Fleet Management Policy

Policy number: CS-1208-2017
Policy title: Fleet Management
Policy owner: Chief Business and Ancillary Services Officer
Effective date: April 19, 2017

Last Revised: October 31, 2019

On this page:

  1. Purpose
  2. Application and Scope
  3. Definitions
  4. Principles
  5. Accountability and Compliance
  6. Rules
  7. Shared Vehicle Program
  8. Policy Revision Date
  9. Attachments
  10. Specific Links
  11. Shared Vehicle Program Procedure

1. Purpose

This policy explains how and by whom College vehicles may be operated while on approved College business. This policy also establishes methods for procurement, maintenance, shared usage, greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, disposal and service of College vehicles.


2. Application and Scope

This policy applies to the acquisition, use, maintenance and disposal of all license plated College vehicles (private passenger, light commercial, and heavy commercial) by authorized drivers.


3. Definitions

“Authorized Driver(s)” are College employees who have met the College’s minimum requirements outlined in 6.1, and have been added to the College’s automobile insurance policy and who have been granted driving privileges.

“College Business” refers to activities conducted in the course of official or authorized College business.

“College Vehicle(s)” refers to cars, trucks, vans and other license-plated vehicles owned or leased by the College.

“Corporate Fleet Card” is a credit card assigned to College vehicles that allows Financial Managers and authorized drivers to charge authorized expenses associated with the vehicles that they own and operate. Authorized expenses include fuels, solvents, regular maintenance, and emergency repairs.

“Financial Manager” means a full-time administrative College employee who is financially responsible for College vehicles in their department.


4. Principles

This policy ensures the delivery of safe, reliable, economical and environmentally sound transportation and related support services that are responsive to the needs of departments, while conserving vehicle value and equipment investment.

Safeguarding the College’s vehicles and those members of the College community that drive on behalf of the College, is of utmost importance. The College will maintain its owned/leased vehicles in safe operating condition.


5. Accountability and Compliance

5.1 Accountability Framework

This policy has been approved by the Senior Leadership Team.

5.2 Compliance

The Chief Business Development and Ancillary Services Officer will monitor the effectiveness of this policy and ensure compliance. The Sustainability Office will be consulted as needed to assess the environmental impacts of fleet purchases and additional fleet considerations should they arise.


6. Rules

6.1 Authorized Drivers

  • Any employee (PT, FT, Faculty) using a College vehicle to conduct College business must be an authorized driver. Only authorized drivers using College vehicles are insured under the College’s insurance policy. Departments shall not permit the operation of College vehicles by unauthorized personnel.
  • Authorized drivers must be in possession of a G Class driver’s license. G1 and G2 drivers are not permitted. Exceptions for G2 drivers may be granted on a case-by-case basis pending written approval from the Chief, Business Development and Ancillary Services Officer.
  • Potential drivers must submit a completed and signed ‘Authorized Driver Application’ (Attachment 1) to the Manager, Risk, Legal and Governance Services of the General Counsel and Corporate Secretary’s Office prior to operating a College vehicle. The Manager will review the driver’s abstract according to criteria predetermined by the College’s insurance company and determine if the applicant is eligible to be placed onto the College’s insurance. If eligible, the applicant will become an authorized driver. If not, the applicant will not be authorized to operate College vehicles. Once determined, the approving Financial Manager will receive a written notification of driver’s approval status from the Manager, Risk, Legal and Governance Services.
  • The Manager, Risk, Legal and Governance Services will maintain an ‘Authorized Driver Database’ (see 6.1.1).
  • Driver’s license abstracts will be reviewed when adding new drivers and every three years, thereafter to ensure that authorized drivers are appropriately licensed. Driver’s license abstracts will not be recorded or stored.
  • Any authorized driver who has had a driver’s license non-renewed, suspended or revoked must notify their supervisor immediately and discontinue further operation of the College vehicle. No one may drive a College vehicle with an expired or suspended driver’s license. Knowingly driving a College vehicle with a suspended or revoked license is grounds for discipline, up to and including termination.
  • Authorized drivers may have their driving privileges suspended if it is determined they have operated the vehicle unsafely or carelessly or at the discretion of the Chief Business Development & Ancillary Services Officer.
  • 6.1.1 Authorized Driver Database
    The General Counsel and Corporate Secretary Department maintains a database of authorized College drivers containing the following information:
    • Department;
    • Name;
    • Driver’s License Number
    • Authorization Approver;
    • Date of last driver’s abstract completed;
    • License Class; and
    • Any license conditions.

