Policy Number: AS-2000-2013
Policy Title: Program Quality Policy
Policy Owner: Vice President, Academic
Effective Date:
Last Revised:
On this page:
- Purpose
- Application and Scope
- Definitions
- Principles
- Accountability and Compliance
- Rules
- Policy Revision Date
- Attachments
- Specific Links
1. Purpose
This Policy provides an overarching framework for developing and delivering quality academic programming and maintaining exemplary academic standards. The Policy details critical processes that support academic quality and demonstrate the College’s commitment to continuous improvement and alignment with Ministry standards and directives.
2. Application and Scope
This Policy applies to all academic programs offered by Mohawk College. Review processes may be modified for programs requiring external accreditation, as well as for degree programs, apprenticeship programs, local College certificate programs, and non-postsecondary programs.
3. Definitions
“Annual Program Review” is the process used to review and revise curriculum based on the College’s strategic directions, feedback from faculty, Program Advisory Committee members, students, administration, and the analysis of relevant data. Annual Program Review is also referred to as Curriculum Committee.
“Comprehensive Program Review” refers to a cyclical program quality review conducted every five to seven years for all College programs. This review, which builds on the annual review, assesses each program against established quality criteria.
“Conventional Programs” are programs that either have provincial program standards, are offered by other Ontario colleges and typically leading to an Ontario Credential under the Ontario Qualifications Framework (OQF).
"Essentiality" refers to the importance of the program to the overall Strategic Plan and direction of the institution. Programs will be considered essential if they are:
- core to the brand and focus of the College; or
- serve to support and enhance a prominent and distinguishing aspect of the communities we serve.
“Experiential Learning” (EL) is an educational activity facilitated and supported by the College through which students learn while doing. Students participate in workplaces, or simulated workplaces, where they are exposed to authentic professional demands and expectations. The goal of an EL experience is to improve students’ employability and interpersonal skills and to support their transition to the workforce.
“Innovative Programs” are programs that the college intends to deliver in a unique way and/or programs that require a rapid development process to meet emerging needs of the marketplace.
“Program cancellation” is a permanent decision before the start of the application cycle, to no longer offer the program at the College. This decision requires endorsement by the Board of Governors as well as the Vice President, Academic and other internal College committees including PDRC and SEM Steering. Final program cancellations will be reported to the Ministry and reflected in PHAAM.
“Program Funding Approval and Administration Module” (PFAAM) is the platform for new program approvals and changes as maintained by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.
“Program intake suspension” is a decision, during an application cycle, to not admit first year/semester 1 students for a specific intake. Students in progress within the program will be supported for completion. This decision does not constitute a final decision to suspend or cancel a program.
“Program Modification” is the revitalization strategy that involves implementation of program-specific changes intended to enhance the viability and/or relevance of the program. Program Modifications may result from provincially mandated changes to standards, feedback from industry or the Program Advisory Committee.
“Program suspension” is a decision, before the start of the application cycle, to not to admit first year/semester 1 students into a program with the intention of suspending and possibly cancelling the program. Full program suspensions will be reported to the Ministry and reflected in PHAAM.
“Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) Steering Committee” is the committee that is responsible for overseeing the strategic enrolment plan for the College and resources to enable strategy and annual SEM Plan.
4. Principles
4.1. Mohawk College is committed to academic programming excellence.
4.2. All Ontario college certificate, diploma, advanced diploma and graduate certificate programs offered by the College will conform to the Minister’s Binding Policy Directive Framework for Programs of Instruction, the Ontario College Quality Assurance Service Credentials Framework, college system standards, programming principles, and external accrediting bodies where applicable.
4.3. Programs developed and delivered by the College will maintain consistency with published Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) program standards and titling principles where they exist.
4.4. Mohawk is committed to embedding Experiential Learning opportunities for students within each program of study as per the requirements of the SMA-3.
4.5. Comprehensive Program Review is a critical quality assurance strategy, enabling the College to ensure that the content and delivery of academic programs continue to be responsive, current, and relevant.
4.6. The College is committed to regular review, restructuring, reorganization and enhancement of the academic programming mix as an essential strategy to keep pace with demographic shifts, changing employment trends, global competition and student and employer needs.
4.7. The Program Suspension, Cancelation, and Re-activation Procedure integrates strategic, transparent, consultative, and evidence-based approaches into the decision-making process. The goal of these processes is to maintain a credential mix that enhances the College’s academic strengths and financial viability, while limiting adverse effects of such decisions on College employees, current and future students, industry partners, and employers.
