Academic Integrity Policy

Policy Number: AS-2010-2008

Policy Title: Academic Integrity Policy

Policy Owner: Vice President, Academic

Effective Date:

Last Revised:

On this page:

  1. Purpose
  2. Application and Scope
  3. Definitions
  4. Principles
  5. Accountability and Compliance
  6. Rules
  7. Policy Revision Date
  8. Attachments
  9. Specific Links
  10. Acknowledgements

1. Purpose

This policy provides Mohawk College with guidelines for promoting academic integrity. The policy describes a set of standard definitions; behaviours associated with maintaining academic integrity; and determinations of what constitutes a breach of academic integrity. The policy also identifies the rights and responsibilities of students, employees, and administration with respect to academic integrity; and the actions and sanctions associated with various breaches of integrity; and the process for which breaches are investigated, resolved, and appealed.

2. Application and Scope

This policy applies to all employees, students, contractors, consultants, researchers, volunteers, and other workers who are involved in academic activities at Mohawk College. Instances where academic integrity is breached outside of normal academic activities (e.g., in co-curricular or extracurricular activities) may involve resolution through other College policies or procedures. Such determinations will be at the discretion of the Academic Manager, or designate, of the School in which the student is enrolled.

3. Definitions

“Academic Activities” are all tasks which fulfil requirements for courses and/or programs. These tasks include both graded and ungraded exercises, including but not limited to quizzes, tests, exams, assessments, evaluations, group assignments, presentations, experiential education, practical assessments, practicums, and work-integrated learning opportunities.

“Academic Integrity” is a code of conduct that demonstrates commitment to six core values, described by the International Centre for Academic Integrity as: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage; and associated behaviours of approaching all academic work ethically and honestly, holding self and others accountable to these values, creating one’s own work and crediting or citing the work of others as appropriate and abiding by the responsibilities, duties, and guidelines as described in this policy.

“Academic Manager”  is the managerial employee who performs administrative duties with oversight of academic activities in each Department or School, typically an Associate Dean. The Academic Manager may assign part or all responsibilities for discharging the duties of this policy to an alternative administrator or designate (e.g., Program Manager) as required.

“Balance of Probabilities” is the standard of proof by which breaches of academic integrity are determined to have or have not occurred. The decision-maker(s) shall consider and weigh the information related to a suspected breach and determine whether the breach is more likely to have occurred than not when arriving at a decision. 

“Breach of Academic Integrity” is an interruption of expected conduct of the learning environment at Mohawk College and/or an action or actions that diminish the six core values of academic integrity. A breach may be intentional or unintentional, and ignorance of what constitutes a breach does not excuse the student from the responsibility for maintaining integrity in all academic activities. 

“Mohawk College community” includes, but is not limited to students, staff, faculty, volunteers, visitors, administrators, and officials representing Mohawk College.

“Procedural Fairness” is a decision-making framework best achieved by informing respondents of all allegations and information against them, and by giving them reasonable notice of the time, place, and nature of the meeting where they can personally respond to the allegations. It also involves providing complainants and respondents with information about the College’s investigation and decision-making processes, and ensuring that outcomes are determined by an impartial decision-maker. Procedural Fairness under this policy does not include the right to be represented by an agent.

“Student” refers to any person or persons enrolled or in the process of enrolling in a course or program for part-time or full-time studies at Mohawk College.

4. Principles

4.1 Academic integrity is a fundamental component of a high-quality academic experience. A strong commitment to academic integrity enhances the value of academic achievement and ensures fair and accurate measurements of learning for all members of the Mohawk College community. Breaches of academic integrity diminish the quality of academic activities, disrupt measurement of learning, and hinder the personal and professional development of Mohawk College community members. 

4.2 Academic integrity enhances College operations with respect to equity, diversity, decolonization, inclusion, and anti-racism and the integration and full participation of all students in academic activities, including, but not limited to, student success initiatives, learning support centre programming, and academic accommodations.

4.3 Mohawk College is committed to ensuring a high standard of academic integrity in all academic activities. All members of the learning community at Mohawk College are integral to fostering an environment which is conducive to building and maintaining academic integrity. 

4.4 Mohawk College will provide instruction, resources, and promote awareness of academic integrity in academic activities, including information and guidance on the remediation and sanctions for breaches of academic integrity. 

