Fleet Management Policy

Policy Number: CS-1208-2017

Policy Title: Fleet Management Policy

Policy Owner: Chief Business Officer

Effective Date:

Last Revised:

On this page:

  1. Purpose
  2. Application and Scope
  3. Definitions
  4. Principles
  5. Accountability and Compliance
  6. Rules
  7. Policy Revision
  8. Attachments
  9. Specific Links

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to guide the operation of College vehicles for approved business activities. It outlines procedures for vehicle procurement, maintenance, shared usage, emission reduction, disposal, servicing, and driver training. The purpose of this policy is to guide the operation of College vehicles for approved business activities. It outlines procedures for vehicle procurement, maintenance, shared usage, emission reduction, disposal, servicing, and driver training.

2. Application and Scope

This policy governs the acquisition, utilization, upkeep, and disposal of all College vehicles — encompassing private passenger, light commercial, and heavy commercial vehicles — operated by authorized drivers.

3. Definitions

Authorized Driver(s)” refers to College employees who fulfill the stipulations detailed in Section 6.1. These individuals are insured under the College's automobile policy and are granted the privilege to drive after completing mandatory driver training.

College Business” denotes activities executed in line with official or sanctioned College operations.

College Vehicle(s)” encompasses all license-plated vehicles, such as cars, trucks, and vans, either owned or leased by the College.

Corporate Fleet Card” means a designated credit card for College vehicles, permitting Financial Managers and authorized drivers to incur expenses linked to their respective vehicles. Acceptable expenses include fuel, solvents, routine maintenance, and urgent repairs.

Financial Manager” means an administrative employee of the College, holding a full-time position, who bears financial responsibility for the vehicles within their department.

4. Principles

The core aim of this policy is to provide transportation solutions that are safe, dependable, cost-effective, and environmentally conscientious, aligning with departmental needs while preserving the value and longevity of the vehicles.

  • The safety and efficient operation of College vehicles are paramount. The College employs telematics devices to monitor its fleet, improving safety and vehicle management.
  • The College is committed to maintaining vehicles in safe operating condition, with regular inspections and servicing.
  • A structured penalty system is in place to address violations, with written notices and disciplinary actions for failure to comply.

5. Accountability and Compliance

5.1 Accountability Framework

This policy has been approved by the Senior Leadership Team.

5.2 Compliance

The Chief Business Services Officer is responsible for overseeing the policy's effectiveness and ensuring adherence. For environmental assessments related to fleet acquisitions and other pertinent fleet considerations, consultation with the Sustainability Office will be sought as necessary.

6. Rules

6.1 Authorized Drivers

  • Eligibility for Insurance: Mohawk College employees (conducting official College business as authorized drivers are covered by the College's insurance policy. Departments must ensure that only authorized drivers operate College vehicles.
  • License Requirements: Authorized drivers must hold a valid G Class driver's license. G1 and G2 licenses are generally not permitted, but G2 drivers may be granted exceptions with written approval from the Chief Business Services Officer.
  • Application Process: Individuals must submit the 'Authorized Driver Application' (Attachment 1) to the Manager of Risk, Legal, and Governance Services (or designate). After evaluation, Financial Managers will be informed in writing about the driver's authorization status.
  • Driver Database: A centralized 'Authorized Driver Database' will be maintained, including names, license details, and authorization approvals. This database will be reviewed annually by the Manager of Risk, Legal, and Governance Services (or designate).
  • License Changes: Drivers must report any non-renewal, suspension, or revocation of their licenses immediately and stop operating College vehicles. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary actions, including termination.
  • Suspension of Driving Privileges: The Chief Business Services Officer may suspend or revoke driving privileges due to unsafe operation or other justifiable reasons.

6.2 Traffic Violations and Unsafe Driving Practices

To ensure the safety of drivers, passengers, and the community, all authorized drivers are required to operate vehicles in a safe manner and in accordance with all traffic rules, laws, and by-laws.  