The database is reviewed and approved on an annual basis by applicable department Financial Managers. All driver information is confidential and stored in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

6.2 Driver’s Responsibilities

All authorized drivers must:

  • operate and care for College vehicles in a safe, efficient and professional manner at all times;
  • keep vehicles in clean condition;
  • exercise safe driving practices;
  • report collisions and other vehicle damage to the Business Development and Ancillary Services Department and the Financial Manager;
  • report collisions and accidents according to the Accident Reporting Guide located in each College vehicle;
  • report fleet safety concerns to the Business Development and Ancillary Services Department;
  • not operate handheld devices while driving a College vehicle;
  • comply with all College policies and procedures;
  • at all times comply with all laws, regulations and posted signs;
  • inspect College vehicles prior to operation and ensure that the area surrounding the vehicle is obstruction free;
  • take a 30 minute rest break every 4 hours at least and drive no more than 10 hours in a day;
  • ensure that the number of authorized passengers does not exceed the number of seat belts;
  • not take vehicles home unless approved, in writing, by the Financial Manager;
  • pay for any parking or moving violation citations. The College is not responsible for any fines;
  • not operate the vehicle when there is a traveller advisory in effect;
  • not use any College vehicle for personal business;
  • be in possession of a valid driver’s license of the class required by law for the vehicle they are operating; and
  • ensure that the College vehicle’s gas tank is never left under a quarter full.
  • operate vehicles in an environmentally responsible manner.

6.3 Passengers

Passengers are not authorized in College vehicles unless related to College business or approved in advance, in writing, by the Chief Business Development and Ancillary Services Officer.

6.4 Vehicle Acquisition

All College vehicles must be purchased or leased according to the Purchasing Policy (PDF) or Leasing of Equipment Policy (as appropriate) and managed by the Manager, Purchasing Services. In addition, the acquisition of all vehicles must be:

  • Supported by a business case;
  • Approved by the Capital Planning Committee (as appropriate); and
  • Approved by the VP, Corporate Services.

The department requesting a new vehicle will be responsible for initiating the capital investment proposal. Once approved the Business Development and Ancillary Services department will proceed with the procurement of the vehicle. Additional expenses related to branding and/or installation of equipment to
customize the vehicle for the department, will be part of the operating costs of the department requesting the vehicle.

  • 6.4.1 Vehicle Procurement Principles
    The decision to lease or purchase a vehicle will be based on the following fiscally and environmentally responsible principles:

    1. Right Sizing: Purchasing Services will conduct a job function and job related needs evaluation before fleet vehicles are purchased to ensure that the size of the vehicle is correctly assigned for job specific duties as required by an employee, task or equipment.

    2. Hybrid/Electric Technology: Procurement preference will be given to vehicles with high fuel efficiency and low emissions, in the following order:
    • Battery electric vehicles
    • Plug-in hybrid vehicles
    • Hybrids
    • Fuel efficient gasoline vehicle
    • Fuel efficient diesel vehicles

6.5 Vehicle Safety Inspections

  • Vehicles owned or leased by the College need to be inspected prior to the first vehicle movement of the day by an authorized driver. If the vehicle is driven by multiple drivers throughout the day, the Vehicle Inspection Form must be completed each time the vehicle has a new driver.
  • Any issues should be reported to the Business Development and Ancillary Services Department immediately and arrangement for the inspection/repair of the vehicle must be made by the financial manager. If there are any safety concerns, the vehicle should not be operated until a thorough inspection is completed by a service center or repair shop.
  • If vehicles are not deemed safe for operation, they must be taken out of service and not returned until fully repaired.