5. Accountability and Compliance
5.1 Accountability Framework
This policy has been approved by the Senior Leadership Team.
5.2 Compliance
The Vice President, Academic is responsible for monitoring compliance to this policy and updating the policy as required.
6. Rules
A. New Programs - Program Development
The following will apply for all program development:
1. New Program Strategy
The College will develop and annually review and revise a new program strategy that includes:
- Identification of key applicants, demographic needs analysis by industry sector and market need
- Opportunities to leverage online modalities, blended learning, partnerships, applied research infrastructure and other faculty assets.
- Links to the College’s strategic plan, academic plan and brand.
- Program portfolio development planning as opposed to one-off program development. This planning may include student pathways and partnerships as well as program streams.
2. Board Management Report
The Board Management Report shall include:
- Environmental Scan
- New program proposals will be assessed on the basis of industry employment and trends and enrollment viability (based on comparator programs) as well as having alignment in regards to the College’s Strategic Plan, Academic Plan, and brand.
- Financial Analysis
- An analysis is conducted to determine the projected contribution margin, tuition estimates (domestic versus international), projected enrolment, operating and capital costs. In addition, this analysis will assess space capacity and human resource needs (including the use of full-time vs. part-time staffing). Where a feasible business case is demonstrated, the program proposals can move into the design phase.
- Provision will be made to allow for some programs which carry a higher level of risk in terms of their business case to ensure that aversion to risk does not preclude innovation in programming.
- Approvals for new program developments will be secured through review of the Program Development and Renewal Committees (PDRC), the Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) Committee, and the Board of Governors prior to moving to the Development Phase.
- After the program is fully approved internally, the appropriate external approvals will be secured, through the Credential Validation Service (CVS), Ministry of Colleges and Universities, and where applicable the Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board.
3. Development Phase
The new program development phase will be guided by the principles outlined in the Academic Plan. The Academic Plan is founded on the Strategic Plan and our branding strategy and sets forth guiding principles around the delivery of Mohawk programs, and the skills and attributes of our graduates.
- In developing new programs, the College will ensure that new learning technologies are utilized and the curriculum emphasizes leading technology being employed in the field. The mode of academic delivery whether on campus, hybrid, and/or fully online will be carefully considered relative to the type of learner the program is targeted towards.
- New programs will, where possible, employ cross-disciplinary learning, embed institutional learning outcomes, and embrace internationalization.
- New programs will be developed with multiple entrance and exit pathways for students to optimize student pathways and previous learning.
- New programs will ensure that there are Experiential Learning opportunities, and where possible, close connections to community and industry partners.
- Consideration will also be given to the modularity of the program to take advantage of equivalent or similar existing offerings at the College and how they can be leveraged to reduce the requirement for new courses while providing more flexibility to students in course choice.
4. Program Launch
All programs will be supported by the development of a new program page and a dedicated marketing and recruitment strategy that may be either general or targeted depending on the target student group.
5. Timelines
The program development cycle, from market research to launch, is expected to range from six months for innovative programs to two years for traditional program offerings requiring Ministry approvals.
6. Detailed New Program Development Procedure
A detailed program development procedure will be developed and updated regularly in the form of a New Program Development Handbook to reflect the changing needs and priorities of the College.
B. Quality Programs - Program Review
The following are the major requirements of program review:
- All College programs participate in the Program Quality Assurance Process. The program review process will focus on continuous quality improvement. The review is intended to determine that:
- The program continues to be aligned with the mission, vision, and values of the college, the College’s Strategic and Academic plans, Ministry of Colleges and Universities standards and directives, and industry accreditation standards where applicable
- Program content continues to be relevant for market demands, and where appropriate, supports transition to further study
- Program delivery integrates innovation, best practices, and alternative approaches to teaching and learning as appropriate to enhance accessibility and student success and satisfaction.
- Program enrollments viability and positive student experience.
- All College programs participate in the Program Quality Assurance Process. The program review process will focus on continuous quality improvement. The review is intended to determine that:
Annual Program Review
Every program offered at the College will undergo an annual program review, conducted according to established processes and criteria. The annual review will include the following components:
- Review of the program curriculum and recommendations for changes to the program of studies. All major program changes will be reviewed and approved by the Vice President Academic, or designee, in consultation with the Center for Teaching and Learning. Including feedback from students, graduates, PAC, and other professional bodies.