The following activities are strictly prohibited:

  •  Excessive Speeding: Driving at speeds exceeding the posted legal limits or at speeds deemed unsafe for current road or weather conditions.

  • Traffic Signal Violations: Running red lights or stop signs, failing to yield the right of way, or ignoring other posted traffic signs.

  • Reckless or Aggressive Driving: Includes unsafe lane changes, tailgating, weaving through traffic, or driving in a manner that endangers others on the road.

  • Illegal Turns: Making turns at prohibited intersections or without signaling properly.

  • Use of Handheld Devices: Use of mobile phones or other electronic devices while operating the vehicle, in a manner not permitted by law.

  • Improper Use of College Vehicles: Using College vehicles for personal use or non-sanctioned activities without explicit approval.

  • Driving Under the Influence (DUI): Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  • Hit and Run: Failing to stop after being involved in an accident.

  • Driving with a Suspended or Revoked License: Operating a College vehicle with an invalid, suspended, or revoked license.

  • Excessive Recklessness: Engaging in dangerous driving behavior that poses an immediate threat to public safety.

  • Any other violation of any traffic rule or law found under municipal by-law or regulation, or provincial or federal law or regulation.
    The General Counsel and Corporate Secretary Department maintains a database of authorized College drivers containing the following information:

6.2.1 Consequence of Non-Compliance

Authorized users who fail to drive in a safe manner and in accordance with all traffic rules, laws, and by-laws may be subject to progressive discipline, including the temporary or permanent suspension of a driver’s authorization to operate a College vehicle.  

6.2.2 Monitoring and Reporting

  • Telematics and Traffic Management Systems: College vehicles are equipped with telematics systems that monitor driving behaviours such as speeding, hard braking, rapid acceleration, and other unsafe practices. These systems also include location tracking to monitor vehicle routes, usage, and ensure efficient fleet management. Reports generated from telematics system will be regularly reviewed by the Business Services Department.
  • Law Enforcement Reports: All traffic tickets or citations issued to drivers operating College vehicles must be reported immediately to their supervisor. Failure to disclose such violations will result in further disciplinary actions.

6.2.3 Appeals Process

Drivers who feel that penalties were unjustly applied may appeal their case. Appeals should be submitted in writing to the Manager of Risk, Legal, and Governance Services (or designate) within five business days of receiving the notice of violation. The appeal will be reviewed by a committee composed of the driver’s supervisor, the Manager of Risk, Legal (or designate), and Governance Services, and the Chief Business Services Officer. The committee will review the telematics data and/or incident reports before making a final decision. The outcome of the appeal is final and binding.

6.3 Driver's Responsibilities

  • Adherence to Road Regulations: Drivers are required to comply with the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) in Ontario or the applicable road safety legislation in the jurisdiction where they are driving.
  • Accident Reporting: Report any accidents immediately to the Chief Business Services Officer via email at fleetbooking [at] mohawkcollege.ca (fleetbooking[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca).
  • Vehicle Inspection: Complete a vehicle inspection before each use, ensuring the vehicle is in good working order.
  • Driving Practices: Limit driving to 10 hours per day with a 30-minute break every 4 hours.
  • Environmental Considerations: Operate vehicles in an eco-friendly manner, minimizing fuel consumption and emissions.
  • Personal Fines: Drivers are required to personally cover any fines or penalties incurred from traffic violations, including parking tickets, speeding tickets, or other moving violations. The College will not bear the costs of any legal fees or fines related to traffic infractions.

6.4 Passengers

Passengers are only allowed in College vehicles for official business purposes or with prior written approval from the Chief Business Services Officer.  Students are not permitted in College vehicles, except for those who are employed by the College and are using the vehicle as part of their official duties.

6.5 Vehicle Acquisition

All College vehicles must be purchased or leased according to the Procurement Policy and managed by the Manager Procurement Services. The acquisition of vehicles must:

  • Be supported by a business case.
  • Be approved by the Capital Planning Committee and the VP, Corporate Services.