6.6 Vehicle Maintenance

An important component to maintaining an efficient and environmentally friendly fleet is regular preventative maintenance inspections and follow-up repairs. A good preventative maintenance program consists of: keeping accurate vehicle and equipment maintenance files; routine inspection; and, electronic systems checks.
The repair and maintenance records of all College vehicles will be managed by the Business Development and Ancillary Services Department.

All expenses related to the maintenance or servicing of College vehicles will be charged to a centralized Fleet budget.

6.6.1 Roles and Responsibilities

Business Development and Ancillary Services Department
  • Establish a maintenance schedule for each fleet vehicle;
  • Arrange for all repairs and maintenance at appropriate service centers or repair shops;
  • Notify Managers when maintenance is required; and
  • Maintain records of inspection sheets and fleet maintenance for a period of seven years.
  • Manage the usage and scheduling of shared vehicles
Financial Managers
  • Ensure all vehicles are used for college business;
  • Ensure that all College vehicles under their management are maintained according to the schedule determined by Business Development and Ancillary Services Department;
  • Communicate vehicle usage expectations and ensure Vehicle Inspection Forms are submitted by driver
Authorized Drivers
  • Accurately complete the Vehicle Inspection Form after each usage;
  • Report any issues to the Business Development and Ancillary Services Department immediately; and
  • Discontinue use of any vehicle that is deemed unsafe for operation.

6.6 Use of the College Corporate Fleet Card

All expenses related to the operation and maintenance of the fleet vehicle must be purchased using a corporate fleet card. Eligible expenses include vehicle fuel purchases, emergency maintenance and repairs, windshield washer fluid and solvents. Unless otherwise indicated in the owner/operator manual of the specific vehicle, regular unleaded fuel should be purchased.

Use of the College Corporate Fleet Card will be monitored and maintained by the Business Development and Ancillary Services Department.

6.7 Vehicle Disposal

  • 6.7.1 Purchased Vehicles
    • Passenger vehicles (or sedans) will be replaced every nine years or 150,000 kilometers (whichever comes first). Trucks and light commercial vehicles will be replaced every 10 years or 175,000 kilometers (whichever comes earlier).
    • Financial Managers in organizational units are responsible for initiating the disposal of vehicles in their area, pending approval by the Manager, Purchasing Services.
    • All recommendations for disposal (scrap, sale, trade-in, donation) of a College vehicle must be done in accordance with the “Moveable Capital Asset Disposal Procedures’ and through the completion of the “Authorization for Disposal of Moveable Capital Assets” form found under the “Financial Reporting and Safekeeping of Capital Assets Policy.”
    • Purchasing Services is responsible for any sale or donation of College vehicles.
  • 6.7.2 Leased Vehicles
    At least six months before expiry, all leases will be reviewed by the Manager, Purchasing Services to determine if there will be an extension or return of the vehicle.
  • 6.7.3 Vehicle Consolidation
    All use of College vehicles will be reviewed on an annual basis to determine appropriateness. Any vehicles that are driven less than 10,000km annually may be disposed of, or consolidated, at the discretion of the Chief Business Development and Ancillary Services Officer and Vice President, Corporate Services.

6.8 Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration (CVOR)

The College owns commercial vehicles. Commercial vehicle operators in Ontario must have a valid Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration (CVOR) certificate and include a copy in the vehicle at all times. The CVOR is to be renewed on an annual basis in January. The renewal process is managed by the Business Development and Ancillary Services department.

6.9 Accident Reporting

Every College vehicle will carry an ‘Accident Reporting Guide.’ In the event of an accident, this guide should be followed. If the vehicle does not carry a guide or the guide becomes lost, contact the Corporate Policy and Risk Management Analyst.
Any insurance deductibles and costs associated with an accident will be charged back to the Department responsible for the vehicle.

6.10 License Plate Renewals

The Business Development and Ancillary Services department is responsible for coordinating the renewal of all license plates under their custody and control on an annual basis. All costs associated with the renewal will be charged to a centralized Fleet budget.

6.11 Insurance Renewals

The Special Projects Analyst is responsible for coordinating the renewal of insurance on an annual basis. The renewed insurance slips will be distributed by the Business Development and Ancillary Services Office.

