Policy Number: AS-2104-2007
Policy Title: Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Animals Policy
Policy Owner: Vice President – Academic
Effective Date:
Last Revised:
On this page:
- Purpose
- Application and Scope
- Definitions
- Principles
- Accountability and Compliance
- Rules
- Policy Revision Date
- Attachments
- Specific Links
1. Purpose
This policy outlines the College’s official position on the ethical use of animals in research.
2. Application and Scope
This policy applies to all research involving animals conducted at, or under, the auspices of Mohawk College. This includes staff in the Academic and Support Staff bargaining units, sessional and part time staff, administrative staff, consultants, students conducting research as a requirement in their academic program and all other persons (researchers) conducting research at and/or under the auspices of Mohawk College.
Research involving animals requires approval of the employee's direct supervisor and the Research Ethics Board.
3. Definitions
“Animal” refers to any living non-human vertebrate and any living invertebrate of the class cephalopoda, including free-living and reproducing larval forms used for research, teaching, breeding, or testing purposes.
4. Principles
In Canada, animals used in research must be cared for and maintained in accordance with applicable laws, and requirements outlined by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC): Ethical Review of Research Involving Animals the Canadian Council on Animal Care, g and the Animals for Research Act. This policy has been developed to comply with eligibility requirements of federal funding agencies – NSERC, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) - concerning the ethical use of animals in research.
5. Accountability and Compliance
5.1 Accountability Framework
This policy has been approved by the Senior Leadership Team.
5.2 Compliance
The Vice President, Academic is responsible for implementing this policy, monitoring its effectiveness and reviewing this policy on an annual basis or more frequently as necessary.
Supervisors are responsible for departmental compliance with this policy. All employees in engaging in research with animals must seek approval prior to research commencing and are responsible for compliance with this policy.
6. Rules
Mohawk College subscribes to the humane treatment of all animals used in research Act.
Mohawk College employees and students will implement care and practices consistent with all legislative and regulatory requirements.
Individuals responsible for supervising, conducting or working in areas where such research is conducted will adhere to appropriate Occupational Health and Safety Act requirements, policies and procedures.
Review and adhere to the standards outlined in the NSERC: Ethical Review of Research Involving Animals the Canadian Council on Animal Care, and the Animals for Research Act. approval from your direct supervisor prior to research proposal, grant submission and/or the beginning of the research project.
Adhere to all other college research policies and procedures.
7. Policy Revision Date
7.1 Revision Date
October 2029
7.2 Responsibility
The Vice President, Academic will review this policy every 5 years or earlier, where required.
8. Attachments
Space left intentionally blank.
9. Specific Links
AS-2103-2007 Administration of Research Grants and Contracts Policy
AS-2105-2007 Integrity in Research and Scholarship Policy
GC-4302-2021 Animals on Campus Policy
Mohawk College Research Ethics Board
Animals for Research, Government of Ontario
NSERC - ARCHIVED - Schedule 3: Ethical Review of Research Involving Animals