To increase the likelihood of plastic being properly recycled; food containers should be emptied and rinsed clean before they can go in the Clean Containers recycling bin (food waste belongs in the Organics bin and the centralized waste stations provide sinks for rinsing).
Check out the Single Use Plastics Policy to learn more about how we are reducing the amount of plastic used on campus.
Tip: Switch to reusable items to cut down on plastic waste! Explore Friendlier to learn how reusable food containers are used on campus. Bring a reusable mug for your coffee and enjoy a 10-cent discount at most outlets on campus. Use the refillable water fountains at the Fennell, Stoney Creek, and IAHS campuses to keep your reusable water bottle.
Clean Paper Recycling

Place the following items in the Clean Paper bin:
- Plain printer paper
- Newspaper & magazines
- Shipping cardboard boxes
- Snack or cracker cardboard boxes
Tip: Greasy cardboard, such as pizza boxes, pizza trays, and paper plates must go in the Organics bin, as the grease makes it non-recyclable.

Place the following items in the Organics bin:
- Food waste
- Greasy pizza boxes, trays or paper plates
- Paper straws and napkins
- Wooden utensils
- Compostable containers
Green Organics bins are available at the Fennell Campus in the C-Wing Cafeteria, MSA Food Court, and additional hallways and seating areas. At the Stoney Creek Campus Organics bins are available in the A-wing Cafeteria and hallway bins across campus.
Tip: To know if a container goes in the Organics bin, look for these symbols:


Place the following items in the Landfill bin:
- Coffee cups and lids
- Fountain drink cups
- Plastic cutlery, straws and stir sticks
- Black plastic and styrofoam
All waste that cannot be recycled or composted goes in the Landfill bins. This includes styrofoam and black plastics.
Tip: Items such as e-waste (laptops, phones, chargers, etc.), batteries, face masks, and lightbulbs have special recycling options on campus! See below for more details on how to recycle them properly.
Friendlier Reusable Containers
Many food items at the Fennell Campus Cafeteria and MSA Food Court are served in reusable containers as part of the Friendlier initiative to reduce campus waste.

To see if your container is part of the program, check the back for a QR code. If it has one, scan it and return the container to a blue Friendlier collection box to get your deposit back. Each container is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized for reuse.
Download the Friendlier app to get started!
Waste Special Collections
Certain items such as batteries and e-waste require special collection. The categories below cannot be disposed of through regular waste streams. Please see below for a complete list of items with information on where to drop off your items and who to contact for more information.
Some examples include:
- Alkaline Batteries
- 6 Volt
- 9 Volt
- AA, AAA, C, D
- Lithium batteries
- Button cell batteries
- Rechargeable batteries
- Corroded, leaking batteries and damaged (placed in a bag)
Mohawk Sustainability has teamed up with Environmental 360 Solutions (E360S) to bring an on-campus battery recycling program. All students, staff and faculty are encouraged to bring their used batteries to the specified locations.
Battery bin locations include:
- Fennell Campus: In the hallway between the Campus Bookstore (C068) and the cafeteria (next to the green e-waste cabinet)
- Stoney Creek Campus: Outside C131, near C wing north exit (next to the yellow e-waste cabinet)
- IAHS Campus: IAHS Library, Room 104
*Note: Battery terminals must be taped prior to disposal
For more information on how to prepare your batteries for recycling, please visit Environmental 360 Solutions.
Ashley Packer
Coordinator, Sustainability Programs and Services
ashley.packer [at] (ashley[dot]packer[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Some examples include:
- Computer equipment
- Cell phones
- TV’s
- Monitors
- Cameras
- Power supplies
- Cables
- Wires
- Printers (under 90kg)
- Projectors
- Speakers
- Microwaves
In partnership with Quantum Lifecycle Partners, we offer a year-round electronic recycling service that is available for all students, staff and faculty to use.
Please Note: It is the responsibility of the disposer to remove or destroy any confidential information from electronic devices. College computer equipment is exempt from collection. All Mohawk College IT Assets must be disposed of directly by the IT department.
E-Waste can be dropped off at the locations listed below:
- Fennell Campus: Green cabinet located in the hallway between the Campus Bookstore (C068) and the cafeteria
- Stoney Creek Campus: 2 yellow cabinets outside C131, near C wing north exit
Ashley Packer
Coordinator, Sustainability Programs and Services
ashley.packer [at] (ashley[dot]packer[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
E-waste (Large items)
For larger items that do not fit in the e-waste cabinet, please contact Ashley Packer to arrange for storage/disposal.
Ashley Packer
Coordinator, Sustainability Programs and Services
ashley.packer [at] (ashley[dot]packer[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Fluorescent Light Tubes
The department requesting this service is responsible for the cost of disposal and will need to arrange payment with the vendor, Raw Materials Company. Contact Ashley Packer for a list of pricing and/or to coordinate a pick up.
Ashley Packer
Coordinator, Sustainability Programs and Services
ashley.packer [at] (ashley[dot]packer[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
All office layout changes and/or furniture removal and disposal request should be routed through the Planning and Programming Services office. This includes any addition or removal of desks, chairs, cabinets, tables, hutches, credenzas, and all fixed ergonomic accessories (e.g. monitor arms & keyboard trays).
The condition of surplus furniture is evaluated and repurposed when feasible – otherwise, the Property Services department will dispose of the item(s) in a bulk waste bin.
Dana Cavarzan
Planning Officer, Planning & Programming Services
dana.cavarazan [at] (dana[dot]cavarazan[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Hazardous Waste
Some examples include:
- Contaminated Solids
- Corrosive Liquids
- Flammable Liquids
- Recyclable Cleaning Compounds
Mohawk College has an ongoing agreement with Photech Environmental Solutions for hazardous waste disposal at all campuses. Arrangements for pick up and disposal of hazardous waste can be made by contacting Photech directly at 1-877-938-9465.
Contact Occupational Health and Safety at ohsmohawk [at] (ohsmohawk[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) with any questions or concerns.
Large items, cardboard
If you need to dispose of large items which cannot be safely placed within regular waste stations please contact maintenance.
Please include “Waste Pickup” and the room number in the subject line. Ex. “Waste Pickup: EA409” Within the body of the email, please give a description of the waste which requires collection.
*Note: please do not leave cardboard boxes in hallways, this is a fire hazard. Break down boxes and leave them within the specified room.
maintenance [at] (maintenance[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
- Non-medical masks
- N95
- KN95
- Surgical masks
- Non-woven disposable masks
*Note: Cloth masks are not accepted
In partnership with Terracycle, we offer a mask recycling program for students, staff and faculty to dispose of used masks.
Mask recycling locations include:
- Cummings Library (next to the front desk)
- The Health and Wellness Centre (C108)
- A-wing main entrance
- Main entrance
Ashley Packer
Coordinator, Sustainability Programs and Services
ashley.packer [at] (ashley[dot]packer[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
IT equipment/ College laptops
The IT Service Walk-Up Desk in Fennell C120 is open for laptop loans and support Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. IT equipment and College laptops requiring disposal can be brought to the IT desk during these hours.
Local Phone Number: 905-575-2199
Toll-free: 1-866-601-8445
Internal extension: 2199