6.12 Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Added or replaced vehicles can increase charging infrastructure needed. The College will have capacity to accommodate all fleet vehicles requiring charging plus additional spaces for College students and employees.

6.13 Anti-Idling

Idling of vehicles wastes fuel, creates pollution, and causes premature engine wear. Fleet vehicles that do not have battery support will not be parked with the engine running unless it is essential for performance of work. Exceptions are during an initial engine warm-up period and during periods of extreme cold or hot weather. If engines must be left operating for any reason, the operator shall remain with the unit.

Temperature (°C) and Idle Time

  • 5 - 25: No idling
  • -5 - 0 and 25 - 30: 1-2 minutes
  • Below -5 and above 30: 3 – 10 minutes

No idle warm up time shall occur at temperatures between 5 and 25°C. No idle time shall occur in an indoor garage/shop. At any temperature, once a vehicle has been cold started, and the vehicle will be left unattended for a period of 2 minutes or longer, shut the engine off. Depending on outside temperatures and the length of time a vehicle has been shut off, it may become necessary to restart it to allow proper engine warm up. The idle warm up time shall never exceed the times listed for cold starts noted above.


7. Shared Vehicle Program

Vehicles exclusively managed by Ancillary Services are available for use Authorized Drivers at no expense to their department via the Shared Vehicle Program (see Shared Vehicle Program Procedure). All fuel and maintenance services purchased must be conducted through the fleet card provided and the Business Development and Ancillary Services Office is responsible for the regular maintenance of the assigned vehicles.


8. Policy Revision Date

8.1 Revision Date

October 2024

8.2 Responsibility

The Chief, Business Development and Ancillary Services Officer will review this policy every five years or earlier when required.


9. Attachments


10. Specific Links

Shared Vehicle Program Procedure

P1 Guidelines

  • Request for vehicle usage must be made through the WhereEnCampus Portal. Under Request a Specific Room, choose Vehicle Fleet – CarShare.
  • Drivers must be approved as an authorized driver (in alignment with section 6.1) to request access to a shared vehicle.
  • Request for access must be made at least 5 business days prior to the request date of use. Requests for access that are less than 5 business days prior to the request date of use must be submitted to Fleet Booking.
  • The maximum duration of the loan will be 1 business day, during business hours 8:30am – 4:30pm, unless approved by the Chief Business Development & Ancillary Services officer
  • Requests must be made by driver, with approval from their supervisor
  • Approval, scheduling, key distribution are to be completed by the Business Development & Ancillary Services department.
  • Booking confirmation and booking status will be communicated to the requestor in writing within 2 business days of request
  • All procedures, guidelines, and relevant documentation are to be located in the glove compartment of the vehicle and may not be removed.
  • Any unexpected damage and insurance cost will be at the expense of the approving supervisor’s department.

P2 Vehicle Pick-up

  • Key to the shared vehicle is available for pick up at the Electronic Key Box System, located outside of the Security Office (C103). Access to the keys is completed by scanning your Mohawk ONE Card and is accessible only by the authorized staff member who submitted the request, during the time period that was requested.
  • Shared vehicles are parked in Lot P8 in Reserved for Ancillary Services Department spots.

P3 Before Departure

  • Inspect the vehicle and make note of any deficiencies. Any safety deficiency must be immediately reported and remedied before departure. Report inspection findings on the Vehicle Inspection Form.
  • The driver is responsible for ensuring that the vehicle is in good condition before departure.

P4 Returning the Vehicle

  • Shared vehicles are to be parked back in Lot P8 in one of the Reserved for Ancillary Services Department spots.
  • The vehicle is to be returned with at least 75% tank of gas, no windshield washer fluid warning, and reasonably cleaned
  • All personal items and trash are to be removed from the vehicle
  • All damages incurred during vehicle usage is to be reported
  • A Vehicle Inspection Form must be completed
  • Key must be returned to the Security Box, using the requestor’s ONE Card, by the end of the requested time period.
  • Notifications will be sent to both the driver and Ancillary Services department if the key is not returned on time. Multiple late returns/violations of the program will result in the Authorized Driver being removed from using the Car Share program.