Policy Number: SS-3103-2009
Policy Title: Program Promotion and Graduation Requirements Policy
Policy Owner: Registrar
Effective Date:
Last Revised:
On this page:
- Purpose
- Application and Scope
- Definitions
- Principles
- Accountability and Compliance
- Rules
- Policy Revision Date
- Attachments
- Specific Links
1. Purpose
This policy outlines requirements related to program progression and graduation. Mohawk College is committed to a consistent, equitable and transparent process that facilitates students’ progression through their chosen Program of Studies to graduation.
2. Application and Scope
This policy applies to all credentialed programs offered by the College in alignment with the Ontario Qualifications Framework. Where indicated, some policy provisions are also applicable to applied degree programs. College policies and procedures related to progression and promotion have been developed in accordance with the College’s commitment to excellence and the requirements of the Ministry.
3. Definitions
“Academic Manager” means a managerial employee who performs administrative duties with oversight of academic activities in each Department or School, typically an Associate Dean. The Academic Manager may assign part or all responsibilities for discharging the duties of this policy to an alternative administrator or designate (e.g., Program Manager) as required.
“Academic Standing” means how/if the student progresses to the next semester; may also be referred to as Promotion Status.
"Convocation" means the College's formal ceremony for Graduation.
“Course Grade” means the course-specific grade that can be used to determine promotion within the context of the POS.
“Credential” refers to the recognition of a program completion under the Ontario Qualifications Framework including micro-credentials, certificates, diplomas, and degrees.
“Credentials Framework” refers to Appendix A: Credentials Framework of the Minister’s Binding Policy Directive for Framework for Programs of Instruction, Issued: April 1, 2003, as amended.
“Graduation” means the act of receiving an academic credential.
“Ministry” means the Ministry of Colleges and Universities in the province of Ontario.
“Passing Grade” means the consistent, college-wide course pass, or specific exempt course/program pass grade as approved by the college.
“Program of Studies” (POS) means an official list of all the required courses and work integrated learning components within all semesters or levels of an approved degree, diploma, or certificate program (developed in compliance with standards established by the Ministry) successful completion of which leads to a Credential (as defined herein).
“Semester” means a portion of an academic year, the time during which an educational institution holds courses.
“Semester Promotion” means the Weighted Grade Point Average that needs to be achieved within the semester of the POS in order to progress to the next academic semester.
“Weighted Grade Point Average” (WGPA) means a representation of student academic achievement that is calculated using the following formula:
- The sum of the percentage grades multiplied by the credit value and divided by the sum of the credits for the courses taken as defined by the Program of Studies.
Courses for which no numeric grade is assigned (e.g., E, CR, AU, R) are not considered in the calculation of the Weighted Grade Point Average.
4. Principles
Promotion and Graduation requirements will be developed in a manner that supports student success. Alterations from established college practices will only be made to align with Ministerial and accreditation requirements, while ensuring equity across academic areas in the application of promotion process.
5. Accountability and Compliance
5.1 Accountability Framework
This policy has been approved by the Senior Leadership Team.
5.2 Compliance
The Registrar’s Office is responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy and updating the policy every 5 years or earlier as required.
6. Rules
6.1 Semester Promotion
Advancement from one semester to the next is determined by the student’s Academic Standing. Students receive an official communication via their College email address with their Academic Standing, next steps and resources. Academic Standing falls within one of the following categories:
6.1.2 Promote with Good Standing
A WGPA greater than or equal to 60% (semester promotion grade), with no failures, students in this status will be allowed to progress from one semester to the next.
6.1.3 Promote with Advice
A WGPA greater than or equal to 50%, with no more than one failure. Provided that prerequisites are met, students in this situation may continue into the next term but are strongly encouraged to seek academic advice.
6.1.4 Probation
A WGPA greater than or equal to 50% with more than one failure, students in this status are placed on probation. Students are encouraged to seek academic supports to understand the courses they have not successfully completed and their path forward. Provided that prerequisites are met, students in this situation may continue into the next term.