6.6 Vehicle Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is essential for vehicle safety and efficiency. The Business Services Department will:

  • Establish a maintenance schedule for each fleet vehicle.
  • Arrange for all necessary repairs and inspections at authorized service centers.
  • Keep accurate records of all maintenance, inspections, and repairs for a period of seven years.
  • Notify Financial Managers when vehicle maintenance is due.

Drivers must:

  • Complete the Vehicle Inspection Form after each usage.
  • Report any vehicle safety concerns immediately to the Business Services Department.
  • Discontinue the use of any vehicle that is deemed unsafe for operation until it is cleared by a service center.

6.7 Use of the College Corporate Fleet Card

All expenses related to the operation and maintenance of fleet vehicles must be purchased using the corporate fleet card. Eligible expenses include:

  • Fuel purchases,
  • Emergency maintenance and repairs,
  • Windshield washer fluid and solvents.

Each person signing out a vehicle will be issued with a corporate fleet card, which includes an associated PIN that will be provided to the cardholder. This PIN must be used to authorize transactions on the fleet card. The Business Services Department is responsible for monitoring the use of the College Corporate Fleet Card.

6.8 Vehicle Disposal

Vehicles will be replaced according to the following criteria:

  • Passenger vehicles: Replaced every nine years or 150,000 kilometers, whichever comes first.
  • Trucks and light commercial vehicles: Replaced every ten years or 175,000 kilometers, whichever comes first.

The disposal process will follow the Moveable Capital Asset Disposal Procedures located in the Financial Reporting and Safekeeping of Capital Assets Policy, and must be initiated by the Financial Manager responsible for the vehicle.

6.9 Commercial Vehicle Operator's Registration (CVOR)

For all commercial vehicles, the College will maintain a valid Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration (CVOR). This certificate must be kept in the vehicle at all times, and its renewal is managed annually by the Business Services Department.

6.10 Accident Reporting

Each College vehicle must carry an Accident Reporting Guide. In the event of an accident:

  • Drivers must follow the procedures in the guide and report the incident immediately to the Business Department and the Financial Manager.
  • Any costs associated with accidents, including insurance deductibles, will be charged to the department responsible for the vehicle.

6.11 License Plate and Insurance Renewals

The Business Services Department is responsible for coordinating the renewal of license plates and vehicle insurance annually. These expenses will be charged to a centralized Fleet budget.

6.12 Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

To accommodate electric and hybrid vehicles, the College will ensure that there is sufficient charging infrastructure available for all fleet vehicles requiring charging. Additional charging spaces will also be available for College students and employees.

6.13 Anti-Idling

To reduce emissions, vehicles must not be left idling unless necessary for safety or operational reasons. The maximum allowable idling time based on outdoor temperature is as follows:

Temperature (°C)

Maximum Idle Time

5 - 25

No idling
-5 to 0 / 25 to 301-2 minutes
Below -5 / Above 303-10 minutes

Idling is not permitted in indoor garages or facilities. Drivers must turn off the engine if the vehicle is left unattended for more than 2 minutes.

6.14 Shared Vehicle Program

College vehicles managed by the Business Services Department are available for use by authorized drivers through the Shared Vehicle Program. These vehicles can be used at no cost to the driver’s department, provided that the use aligns with College business objectives and is deemed cost-effective. All fuel and maintenance services for shared vehicles must be conducted using the corporate fleet card, and Business Services is responsible for regular maintenance of shared vehicles.

7. Policy Revision

7.1 Revision Date

November 2029

7.2 Responsibility

The Chief Business Services Officer will review this policy every five years or earlier when required, to ensure it remains up-to-date with evolving vehicle regulations, technology, and sustainability practices.

8. Attachments

Attachment 1 - Authorized Driver Application

9. Specific Links

CS-1005-2014 Financial Reporting and Safekeeping of Capital Assets Policy

CS-1202-2011 Procurement Policy