- Review data and discuss issues relating, but not limited to:
- Student performance and progress, enrolment, admissions, supports, etc.
- Course delivery and resource needs, including LMS and/or lab facilities
- Application of program policies
- Teaching strategies, assessment and evaluation strategies and alignment with learning outcomes
- Students and graduate pathways
- Comprehensive Program Review Action Plan
- Review data and reports from the Course Outline Mapping and Management System (COMMS)
- Identify professional development needs
3. Comprehensive Review
A comprehensive review will be completed for each program every five to seven years, according to established processes and criteria.
The comprehensive review will include the following components:
- Assessment of course outlines
- Assessment of program learning outcomes
- Analysis of curriculum map
- Analysis of course learning activities
- Analysis of enrolment and student success data including survey data where applicable
- Analysis of labour market data
4. Approval
The final program report will be approved by the Vice President, Academic and a yearly report will be presented annually to the Board of Governors summarizing the Comprehensive Program Review status for information.
5. Timing
Comprehensive Program Reviews will be scheduled on a five-to-seven-year plan that is updated annually. Comprehensive Program Reviews will be submitted to the Vice President, Academic according to the established schedule and deadlines.
6. Procedures
Detailed program review documents and process, such as the Program Review Handbook, will be developed and amended from time to time as required and will be readily accessible by the College community and external partners.
C. Program Suspension, Cancellation, and Re-Activation
The Program Suspension, Cancelation and Re-activation Procedure (See Appendix A) formalizes the processes, timelines, and key roles and responsibilities for the suspension, cancellation, and re-activation of Mohawk College programs.
This Procedure complies with the requirements under the Ministry of Colleges and Universities’ Binding Directive for Program Suspension and Cancelation.
7. Policy Revision Date
7.1 Revision Date
September 2028
7.2 Responsibility
This policy will be reviewed and updated every five years or earlier if required.
8. Attachments
Appendix A - Program Suspension, Cancellation and Re-Activation Procedure
9. Links
AS-2021-2008 Program Advisory Committees Policy
Appendix A - Program Suspension, Cancellation and Re-Activation Procedure
This Procedure formalizes the processes, timelines, and key roles and responsibilities for the suspension, cancellation, and re-activation of Mohawk College programs pursuant to the Program Quality Policy | Mohawk College. This Procedure complies with the requirements under the Ministry of Colleges and Universities’ Operating Procedure for Program Suspension and Cancellation.
Suspending and cancelling programs is a vital part of the College’s approach to strategic enrolment planning thereby ensuring a sustainable and viable mix of programs and credentials. Such decisions are intended to make the best use of College resources while offering a regularly updated mix of programs and credentials that meet the needs of students, employers, and the communities we serve.
1. Principles
- Mohawk College (hereafter “the College”) is committed to delivering high quality Future Ready academic programs for our students and communities.
- The delivery of academic programming remains the College’s core business, vision, and mission. Academic programs constitute the real driver of both costs and revenue at the College, therefore resources will be prioritized to academic programming that is deemed financially viable, sustainable, and responsive.
- Leveraging our Program Advisory Committees (PACs) and other partners, the College will continuously assess industry and workforce trends to determine areas for program growth and constriction.
- The College will ensure a transparent process including timely consultation and communication regarding program suspension, cancellation, and re-activation decisions by engaging with key program partners including, but not limited to, faculty, staff, students, PACs, and other partners such as co-op employers.
- The College will make the decisions to suspend or cancel programs as early as possible, ideally before the admission cycle, in accordance with the timelines set out in this Procedure. Doing so will minimize the adverse impact on applicants, students, program operations, staff, faculty, and partners.
- Applying an evidence-informed approach, recommendations and decisions to suspend or cancel a program will be based on key Program Performance Indicators including, but not limited to, program quality, student demand, multi-year enrolment trends, retention and graduation rates, financial viability, program relevance, and quality assurance reports.
- Findings, and recommendations from College program quality processes such as Annual Review (Curriculum Committees) and Comprehensive Program Review reports will be considered as critical sources of data in program cancellation, suspension, and reactivation decisions.
- Quality assurance reports will be shared and discussed at Program Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings annually to ensure that PACs are aware of any program challenges as well as the mitigation strategies implemented.
