Community Centered, Globally Relevant

I am pleased to present Mohawk College’s academic plan, which serves as a strategic roadmap to guide our institution toward achieving the objectives outlined in the college’s strategic plan.
Mohawk College’s academic plan is a dynamic and living representation of our commitment to excellence, inclusivity, and strategic foresight. Through its implementation, we aspire to fulfill the needs of the college and lay the foundation for a resilient and thriving future.
Thank you to all the students, faculty, staff and broader community members that participated in the extensive consultative process. This feedback was integral to the development of our new Academic Plan.
Dr. Cebert Adamson
Vice President, Academic
Academic Plan Ambitions
To balance a multitude of needs with limited resources, it was essential to establish a set of ambitions within the plan. Setting ambitions enables the college to better allocate resources to meet the needs of learners and the community.
As an active and dynamic Academic Plan, it is important that the related directions and opportunities are reviewed yearly to ensure they remain the best way to achieve the ambitions. A regular review ensures the college can adapt to the evolving internal and external environment.

Ambition 1
Advancing learning opportunities and outcomes that are dynamic, responsive and forward-thinking to develop socially responsible graduates
As educators, we have a responsibility to embrace and promote social responsibility while supporting economic growth and resilience in our community. We will create learning opportunities that meet employer needs and produce skilled graduates with the knowledge and experience needed to be great global citizens.
Direction Statements
Integrate sustainability, climate action, and greening knowledge and outcomes across college programming.
Integrate Indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing across college programming.
Maintain program currency and relevancy while diversifying the credentials to support life-long learning.
Enhance educational access, progression and completion opportunities.

Ambition 2
Offering a variety of delivery models that meet the needs of a diverse learning community
Knowing that our learners come from various backgrounds and circumstances, it is essential to ensure that our learning opportunities recognize and embrace those differences. By creating more ways for learners to access education and providing the needed support, we will expand access and create opportunities for success.
Direction Statements
Provide flexibility and choice through academic programs and processes.
Utilize emerging teaching tools and technologies that enhance learning in collaboration with the existing digital learning strategy.
Implement culturally responsive pedagogy.
Ensure equitable opportunities to meet learning outcomes in experiential settings.

Ambition 3
Promoting excellence in leading, teaching and applied research
With a constant and ever-accelerating pace of change in teaching, it is essential to ensure educators continually improve and enhance their skills and knowledge. Identifying opportunities for educators to stay current as content and delivery experts will be the foundation for learner success. Understanding that learning occurs from a variety of educators and educational settings will help provide the best possible experience for a diverse group of learners.
Direction Statements
Develop intercultural and global competencies in teaching that support and show appreciation for the diversity of learners.
Build instructional capacity in the scholarship of teaching, learning, and research.
Develop educational leaders through community engagement.
Promote expertise in content knowledge and creation.

Ambition 4
Optimizing resource and process management to support the learning community
Academic activity is central to the function and purpose of the college. As such, the process that supports academic decision-making and access to resources significantly impacts the college’s ability to support learner, industry and community needs. The changing nature of education and the emergence of differentiated ways to support the learning community’s needs also require a nimbler approach to resource access. Efficient and effective processes create the flexibility to meet the ever-changing needs of the marketplace.
Direction Statements
Ensure the effective and creative use of space and physical resources.
Enhance strategic enrolment management with a focus on long-term planning.
Encourage learning partnerships that contribute to academic and organizational objectives.
Improve academic processes to be more efficient and responsive.
Questions about the Academic Plan? Contact