4.5 Every member of the Mohawk College community has the right to be treated fairly and consistently in response to suspected breaches of this policy. Procedures for investigating and resolving breaches of academic integrity follow the principles of procedural fairness, transparency, and equity.

4.6 Repeated breaches will result in progressive sanctions. Records of breaches and sanctions will be retained on an individual basis and will apply progressively for the duration of the student’s enrolment at Mohawk College. Students who elect to drop a course or program during the investigation of a breach of academic integrity will remain subject to any actions and/or sanctions, as applicable. In cases of program transfer or graduation from one program and enrollment in another at Mohawk College, records of prior breaches will count towards progressive sanctions in the subsequent program. If a breach is discovered at a later date, sanctions may also be applied retroactively.  The College reserves the right to impose a different sanction after a determination of breach violation than the sanction originally imposed and may establish additional sanctions.


5. Accountability and Compliance

5.1 Accountability Framework

This policy has been approved by the Senior Leadership Team.

5.2 Compliance

The Academic Integrity Office, with the guidance of the Senior Leadership Team, is responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy and updating the policy as required.

6. Rules

6.1 Categories of Breaches of Academic Integrity

This policy and related documents specify three severity levels of breaches of academic integrity with a detailed list of examples provided as an appendix to this policy. The three levels correspond to severity of the breach and the impact or harm done to individual and institutional reputation, credibility, and standing, whether intentional or unintentional. Minor breaches of academic integrity may have minimal impact or cause little harm to others while major breaches of academic integrity may cause significant harm to others. 


Level 1 breaches occur when the act or acts are minor in nature, typically due to a lack of understanding of academic integrity, incomplete skills, and/or gaps in understanding of expected conduct. 

Level 2 breaches occur when the act or acts are more serious in nature compared to Level 1, or in a repeated instance a of Level 1 breach provided the student has had an opportunity to learn from the remediation of a Level 1 sanction. The student has typically knowingly committed a breach of academic integrity and the incident in question violates one or more of the values of academic integrity. 

Level 3 breaches occur when the act or acts are deliberate and more serious instance compared with Level 2, or in a repeated instance of a Level 2 breach provided the student has had an opportunity to learn from the remediation of a Level 2 sanction. Level 3 breaches violate multiple values of academic integrity.

6.2 Outcomes/Sanctions

First breaches of academic integrity will be treated as learning opportunities. The primary outcome of first breaches shall be the application of remediation through education and awareness. Repeated breaches will result in progressive sanctions, up to expulsion from Mohawk College. 


All breaches of academic integrity will be addressed on a case-by-case basis, considering mitigating circumstances; pattern(s) of behaviour and type of breach; and opportunities for learning from previous cases, as applicable. Circumstance and context shall be considered when determining actions or sanctions, and the actions or sanctions may be applied with flexibility and according to extent of the breach, student’s awareness of Academic Integrity practices and acknowledgement of wrongdoing, and prior breaches. 


Sanctions will match the type and severity of the breach and the classification of breaches offers suggested guidelines for determining sanctions. Students will not receive any refunds in cases of sanctions with monetary implications such as course failure, suspension, or expulsion. 


Breaches of academic integrity may impact a student beyond the sanction imposed where academic standing is reviewed; for example, on campus employment opportunities, awards, scholarships and bursaries etc.

6.3 Appeals

Students have the right to appeal decisions and/or sanctions related to breaches of academic integrity. Such appeals will proceed according to the processes and timelines specified in the College’s Academic Appeals Policy. 

6.4 Records Retention

All records of breaches of academic integrity remain on a student’s record for the duration of their studies at the college, and are retained for seven years after the student has become inactive. All records will be handled confidentially. Breaches of academic integrity will not be noted on a student’s transcript.

6.5 Roles and Responsibilities

All members of the Mohawk College community share a responsibility to uphold the principles of academic integrity.

6.5.1 Student Responsibilities

  • Review and abide by this policy and related course/program standards and expectations.
  • Cultivate skills related to appropriate referencing, crediting, and/or acknowledging contributions per program standards and expectations.
  • Abide by all requirements and expectations for academic integrity in all academic activities including but not limited to course delivery, assessments, and evaluations; and verify the integrity of all academic work prior to submission.
  • Seek clarification from a faculty member or program coordinator when in doubt about honesty or integrity of behaviours and whether such behaviours could be considered a breach of academic integrity prior to completing coursework (e.g., assessments and evaluations).