6.1.5 Compulsory Withdrawal
Students with a WGPA less than 50% will be withdrawn from the program and be required to meet with their Program Coordinator if in an upper semester, or an Admissions member if in the first semester to be considered for readmission.
6.2 Requirements for Graduation
The completion of all academic and practical requirements of the current POS, within twice the normal and original length of the program, and an overall minimum WGPA of 60% is required to graduate.
Timelines to complete programs which are suspended or cancelled operate under the Ministry Binding Policy, Program Suspension and Cancellation: Operating Procedure.
Where courses have been repeated, the highest course grade will be used in the calculation. Exceptions to these graduation requirements require the review and approval of the Registrar.
The completion of all academic and practical requirements in a POS must also be in alignment with Prior Learning and Recognition (PLAR) and Credit Transfer policies.
To qualify for a Credential, students using credit for prior learning must complete at least 25% of the program requirements at the College. To be eligible for graduation, all students must meet the 25% residency requirements and receive a WGPA above 60% for courses completed at the College.
When students are completing Mohawk College courses through distance education at another college, residency requirements will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
6.2.1 Credentials
The College assigns credentials for all programs consistent with the Ontario Qualifications Framework as issued by the Ministry.
6.2.2 Awarding of a Second Credential
The College understands that a student’s academic path may change during the course of their studies, recognition on multiple program completion will follow the following rules:
- A student who has completed one credential at the College and wants to apply completed courses toward a second credential, in a related or unrelated program of study, must meet the admission requirements for the second program and complete all outstanding courses and requirements of the current POS for the new program.
- A student who has left the College without completing a credential and returns to complete a new credential may be eligible to apply to graduate from both credentials at the same ceremony; the student must meet the requirements of the current POS for the previous program.
A student who has completed a program and received the highest level of a credential in a program of study does not qualify to receive credentials at a subordinate level (e.g. student completes a degree and in doing so has completed the POS of a one-year certificate, student would receive the degree).
6.2.3 Alternate Credentials
Where a student has left or changed their program, they may be eligible to be awarded an alternate Credential (e.g. a student moves to a one-year certificate from a two-year diploma).
To be considered for an alternate Credential:
- the program must be an active Ministry-approved program that is currently offered by the College, and
- the student must also complete the Application to Graduate process and meet all Graduation eligibility requirements.
6.3 Special Training Programs
A Mohawk College “Acknowledgement of Completion” may be issued to acknowledge the completion of a special training or upgrading programs, where program outcomes do not meet the requirements of the Ministry’s Credentials Framework. The Academic Manager (or designate) will present the acknowledgement to the student.
6.4 Posthumous Award of Credentials
A Mohawk College Credential may be awarded posthumously to students in good academic standing, who have successfully completed at least 75% of their program requirements. The Dean of Students and the Registrar (or designate) will undertake a review to verify eligibility for Graduation and will communicate the outcome of the review to the Dean of the Academic area.
The Registrar has the authority to grant exceptions to the 75% completion of the program requirements.
6.5 External Accreditation
There are times where, in certain programs, graduation requirements may not align to external accreditation/examination requirements. A review of a student’s academic standing can be requested by the Academic Manager (or designate) in such situations. Should changes to program completion be required to align to external requirements, the Academic Manager will begin this review in consultation with Academic Quality and the Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation.
7. Policy Revision Date
7.1 Revision Date
September 2029
7.2 Responsibility
The Registrar will be responsible for reviewing this policy every five (5) years or as required.
8. Attachments
Space intentionally left blank.
9. Specific Links
SS-3105-2009 Academic Appeals Policy
AS-2002-2014 Credit Transfer, Educational Pathways and Articulation Agreements Policy
SS-3104-2009 Grading and Transcripts Policy
AS-2004-2007 Program Curriculum Policy
SS-3003-2008 Program of Studies Policy
SS-3100-2008 Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR) Policy
AS-2007-2014 Student Assessment Policy