Contents of and Access to Personnel Files Policy

Policy number: CS-1301-2013
Policy title: Contents of and Access to Personnel Files
Policy owner: Chief Human Resources Officer
Effective Date: April 17, 2013
Revision Date: December 19, 2017

On this page:

  1. Purpose
  2. Application and Scope
  3. Definitions
  4. Principles
  5. Accountability and Compliance
  6. Rules
  7. Viewing the Personnel File
  8. Policy Revision Date
  9. Specific Links
  10. Contents of and Access to Personal File Procedure

1. Purpose

The purpose is to identify what is contained in an employee’s Personnel file and set rules regarding employee access to these files.


2. Application and Scope

This policy applies to all Personnel files created and retained by the Human Resources Branch.


3. Definitions

“Personnel file” refers to the file created for each College employee that is retained in the Human Resources Branch. Personnel files will contain copies of all documentation relating to employment including, but not limited to: documentation relating to pay, benefits, pension, terms of employment, resume, signed contract of employment, performance documentation, disciplinary letters, career development records and attendance.


4. Principles

The College recognizes the need for clarity regarding the content of personnel files and a consistent process for employees to follow when requesting access to the Personnel files maintained by the Human Resources Branch.


5. Accountability and Compliance

5.1 Accountability Framework

This policy has been approved by the Senior Leadership Team.

5.2 Compliance

The Chief Human Resources Officer is authorized to ensure that the information within this policy is applied and that all actions comply with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) as well as any additional applicable provincial legislation and Collective Agreements.


6. Rules

Personnel files are the property of the College. An employee who would like to review their Personnel file must contact the Human Resources Branch to make an appointment. Appointments will be scheduled within 14 working days after the request to access a Personnel file has been received by the Human Resources Branch. Employees are accountable for sharing copies of relevant credentials with their manager for inclusion in their personnel file.

No information contained in the Personnel file shall be released or made available to an external organization without the written consent of the employee, except where required by law.

Access to a complete Personnel file is restricted to the auditors and staff who administer employment, benefits and compensation policies or where otherwise requirement by law. If a Manager has an operational need for information from an employee’s file, the Manager will be given access to the relevant information by the Human Resources Branch.


7. Viewing the Personnel File

A member of the Human Resources Branch must be present when the employee is viewing their Personnel file. Employees are able to request copies of any documents within their Personnel file. Under no circumstances will employees be permitted to remove or alter their Personnel file or any documents located within.


8. Policy Revision Date

8.1 Revision Date

December 2020

8.2 Responsibility

The Chief Human Resources Officer is responsible for reviewing this policy every three years or earlier when required.


9. Specific Links

Contents of and Access to Personal File Procedure

Purpose, Application and Scope

The purpose of Mohawk College’s Contents of and Access to Personnel File Procedure is to provide direction regarding adding materials to and accessing materials within an employee’s personnel file.


Contents of Personnel File

Materials that an employee would like included in their personnel file must be provided to their manager for approval. The manager, upon approval, will provide the materials to their Human Resources Consultant who will work with the HR Assistant to have the items added to the personnel file.

Copies of the following documents will automatically be placed into an employee’s personnel file:

  1. Project Management Learning Plan
  2. Employment Contracts
  3. Application Form
  4. Resume
  5. Performance Review
  6. Credentials


Accessing Personnel File

Employees who would like to view their file are to contact the Human Resources & Labour Relations Assistant to schedule an appointment.

Employees who would like a copy of their personnel file must complete the Employee Request for a Copy of Personnel File form (available on the Human Resources tab of MyMohawk) and submit the form to the Human Resources office. After receipt of the signed form, the Human Resources and Labour Relations Assistant will contact the employee to advise them when the file will be ready for pick up. Employees will be required to show their Mohawk ID before the copy of the personnel file will be released.