2. Scope
This Procedure applies to all programs, including full- and part-time, offered by the College that confer an Ontario College credential in accordance with the Ontario Qualification Framework.
3. Procedure Oversight
The program suspension, cancellation, and re-activation processes will be overseen by the Dean, Academic Quality, in consultation with the School Deans and Associate Deans. Authority for program suspension, cancellation and re-activation decisions rest with the Vice President, Academic. Note that program cancelations also require the Board of Governors final endorsement before reporting to the Ministry through PFAMM.
4. Definitions
“Enrollment Management Committee” is the committee is a sub-committee of SEM, chaired by the Director Enrolment Systems and Services that monitors and adjusts the College’s annual enrolment plan.
“Program cancellation” is a permanent decision before the start of the application cycle, to no longer offer the program at the College. This decision requires endorsement by the Board of Governors as well as the Vice President, Academic and other internal College committees including PDRC and SEM Steering. Final program cancellations will be reported to the Ministry and reflected in PFAAM.
“Program Development and Renewal Committee” (PDRC) is the committee is a sub-committee of SEM, chaired by the Dean, Academic Quality that supports new program development and renewal processes at the College.
“Program Funding Approval and Administration Module” (PFAAM) is the platform for new program approvals and changes as maintained by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.
“Program intake suspension” is a decision, during an application cycle, to not admit first year/semester 1 students for a specific intake. Students in progress within the program will be supported for completion. This decision does not constitute a final decision to suspend or cancel a program.
“Program suspension” is a decision, before the start of the application cycle, to not to admit first year/semester 1 students into a program with the intention of suspending and possibly cancelling the program. Full program suspensions will be reported to the Ministry and reflected in PFAAM.
“Program performance indicators” are empirical quantitative and qualitative data points including, but not limited to, program quality, student demand, multi-year enrolment data, retention and graduation rates, financial viability, program relevance, and program quality reports. Data used to analyze program viability and sustainability.
“Program performance tracking list” is a list comprised of poor performing programs or those not meeting other key Program Performance Indicators that will be pro-actively monitored annually.
“Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) Steering Committee” is the committee that is responsible for overseeing the strategic enrolment plan for the College and resources to enable strategy and annual SEM Plan.
5. Program Intake Suspension during an Application Cycle
- Programs that are active during an application cycle but are struggling to reach their required minimum enrolment thresholds may be suspended for that intake cycle following the processes and timelines detailed below.
- The Associate Dean and Registrar staff shall review admission data for possible program intake suspension based on low enrolment.
- Recommendations to suspend a program during the application cycle should be based on program financial data, availability of alternate programs for enrolled students, flow through impacts (financial and/or student experience) in subsequent semesters, and any other relevant data or considerations.
- The Associate Dean shall consult with Marketing, Recruitment and the Registrar’s Office to assess impacts on the program page, recruitment efforts, and Ontario College Application System (OCAS) de-activation.
- For programs that are recommended for intake suspension the Associate Dean, with the support of the School Dean, will complete a Program Suspension, Cancelation, and Re-activation Report
- Recommendations to suspend a program intake will be made at or before the date that offers of admission are released for the intake being suspended, but not later than the deposit due date before the start of the semester (Fall intakes June 15; Winter intakes November 15; Spring intake March 15).
- The School Dean and Associate Dean of the program will meet with College corporate communications to develop a Communications Plan including key messages for both internal (e.g. students, faculty), and external (e.g. community partners, PAC members), audiences.
- School Dean to recommend program intake suspension to the Vice President, Academic or designee (Dean, Academic Quality).
- Recommend and seek approval of program intake suspension by the Enrolment Management Group and SEM Steering Committee. Vice President, Academic provides final approval.
- Immediately following the program intake suspension approval notify all affected areas including Marketing, the Registrar, and program faculty, staff, any impacted industry and community partners.
- Complete appropriate change request forms and submit to the Director Enrolment Systems and Services once notified of the approved intake suspension.
- Applicants and admitted students to the impacted program intake will be advised in a timely manner when a program intake is suspended and will be offered admissions into one/multiple other program(s) at the College by the program’s Associate Dean and Registrar’s Office.
- Following each application/intake cycle, admission data will be reviewed and subsequent program intakes may be recommended for suspension after consultation with PDRC and the SEM Committee.
- Timely communication of intake suspensions to affected parties, including applicants, faculty, staff, and industry and community partners must be ensured.
