Approval Authorities for Routine Facility Maintenance Projects Policy

Policy Number: CS-1104-2016
Policy Title: Approval Authorities for Routine Facility Maintenance Projects
Policy Owner: Chief Building and Facilities Officer
Effective Date: September 21, 2016

On this page:

  1. Purpose
  2. Application and Scope
  3. Definitions
  4. Principles
  5. Accountability and Compliance
  6. Rules
  7. Policy Revision Date
  8. Specific Links

1. Purpose

This policy is intended to help preserve the integrity of College Building Assets and the safety of students, staff and visitors to the College. It is the responsibility of Facility Services to protect the physical building assets owned and operated by Mohawk College through efficient operating management and maintenance. The purpose of the policy is to make staff aware that Facility Services is charged with the responsibility to operate, perform routine maintenance and oversee the alteration of the asset from time to time through renovations or other means.

This policy is to inform occupants not to undertake routine maintenance, additions, alterations or renovations to existing buildings.  Any alterations not related to routine facility maintenance can be requested through the use of the Facilities Work Requisition.


2. Application and Scope

This policy applies to all faculty and staff and includes projects using funds under the administration of the College. It applies to all maintenance projects undertaken at Fennell, Stoney Creek, and IAHS campuses as well as contractors engaged by occupants.


3. Definitions

‘Alterations’ includes, but is not limited to, all construction that alters the current state of the facility through; configuration, fabrication, modification, removal, or installation of hardware and equipment; signs; erection, relocation, or removal of partitions, doors, and windows; and changes in type of finishes and flooring materials.

‘Project’ is the total scope of work that is required to meet the needed modifications, upgrades, additions, alterations, or renovations to existing buildings. It might require the engagement of different vendors with different expertise with separate Contracts or Purchase Orders for each vendor.

‘Routine Facility Maintenance’ is work required to maintain the current state of an existing asset, feature or facility.


4. Principles

The College recognizes its responsibility to ensure the integrity in all matters relating to using physical/capital/external resources for additions, alterations or renovations to existing buildings and site services.


5. Accountability and Compliance

5.1 Accountability Framework

This policy has been approved by the Senior Leadership Team.

5.2 Compliance

The Chief Building & Facilities Officer is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of this policy and ensuring compliance in consultation with the College’s Occupational Health & Safety Consultant, when applicable.

A number of Provincial, Federal and local regulations, bylaws and codes govern the actions of the Facilities Services Department, helping the College provide a safe environment for all occupants. Some of these regulating groups include the Ontario Health & Safety Act, Ontario Fire Marshall’s Office, Ontario Building Code and the local Hamilton Building Department, local Fire Dept., Elevating Devices Act, Boiler and Pressure Vessels Act, CSA, ESA, TSSA etc.


6. Rules

6.1 Requesting Maintenance, Alterations, or Repairs

Staff and contractors contemplating a change or alteration to the physical building asset will be required to submit a Facilities Work Requisition. Facility Services staff will review all Work Requisitions submitted to the Facility Services Department and return comments if necessary when clarification is required. If the requisitioning department is required to fund the work, (for items considered non-maintenance), an estimate will be forwarded before work begins requesting an account number for charge backs to the requisitioning Department.

Routine facility maintenance or repair requests can be submitted, through email, to the Facility Services Admin team to be entered into the software based work request ticketing system.

6.2 Overall Budget for Individual Project Approval

The overall project budget for individual maintenance projects, including any changes to buildings or building systems, requires approval/signatures as defined by the Mohawk College Procurement Directive and in adherence with the Approval of Capital, Renovation and Maintenance Projects and Financial Reporting and Safekeeping of Capital Assets Policies.

Individual faculties and departments may not approve or undertake maintenance projects without the approval of Facility Services.

6.3 Appointment of Architects and Professional Consultants Approval

The appointment of architects and professional consultants are confirmed by contract and Purchase Order.
All requests for proposals for architects or engineering or other design professionals must be initiated through Facility Services. Contracts with architectural and engineering or other design professionals must be administered and managed by Facility Services.

6.4 Facility Maintenance, Construction and Renovation Tenders

All tenders shall be administered as per the Mohawk College Procurement Directive.

6.5 Award of Contracts/Issuing Purchase Orders for Contractors

The award of contracts for maintenance projects must be authorized as indicated in the Mohawk College Procurement Directive.


7. Policy Revision Date

7.1 Revision Date

September 2019

7.2 Responsibility

The Chief Building and Facilities Officer will review this policy every three years or earlier when required.


8. Specific Links