Report others’ suspected breaches of academic integrity to faculty, staff, and/or administration. 

6.5.2 Faculty and Staff Responsibilities

  • Review and abide by this policy and related requirements.
  • Promote expectations and standards for academic integrity in academic activities.
  • Consider best practices for cultivating academic integrity in preparation and delivery of academic activities, as appropriate to the discipline, program, or course (e.g., via curriculum design, assessment design, citation and referencing, and guiding students on same).
  • Investigate, document, and report suspected breaches of academic integrity per policy requirements regardless of type or severity and retain documentation per records retention requirements. Academic behaviours that contravene academic integrity may be addressed through teaching and learning practices where deemed not to meet the threshold of a breach. Faculty may refer students to the Academic Integrity Office for Academic Integrity Education.
  • Apply the principles of respect, fairness, transparency, and confidentiality when investigating and processing breaches of academic integrity.
  • Refer students to the Academic Integrity Office for remediation, apply sanction(s) (as applicable) for Level 1 breaches and defer Level 2 and Level 3 breaches to the appropriate Academic Manager for adjudication.
  • For non-course/program related suspected breaches, defer to the Academic Manager for breach investigation and application of sanction. 

6.5.3 Academic Manager Responsibilities

  • Review and abide by this policy and related requirements.
  • Promote expectations and standards for academic integrity in courses, programs, and via College-wide initiatives.
  • Promote best practices for cultivating academic integrity in all academic activities.
  • Provide guidance to the Mohawk College Community regarding school-specific academic integrity initiatives and operations.
  • Apply the principles of respect, fairness, transparency, and confidentiality when processing breaches of academic integrity.
  • Meet with students for Level 2 and Level 3 breaches to determine, assign, and track sanctions.
  • In breaches that result in a recommendation for suspension or expulsion, the Academic Manager will contact the Dean of Academic Development and Continuing Education and Dean of Students for support and consultation with the suspension or expulsion process. Associate Deans cannot impose a sanction of suspension or expulsion without support and consultation with the roles above. 
  • Investigates non-course/program related suspected breaches and determines or recommends appropriate sanctions based on the severity of the breach, the student's prior record, and any mitigating factors. 

6.5.4 Academic Integrity Advisory Council Responsibilities

  • Membership will include cross-institutional representatives from the Mohawk Student Association (MSA), student body, faculty and key administrative constituencies. Members will serve as champions across Mohawk College to further academic integrity and associated values.
  • Be knowledgeable about and provide input regarding the Academic Integrity Policy and accompanying procedures.
  • Recommend methods and best practices to mitigate and reduce the impacts of academic misconduct on the Mohawk College community.
  • Advise on the development of strategic communications and resources to enhance academic integrity at Mohawk College.
  • Review annual statistics and communicate them out to the broader Mohawk College community.
  • Serve an advisory role to senior Mohawk College leadership on matters related to the Academic Integrity Policy and related procedures.

6.5.5 Academic Integrity Office Responsibilities

  • Promote academic integrity at Mohawk College.
  • Provide guidance and support to faculty, students, and other members of the Mohawk College community regarding academic integrity, investigations and processing of breaches, related policies and procedures, resources, and best practices.
  • Provide oversight regarding College-wide academic integrity initiatives, academic integrity records management solutions, trend analysis and tracking, and related activities.
  • Lead processes for students who have breached academic integrity and whose outcomes and/or sanctions include remediation.
  • Chair the Academic Integrity Advisory Council.

7. Policy Revision Date

7.1 Policy Review Date

November 2029

7.2 Responsibility

The Academic Integrity Office will initiate the review of this policy every five years or earlier when required.

8. Attachments

9. Specific Links

10. Acknowledgements

Mohawk College would like to acknowledge Conestoga College, Durham College, Fanshawe College, George Brown College, Humber College, Seneca College, and St. Lawrence College whose academic integrity policies and procedures offered guidance for the development of this policy and procedure.

Appendix A - Academic Integrity Procedure

All Mohawk College employees will strive to promote academic integrity and mitigate breaches of academic integrity through best practices in such areas as curriculum and assessment design and delivery, testing protocols, and the use of tools and technologies which may assist in preventing or detecting breaches (e.g. Turnitin). Reviewing student work for academic integrity and questioning students’ submissions upon reasonable suspicions of a breach of academic integrity is an act of due diligence. In submitting their work, students consent to their submission(s) undergoing such review and being subject to related terms and conditions. Specified procedural timelines shall be considered directionary rather than mandatory, and extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstances.

