Massage Therapy - 469

Ontario College Advanced Diploma
Three years
CIP Code: 51.3501
OSAP Checkmark OSAP Eligible
Massage Therapists assess and treat physical dysfunction and pain of soft tissues and joints of the body, primarily through hands-on manipulation, remedial exercise plans, and client education programs.
This April, shape your future at Open House!

Program Highlights

  • Accomplished Educators
    • The Massage Therapy team of professors and supervisors are recognized industry leaders.
  • Exceptional Equipment and Facilities
    • Our lab and clinic facilities effectively mirror or surpass industry standards, ensuring students are future ready candidates for practice.
  • Diverse Opportunities for Clinical Practice
    • Registered Massage Therapists supervise students as they practice their new skills with clients from the surrounding community in our student Massage Therapy Clinic.
    • Clinical Outreaches with our community partners provide students the opportunity to practice in a variety of health-care settings with diverse populations of clients while under the supervision of our experienced supervisors.
    • Examples may include corporate wellness initiatives, athletics, prenatal care, chronic pain, active aging, post-surgical care, neurological disorders, hospice and palliative care.

What you'll learn

Comprehensive Education

  • Build strong foundations in anatomy, physiology, and common pathologies of the human body
  • Study an evidence-based curriculum to support and maximize patient outcomes
  • Develop critical thinking skills to perform patient assessments and implement safe and effective treatment plans

Ethics and Professionalism

  • Study the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics established by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario.
  • Develop the ethical and professional skills and behaviours associated with being a regulated health care professional
  • Maximize career potential through an interprofessional approach to health care.

Program Length

  • Massage Therapy is a 3 year Ontario College Advanced Diploma program that is completed in 32 months, including the required clinical practice hours.

Graduation Requirements

  • Students are required to achieve a minimum overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 70% and to provide a minimum of 330 hours of supervised massage therapy to the public to graduate from the Massage Therapy Program.

Certification Examinations and Registration

  • Graduates of the Massage Therapy program at Mohawk College are eligible to write the provincial certification exams with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario.
  • Candidates must successfully complete both the written and practical exams to practice as a Registered Massage Therapist in Ontario.
  • For more information on CMTO registration requirements and procedures, visit



Domestic and International student admission requirements

  • OSSD or equivalent (Mohawk Academic Upgrading, GED) including:
    • Grade 12 English, C or U level
    • Grade 11 Mathematics, minimum C level (M or U level recommended)
    • Grade 11 or 12 Chemistry, Biology, or Physics
  • Additional selection criteria may apply
  • Language fluency requirements must be met for applicants.

Options are available for mature applicants.

Language Requirements for Applicants with English as a Second Language:

Language Proficiency Requirements:

Massage Therapy Advanced Diploma Program

Effective communication is essential for the provision of competent, safe, high quality Massage Therapy services. Language fluency enhances public protection by ensuring that registrants can communicate effectively with clients and other members of the health care team. The College's Certification Examinations are not designed to test language fluency and do not require any writing activities. Therefore candidates are required to meet The Colleges of Massage Therapist of Ontario (CMTO) language fluency requirement prior to attempting the Certification Examinations.

Decision Criteria

A candidate may meet the language fluency requirement by providing proof, acceptable to the College of one of the following:

  1. A candidate’s first language is English or French
  2. A candidate has completed his/her secondary school education in English or French¹
  3. A candidate has completed a standardized English or French language test approved by the College within the past two years and achieved the required scores set by the College
  4. The candidate has successfully completed an approved Massage Therapy program that had a minimum language fluency requirement for admission AND the program's curriculum included at least two full (e.g. 3-credit or 30-hour) mandatory courses in English, French or health-related communications that were successfully completed by the candidate

¹ Please note that this refers to graduation from a secondary school program, not completion
of a high-school English or French course or courses.

