Student Feedback on Teaching Policy

Policy Number: AS-2003-2013
Policy Title: Student Feedback on Teaching
Policy Owner: Vice President, Academic
Effective Date: January 1, 2014
Last Revised: March 25, 2024

On this page:

  1. Purpose
  2. Application and Scope
  3. Definitions
  4. Principles
  5. Accountability and Compliance
  6. Rules
  7. Policy Revision Date
  8. Attachments
    1. Appendix A - Student Feedback on Teaching Procedure
  9. Specific Links

1. Purpose

This policy is intended to provide a framework for collecting and disseminating student feedback on course and program content and teaching.

2. Application and Scope

This policy applies to all academic programs leading to an Ontario credential as well as apprenticeship programs, offered by Mohawk College. This policy is encouraged, but not mandatory for other continuing education non-Ministry programs/courses.

3. Definitions

“Ontario Credential” includes the following: Ontario College Certificate, Ontario College Diploma, Ontario College Advanced Diploma, Ontario College Graduate Certificate, and Degree.

4. Principles

4.1 Student feedback helps faculty and instructors improve teaching effectiveness and supports professional development planning.

4.2 Student feedback provides valuable data that helps academic areas monitor the quality of programs and ensure continuous improvement.

5. Accountability and Compliance

5.1 Accountability Framework

This policy has been approved by the Senior Leadership Team.

5.2 Compliance

The Vice President, Academic is responsible for monitoring compliance to this policy and updating the policy as required.

Academic Managers, normally Associate Deans, and faculty are responsible for encouraging student participation in the survey process.

6. Rules

  • Students will have the opportunity to provide confidential feedback on teaching and course content for each course they are enrolled in each term.
  • A standard, college-wide survey will be developed and used to collect student feedback.

  • Institutional Research will post information about the surveys on their website, and students are informed through email from Mohawk’s internal online survey system. 
  • Each term, a time frame will be identified for the administration of the survey. This time frame will be at least two weeks in length and sufficiently close to the end of the course to allow for meaningful feedback.

  • Faculty must provide at least ten minutes in one class to allow students to complete the survey and/or send announcement and reminders for online classes.
  • Survey results will be released to Faculty and Associate Deans after the release of final grades to students.
  • Student identities will be kept fully confidential. Only summary level data, no individual student information, is shared in the feedback provided to faculty, instructors and associate deans. The only exceptions to confidentiality will be: if a student identifies themselves in their feedback; and/or where there is a threat to the safety of the college or an individual within the college community. In this case, the college may identify the student(s) making the threat.

7. Policy Revision Date

7.1 Revision Date

March 2029

7.2 Responsibility

This policy will be reviewed and updated every five years or earlier if required.

8. Attachments

Appendix A - Student Feedback on Teaching Procedure

9. Links

Appendix A - Student Feedback on Teaching Procedure

This procedure has been developed to support the implementation of the Student Feedback on Teaching policy. The fundamental principle underlying the procedure is that Mohawk College values student feedback and views it as an important element in the on-going enhancement of the quality of course and program content and teaching effectiveness. 

Student Feedback on Teaching Survey Process

  1. Institutional Research posts information about the surveys (including the different survey versions e.g. post-secondary, Continuing Education, apprenticeship, and clinical placements) on their website, and students are informed through email from Mohawk’s internal online survey system. These Communications will provide information about the survey, timelines, and expectations to all impacted stakeholders, e.g. students, faculty, instructors.
  2. Student will have access to their survey via three ways (note: some program may not have access through MyCanvas):
  • Mohawk College email (invitation, and 2 reminders)

  • MyMohawk – Home tab

  • MyCanvas – Course Evaluation tab (within course and in account)

  1. Each term, a time frame will be identified for the administration of the survey. This time frame will be at least two weeks in length and sufficiently close to the end of the course to allow for meaningful feedback.
  2. Faculty should provide at least ten minutes for in-class delivered courses and MyCanvas reminders for online courses to allow students to complete the online survey to optimize survey participation and completion.
  3. Survey results will be released to faculty, instructors and associate deans after the issuing of final grades to students.
  4. Program specific questions may be added to support feedback on unique elements of curriculum or delivery, such as clinical activity, placements, use of preceptors, or elements that do not fall within the common program delivery.