  1. Upon suspicion of a breach of academic integrity, the faculty member will investigate using all available means to determine whether a breach has occurred. Where appropriate, the faculty member will strive to contact the student to share concerns about a suspected breach and provide the student with an opportunity to respond to the concern.
    1. If discovery of the breach is made by someone other than a faculty member (e.g., test proctor), the concern and documented evidence will be provided to the faculty member responsible for the course in which the breach occurred. 
    2. If the breach is related to an academic activity outside of a course, the discoverer of the breach will provide the concern to the Academic Manager (or designate) for the student’s School/Department. 
  2. Upon completion of the investigation, the faculty member will weigh the probability that a breach occurred based on a review of the available information using the balance of probabilities to guide decision-making.
    1. If the available information suggests on the balance of probabilities that a breach has occurred, the faculty member will ascertain from the Registrar’s Office via registrar [at] (registrar[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) whether the student has any prior breaches of academic integrity at Mohawk College. The faculty member will also determine the level of the current breach of academic integrity by referring to Appendix B: Levels of Academic Integrity Breaches, Actions, and Sanctions.
    2. If the available information suggests on the balance of probabilities that no breach had taken place, the matter will be considered resolved and will not be reflected on the student’s record.


    3. Academic behaviours that contravene academic integrity, but do not meet the threshold of a breach, may be addressed as a learning opportunity. Faculty may refer students to the Academic Integrity Office for education on academic integrity. These referrals are not recorded on the student’s record, and no punitive sanctions are applied. There are no disciplinary consequences associated with an Academic Integrity Education Referral and the Academic Appeals policy does not apply to such referrals.
    4. If a faculty member determines that a Level 1 breach has occurred, the faculty member will determine the appropriation action and sanction per Appendix B: Levels of Academic Integrity Breaches, Actions, and Sanctions. If a faculty member intends to apply a course-level punitive sanction in addition to mandatory remediation, the faculty member will determine the appropriate sanction per Appendix B: Levels of Academic Integrity Breaches, Actions, and Sanctions.
      1. The faculty member will complete the appropriate section of the Breach of Academic Integrity Notification form available through the Registrar's Office and specify the course-level sanction being applied.
      2. The faculty member will notify the student in writing through the Breach Notification form submission as well as the sanction(s) being applied. If the student intends to appeal a Level 1 breach and sanction(s), they must do so per the Academic Appeals Policy.
      3. Upon receipt of the Breach of Academic Integrity form, the Registrar’s Office shall refer the student to the Academic Integrity Office for mandatory remediation.
      4. Upon referral, the student shall complete remediation at the direction of the Academic Integrity Office. The student shall inform the appropriate faculty member when they have completed remediation. In instances where the student has not completed the remediation within a specified timeline, additional sanctions may be applied at the discretion of the faculty member.
    5. If a faculty member determines that a Level 1 breach has occurred, the faculty member will determine the appropriate sanction per this policy’s Appendix B: Levels of Academic Integrity Breaches, Actions, and Sanctions.  Such sanctions will be in addition to mandatory remediation.
      1. The faculty member will complete the appropriate section of the Breach of Academic Integrity Notification form available through the Registrar’s Office and specify the course-level sanction being applied. 
      2. The faculty member will notify the student in writing through the Breach of Academic Integrity Notification form submission of the breach as well as the sanction(s) being applied. If the student intends to appeal a Level 1 breach and sanction(s), they must do so per the Academic Appeals Policy.
      3. The Registrar’s Office, Academic Integrity Office and Academic Manager will be copied on the Breach of Academic Integrity Notification form.
      4. Upon receipt of the Breach of Academic Integrity form, the Registrar’s Office shall refer the student to the Academic Integrity Office for mandatory remediation. 
      5. Upon referral, the student shall complete remediation at the direction of the Academic Integrity Office. The student shall inform the appropriate faculty member when they have completed remediation. In instances where the student has not completed the remedial actions within a specified timeline, additional sanctions may be applied at the discretion of the faculty member.
  3. If a faculty member determines that a second or subsequent breach of academic integrity has occurred and/or that a Level 2 or Level 3 breach has occurred, the following will apply:
    1. The faculty member will complete the relevant sections of the Breach of Academic Integrity Notification form, and pass along this form and any relevant additional documentation and/or information relating to the breach to the appropriate Academic Manager.
    2. Upon receiving the breach notification from the faculty, the Academic Manager or designate will arrange to meet with the student to discuss the suspected breach within a reasonable timeframe. If the student does not respond to the request to meet, the Academic Manager or designate will proceed to the next step.
    3. The Academic Manager or designate will refer to Appendix B: Levels of Academic Integrity Breaches, Actions, and Sanctions to determine the appropriate sanction(s). The Academic Manager will communicate the sanction(s) to the student in writing. If the student intends to appeal a Level 2 or Level 3 breach and sanction(s), they must do so as outlined in the Academic Appeals Policy. The Academic Manager will implement the sanction(s) in coordination with the appropriate support area (e.g., Registrar’s Office).
    4. The Academic Manager will also refer the student to the Academic Integrity Office for remediation. Except in instances where the sanction of suspension or expulsion is applied, the student shall complete the required remedial actions within the timeline identified by the Academic Manager. The student will advise the Academic Manager when they have completed remediation. In instances where the student has not completed the remedial actions within the specified timeline, the Academic Manager may consult with the Academic Integrity Office with respect to the application of additional sanctions at the Academic Manager’s discretion.
  4. If the recommended sanction is suspension, expulsion or revocation of credential, the Academic Manager will consult with the Dean of Academic Development and Continuing Education and the Dean of Students prior applying the sanction(s).