6. Program Suspensions and Cancellations Prior to the Start of an Application Cycle
- Programs not meeting key Program Performance Indicators will be pro-actively placed on a Program Performance Tracking List. Programs on this list will be reviewed multiple times per year to determine if a recommendation for program suspension or cancellation is warranted.
- The School Dean and Associate Dean, in consultation with the Dean, Academic Quality, shall review the key Program Performance Indicators including, but not limited to, program quality, student demand, multi-year enrolment data, retention and graduation rates, financial viability, program relevance, and available program quality reports.
- Before proceeding with program partner consultations, the School Dean and Associate Dean shall assess whether there are any adverse impacts resulting from the Faculty Collective Agreement, specifically the loss of full-time faculty positions that would/may occur as a result of the program suspension or cancellation. If there are impacts the School Dean shall immediately consult with Human Resources and then the Faculty Union.
- The School Dean, in conjunction with the Associate Dean, faculty, program staff, and any other impacted external partners will meet to review the program performance data prior to the start of the application cycle to solicit feedback. This process will be supported by the Dean, Academic Quality.
- The School Dean will make a recommendation for the suspension or cancellation of a program before the recruitment cycle but, no later than, September 30, to the Vice President, Academic or designee for implementation in the current academic year/application cycle.
- The College will develop a teach-out plan by providing students already enrolled in the program the opportunity to complete the program within the normal time period as outlined in the Program and Graduation Requirements Policy.
- The School Dean and Associate Dean of the program will meet with corporate communications staff to develop a Communications Plan that will include key messages for both internal (e.g. students, faculty), and external (e.g. community partners, PAC members) audiences.
- For programs that are recommended for suspension, the Vice President, Academic or designee (Dean, Academic Quality), along with the School Dean, will:
- complete a Program Suspension, Cancellation, and Re-Activation Report and submit for review and approval to the:
- Program Development and Renewal Committee (PDRC); and
- Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) Steering Committee.
- Advise the Enrolment Management Committee if there are in-year impacts to the annual SEM Plan.
- Submit the required notice, including President sign-off, of program suspensions to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities via the PFAAM system in accordance with the Minister's Operating Procedure.
- Include the program suspension in the annual "Program Approvals Status Report" as submitted to the Board of Governors in June.
- complete a Program Suspension, Cancellation, and Re-Activation Report and submit for review and approval to the:
- For programs that are recommended for suspension, the Vice President, Academic or designee (Dean, Academic Quality), along with the School Dean, will:
- For programs that are recommended for cancellation, the Vice President, Academic or designee (Dean, Program Quality) along with the School Dean will:
- complete a Program Suspension, Cancellation, and Re-Activation Report and submit for review and approval to the:
- Program Development and Renewal Committee (PDRC); and
- Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) Steering Committee.
- Advise the Enrolment Management Committee if there are in-year impacts to the annual SEM Plan.
- Submit recommendation(s) for a program cancellation including the Report to the Mohawk Executive Group (MEG) for ratification.
- Full program cancellations will be brought forward for decision/ratification of the Board of Governors.
- Submit the required notice of program cancellation, with President sign-off, to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities via the PFAAM system in accordance with the Minister’s Operating Procedure.
- The BOG Chair will notify the Chair of the appropriate Program Advisory Committee of its decision to suspend the program.
- Include the program cancelation (as previously approved by the Board) in the annual “Program Approvals Status Report” as submitted to the Board of Governors in June.
- complete a Program Suspension, Cancellation, and Re-Activation Report and submit for review and approval to the:
- For programs that are recommended for cancellation, the Vice President, Academic or designee (Dean, Program Quality) along with the School Dean will:
7. Program Re-Activation
- Where a formally suspended, but not cancelled, program is recommended for re-activation, the School Dean, Associate Dean, and Dean, Academic Quality shall:
- Consult with internal program partners, faculty, staff and external partners to seek input on the re-activation of a suspended program;
- Review the Program of Study (POS) and industry data to ensure currency of program;
- Draft a Program Suspension, Cancellation, and Re-activation Report and seek approvals of PDRC and SEM Steering; and
- Consult with Marketing and the Registrar’s Office to ensure that timelines are followed for a successful program re-launch including program page activation, recruitment, and OCAS activation etc.
Related Policies and Directives
Program Suspension and Cancellation: Operating Procedure (gov.on.ca)