Methods of Demonstrating Criteria

The following five methods are acceptable means of demonstrating that the candidate meets the requirement:

  1. Signing a self-declaration indicating that his/her first and primary language is English or French
  2. Signing a self-declaration indicating that his/her secondary school education² was completed in English or French and indicating the name and location of the school; if the applicant completed his/her education outside of Canada in a country where neither English nor French is the primary language of communication and employment, he or she may be required to provide verification directly from the school regarding language of instruction
  3. Providing test results from an approved standardized language fluency test demonstrating that she or he has achieved the minimum scores determined by the College. This report must be submitted directly from the language testing agency to the College. An applicant must meet College-approved minimum scores in each area of one test (i.e., multiple tests cannot be combined); test results will be considered valid for two years from the date the test was administered. The accepted tests are:
Approved Tests and Minimum Scores Required to Meet The Language Fluency Requirement – College of Massage Therapists of Ontario
English Tests
& Required Score(s)
TOEFL internet-based
test (iBT)
Writing 7 6.0 20 3.5
Speaking 8 6.5 20 4.5
Listening 8 7.5 24 4.0
Reading 8 6.5 19 4.0
French Tests
& Required
TESTcan Test d'évaluation
du français (TEF)
Writing 3.5 310
Speaking 4.5 349
Listening 4.0 280
Reading 4.0 233
  1. Providing evidence in the form of a diploma and transcript from an approved Massage Therapy school that includes acceptable information about the language fluency requirement of admission and the communications-related courses successfully completed by the candidate
  2. Providing to the College other compelling evidence of language fluency. This could be, for example, evidence that the applicant completed a university degree in English or French.

² Thus includes a minimum of three years' education in the required language.
Completion of single course is not acceptable.

Possible Outcomes

  1. A candidate who provides acceptable evidence of fluency by way of one of the five methods listed above will be deemed to have met the language fluency requirement so as to allow them to register for the Certification Examination unless the College has reasonable grounds to doubt the validity of the information provided.

  2. A candidate who cannot provide sufficient evidence of fluency will be notified that he/she cannot attempt the certification examinations until he/she has met the language fluency requirement.

Applicants whose first language is not English will be required to demonstrate proficiency in English.

Don't have the necessary requirements?

Tuition and Fees

2024 - 2025 Domestic Tuition and Fees

DescriptionSemester 1Semester 2
Compulsory Ancillary Fees$881.96$785.16
Co-op FeesN/AN/A
Compulsory Program Fees$121.00$0.00
Domestic Tuition$2,085.93$2,085.93
Total Domestic Charges Per Semester$3,088.89$2,871.09
Total 1st Year Fees$5,959.98

Above fees based on full-time September program start date. Contact Student Services to confirm fees for other start dates or semesters.

2024 - 2025 International Tuition and Fees

DescriptionSemester 1Semester 2
Total Tuition & Ancillary Fee$9,055.00$9,055.00
Co-op FeesN/AN/A
Program Compulsory Fees$121.00$0.00
International Tax Recovery$450.00$375.00
Total International Charges Per Semester$9,626.00$9,430.00
Total 1st Year Fees$19,056.00

If you pay by wire transfer, please note your bank might charge you a fee to transfer money. Make sure your transfer includes the Mohawk payment and the wire transfer fee. This applies to each wire transfer payment you make.

  • Explore payment options
  • Book costs for your program can be found through the Campus Store
  • If your program includes a clinical, practicum, or field placement, you may be required to complete Preplacement Non-Academic Requirements (NARs). Full details will be provided in your classes. This is an additional cost (above tuition/ancillary fees and textbooks). More information can be found on the Preplacement Services webpage.
  • You will also be required to purchase various supplies to fulfill your program requirements. Full details will be provided in your classes. This is an additional cost (above tuition/ancillary fees and textbooks).

Additional Information

Financial Assistance

When it comes to paying for your education, investing in your future can be more affordable than you think. A Mohawk education is one of the most cost-effective means of acquiring the skills and knowledge you need to have a prosperous and rewarding career. 

As you start on your chosen career path, it's important to have a realistic set of expectations regarding the expenses associated with attending college. In addition to your tuition fees, you will also need to budget for books, supplies, housing, and other related living expenses. You may be able to supplement your income and savings with scholarships, bursaries, or loans. It pays to do some research into what types of financial assistance you may qualify for.