Appendix B - Levels of Academic Integrity Breaches, Actions and Sanctions

Level 1

Definition: Level 1 breaches typically occur when students misunderstand proper academic integrity conventions or expectations. Per the academic integrity process, Faculty will refer the student for mandatory remediation and may elect to apply punitive sanctions for Level 1 breaches.


  • Minor instances of plagiarism (e.g., some sections of submitted work copied without citations). The differentiation between minor and major instances of plagiarism will be at the faculty member’s discretion.
  • Minor instances of inappropriate conduct during an assessment (e.g., a brief moment of whispering between two students in a testing environment; or possession - but not use - of unauthorized materials or aids in a test or examination).
  • Minor instances of assisting others in breaching academic integrity (e.g., failing to maintain security of work resulting in others accessing and copying work).
  • Minor instances of unauthorized collaboration (e.g., completing some parts of an individual assignment as a group without authorization from Professor).

Examples of Appropriate Actions and Sanctions (focus is on education and awareness strategies):

  • Referral for Academic Integrity Remediation (Mandatory).
  • Written warning.
  • Reflection on learning after breach.
  • Resubmission of work with appropriate corrections to rectify issue.
  • Reduction, up to zero, for the assessment.

Level 2

Definition: Level 2 breaches are more severe in nature compared to Level 1 breaches. The person has knowingly committed a breach of academic integrity and their conduct presents significant threat to one or more of the values of academic integrity. Per the Academic Integrity Process, Academic Managers or designate will determine actions and sanctions for Level 2 breaches.


  • Repeated Level 1 breaches (if there has been a chance for the student to learn from the sanctions or actions through remediation).
  • Major instances of plagiarism (e.g., almost all content from submitted work has been copied without citations).
  • Major instances of cheating (e.g., sustained whispering between two students on multiple occasions in a testing environment; or use of unauthorized materials or aids in a test of examination). 
  • Major instances of assisting others in breaching academic integrity (e.g., copying from another student or knowingly permitting a student to copy).
  • Major instances of unauthorized collaboration (e.g., completing almost all parts of an individual assignment as a group without authorization from Professor).
  • Cheating.
  • Unauthorized possession or use of academic materials.
  • Participating in unscholarly activities in preparation or completion of academic work.

Examples of Appropriate Actions and Sanctions (focus is on progressive discipline):

  • Referral for Academic Integrity Remediation (Mandatory).
  • Reduction of grade up to zero on the assignment/test/exam with no opportunity to resubmit.
  • Course grade of zero.

Level 3

Definition: Level 3 breaches are deliberate and serious academic integrity incidents. They conflict with multiple values of academic integrity. Per the academic integrity process, Academic Managers or designate will determine actions and sanctions for Level 3 breaches.



  • Repeated Level 2 breaches (if there has been a chance for the student to learn from the sanctions or actions through remediation). 
  • Contract cheating.
  • Improperly gaining access to evaluations prior to scheduled time and date.
  • Falsification of documents.
  • Misrepresentation, fraud, or impersonation.

