Program Advisory Committees Policy

Policy Number: AS-2001-2008

Policy Title: Program Advisory Committees Policy

Policy Owner: Vice President Academic

Effective Date:

Last Revised:

On this page:

  1. Purpose
  2. Application and Scope
  3. Definitions
  4. Principles
  5. Accountability and Compliance
  6. Rules
  7. Policy Revision Date
  8. Specific Links

1. Purpose

This policy outlines the College position on Program Advisory Committees and describes procedures for their effective operation.


2. Application and Scope

This policy applies to all Ontario credential programs offered by Mohawk College and approved by the Ministry of Colleges, and Universities (MCU). The policy supports the College Board of Governors’ responsibility for program quality.


3. Definitions

“Common Semester” means two programs with the same courses that are delivered in the same semester.

“Pathways” refers to the ability for students to move from one program to another program, in particular with the ability to enter the new program at a higher semester than the first semester.

“Vocational Learning Outcomes” means that each program has an approved set of vocational learning outcomes which describe what a student will know, understand or be able to demonstrate at the completion of the program.


4. Principles

  1. Ongoing input from industry and the community is essential for maintaining the relevance of college programming, maintaining and ensuring that Mohawk College graduates are well prepared for employment.
  2. The Ministry of Colleges and Universities Binding Policy Directive Framework for Programs of Instruction (rev. 2009), states that the Board of Governors is responsible for ensuring that Program Advisory Committees are established to provide advice and guidance on program quality issues.
  3. This policy has been developed in accordance with that Binding Directive, Mohawk College Board of Governors By-law No. 1 and Board of Governors Policy D04: Program Advisory Committees.


5. Accountability and Compliance

5.1 Accountability Framework

This policy has been approved by the Senior Leadership Team.

5.2 Compliance

The Vice President, Academic is responsible for monitoring compliance to this policy and updating the policy as required.


6. Rules

  1. The establishment and ongoing operations of all Program Advisory Committees will comply with the Board of Governors Bylaw 1 (Section 16 and Appendix 3) and Board of Governors Policy D04: Program Advisory Committees.
  2. A decision to establish one Program Advisory Committee for a cluster of programs must consider the following factors:
    1. The extent to which the programs are clustered by way of common semesters and/or courses. As a guideline, programs will have at least one common semester.
    2. The extent to which there are clear pathways between the clustered programs. For example, a diploma level program that allows graduates to enter into semester five of an advanced diploma program.
    3. The extent to which the vocational learning outcomes for the clustered programs are equivalent.
    4. The extent to which the membership of the committee would be duplicated if there were separate advisory committees. (i.e. drawing on the same organizations and even the same people for multiple PACs)
  3. New program proposals sent to the Board of Governors for approval must demonstrate Program Advisory Committee support. Where appropriate, existing Program Advisory Committees will be used to accommodate the development of new programs.
  4. As required by the MCU Framework for programs of instruction, Program Advisory Committees will be made up of a cross section of persons external to the college who have a direct interest in and a diversity of experience and expertise related to the particular occupational area addressed by the program.


7. Policy Revision Date

7.1 Revision Date

March 2029

7.2 Responsibility

This policy will be reviewed and updated every five years or earlier if required.


8. Attachments

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9. Specific Links