Academic Plan 2012 - 2017

Mohawk College Academic Plan 2012

In 2012, Mohawk College developed an Academic Plan that considers the needs of our community and ensures that the College produces highly skilled graduates who will not just get jobs but also help to create them. Cross-functional and cross-disciplinary project teams have been tasked with bringing our Academic Plan's inspired ideas to achievable actions.

As of April 2014, twelve Academic Plan Project Teams have engaged in innovative design thinking to recommend actions that would advance the Academic Plan's five themes: Technology, Skills, Learning, Pathways, and Connections. Read the teams' status reports, talk to team members, participate actively in making Mohawk College a student-centred learning organization.

Mohawk College's uniquely inclusive and technologically-driven approach to education delivers both the theoretical and the practical. We bring faculty, students and industry together in a collaborative way that is at once productive, participative and progressive.

View the Academic Plan PDF (1.7mb)

Our Academic Plan is fed by five themes:


Technology forms the backbone of the approach. Students and faculty will connect, communicate, compute and collaborate in ways never before possible.


Faculty embrace a student-centred approach with a collaborative outlook, and the flexibility to cross programs and disciplines to deliver a custom experience for students.


Graduates won’t just complete their studies, but will also have the 21st Century skills imperative for success in the community and the workplace, such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, information, media and technology skills.


From high school to career and beyond, Mohawk helps students navigate a path to the future with a commitment to lifelong learning.


Mohawk’s involvement in our community and our relationships with local industry and other postsecondary educational institutions, offer a relevant educational experience for our students leading to meaningful employment.



May - September: Task Force to conduct consultation sessions
September: Create draft plan
October: Validation of draft plan
November: Academic Plan to Board for approval


The Academic Plan consultations will affirm Mohawk's academic priorities for a 10-year period and define our target market for students.

Based on the consultations the Taskforce and Steering Committee will prepare a plan that accomplishes the following:

  • Identify opportunities for growth including new programs.
  • Identify programs that require improvements.
  • Identify programs that should be discontinued or scaled back.
  • Recommend new delivery methods that will optimize student learning and maximize the use of resources.
  • Recommend partnership opportunities.


Mohawk College Strategic Plan Chart