Examples of Appropriate Actions and Sanctions (focus is on progressive discipline):

  • Referral for Academic Integrity Remediation (Mandatory).
  • A course grade of zero. 
  • Suspension from the program for a specific period during which the student may not enroll in other programs or courses at Mohawk College.
  • Expulsion from the College.
  • Rescinding of credential after issuance.
  • The outcome can be a combination of more than one sanction if the combination does not lead to expulsion. 

Appendix C - Description of Breaches

Description of Breaches
Type of BreachExample(s)
Citation or Reference Errors & Plagiarism
  • Taking credit for others’ work.
  • Submitting files created by others without prior permission (excluding contract cheating, see below).
  • Failing to credit original sources of intellectual property.
  • Copying part or whole sections without reference.
  • Creating fake references or fabrication (e.g., lab results).
  • Submitting multiple copies of same or nearly same work to the same or different courses without explicit written permission from the faculty member(s) (e.g., “self plagiarism”).
Unauthorized Collaboration
  • Completing an assignment in collaboration with others’ help without explicit permission.
  • Completing independent work as a group.
Assisting others in breaching academic integrity
  • Intentionally sharing work with others.
  • Helping others copy or plagiarize.
  • Failing to adequately safeguard or protect own work.
  • Unauthorized possession or use of materials in a testing environment (e.g., copying papers, notes, textbooks brought into testing environments.
  • Using aids or devices (e.g., cell phone, earphones) in testing environments without explicit permission.
  • Knowingly continuing to complete evaluations after time has expired.
Unauthorized possession or use of academic materials
  • Possessing or using materials, resources, technologies, or other sources which are not permitted.
  • Distributing or accessing intellectual property without permission (e.g., Misuse or unauthorized distribution of or access to instructional materials, audio recordings, videos, notes, visuals, instructions, and other related content).
Participating in unscholarly activities in preparation or completion of academic work
  • Altering, sabotaging, or deleting learning materials such as destroying another’s work, removing or destroying course content.
  • Uploading or distributing evaluation or assessment instructions or exemplars, course content, or other forms of College intellectual content without permission (e.g., via social media, “homework help” websites)
Contract cheating
  • Purchasing assignments
  • Submitting evaluation instructions to another person to complete on one’s behalf
  • Having someone else complete one’s assessment.
Improperly gaining access to evaluations prior to scheduled time and date
  • Accessing test banks.
  • Accessing or distributing prior tests or exams.
  • Providing knowledge of evaluation materials to other students (such as for those writing at an alternative time or location).
  • Distributing or posting evaluation instructions for other students.
Falsification of documents
  • Creating, using or submitting fraudulent, false, or misleading documentation for any form of academic advantage (e.g., admissions requirements, credentials, medical documentation).
Misrepresentation, Fraud, or Impersonation
  • Acts or omissions intended to gain advantages for academic activities (e.g., lying to professor to increase grade, falsifying dates of submission for assessments).
  • Impersonating others or having others impersonate for any form of advantage in academic activities.

Appendix D - Description of Sanctions

Resubmission of Work

Student has an opportunity to make appropriate corrections (as applicable) and resubmits same work; or submits alternative assignment/assessment which addresses the issues which caused the original breach (e.g., by adding missing citations). At the discretion of the faculty member, the resubmission may incur an automatic grade reduction.

Grade of Zero for Submission

Student receives a grade of zero for the assignment/assessment with no opportunity to resubmit and no partial marks. This penalty may result in the student failing the course.

Grade of Zero for Course

Student receives a zero for the course which automatically results in a course failure.

Program Suspension

Student is suspended from their program following the meeting with the Dean of Academic Development and Continuing Education and the Dean of Students.  This will also result in a grade of “F” for the course(s) in which the breach occurred and “W” (Withdrawal) for all courses that the student is registered in for that term.  The student shall be eligible for return to the program following the suspension period.

Expulsion from the College

The student is removed from their program and permanently expelled from Mohawk College with no refund issued for any fees incurred. This will also result in a grade of “F” for the course(s) in which the breach occurred and “W” (Withdrawal) for all other courses that the Student is registered in for that term.

Rescinding of Credentials

The student’s credential (e.g., certificate, diploma or degree) obtained during one or more serious breaches of academic integrity can be rescinded. Decision will be in consultation with Registrar and Vice-President Academic.