Available Financial Assistance Resources:

Apply for Awards:

By submitting a Scholarships and Bursaries Application every semester, students have access to over $3 million in Mohawk College scholarships, bursaries and Ministry-partnered funding to help meet their financial needs.

Financial Literacy:

Whether saving for school, sticking to a budget, or planning for a major purchase, financial literacy affects us all. That's why Mohawk College is dedicated to helping students improve their financial literacy and become more confident in managing their money.

Course Overview & Descriptions

Click on the course title for a course description.

Experiential Learning

How you'll gain skills

Massage Student Clinic

  • You will practice your skills and behaviours through an unpaid clinical placement at The Clinic, Mohawk’s massage therapy student clinic.
  • Students will begin to practice massage therapy with the general population in semester 3 and will progress to more challenging populations through the duration of the program.

Massage Therapy Outreach Opportunities

  • You will experience a wide variety of massage therapy practice options at offsite outreaches, giving you a well-rounded sense of options that exist for graduates.
  • Outreach opportunities may include hospitals, long term care centres, sporting events, corporate wellness events, trade shows, expos, and open houses, to name a few.
    • Clinical outreaches may occur at locations that are not accessible by public transit. Students are expected to either have access to a car or the ability to supply their own transportation when attending outreach activity. Mohawk is not responsible for providing students with transportation to clinical outreaches.
  • Students perform massage therapy under the supervision and guidance of a Mohawk College employed RMT during all student clinics and outreaches.

To learn more, please visit the Centre for Experiential Learning.   

Preplacement Requirements

  • Accepted applicants are required to have completed a number of non-academic requirements prior to starting clinical practice. Visit the Preplacement site for general information.
  • The specific list of requirements and submission deadlines for new or returning students in Massage Therapy can be found in MyMohawk within the Preplacement Services widget.
  • Students are responsible for the associated cost of all preplacement requirements.
  • Examples of non-academic requirements include
    • CPR-C/HCP (Health Care Provider) and Standard First Aid
    • Certificate must be valid throughout the duration of program)
    • Up-to-date immunization record, including annual TB testing
    • Up-to-date police record check (Vulnerable Sector Screen)
    • Students who do not complete the preplacement requirements, or who have been convicted of an
      offence for which they have not been pardoned, may be denied the opportunity to enter or
      continue in clinical practice and/or community outreaches.

For more information:

  • For more information about the curriculum and requirements for clinical practice education, contact Vivian Armas, program coordinator for clinic and outreach.
  • For more information on becoming a community partner for outreaches at your event/facility, complete the Massage Therapy Program Community Partnership Request form or contact one of our Lead Clinic and Outreach Supervisors, Rodger Bramwell or alexis.james [at] (Alexis James) You may also call us at 905-575-1212 ext. 3756.

Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes, often referred to as ‘Program Standards', set out the essential learning that a student must achieve before being deemed ready to graduate.

In many cases these program learning outcomes were developed by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) in consultation with employers and educators who are experts in the program field. To ensure the outcomes remain current and in line with industry needs, we invite our employers, graduates working in the field and current students to re-examine and update them during regular, ongoing program review focus groups.

Career Opportunities

Your future career options

  • Registered Massage Therapist

Where you could work includes:

  • Massage Therapy Clinic
  • Health and Wellness Clinics
  • Health Spas
  • Rehabilitation Centres
  • Chiropractic Centres
  • Palliative Care Centres
  • Nursing and Retirement Homes
  • Hospitals
  • Independent Health Professionals
  • Sports Teams
  • Cruise Ships

Note: The college reports that Massage Therapists in Ontario are mainly self-employed health professionals.

Opportunities for grads

  • Successful completion of the CMTO exams allows you to hold the title of Registered Massage Therapist (RMT).
  • Become a member of the Registered Massage Therapists’ Association of Ontario (RMTAO)

Community Partnerships

  • Hamilton Police Services
  • Hamilton Ti-Cats
  • Westmount Senior Living
  • Runners Clinic (Fennell Campus)
  • Multiple Sclerosis Clinic - St. Elizabeth's Village / McMaster University
  • Chronic Pain Clinic - St. Elizabeth's Village / McMaster University
  • Prenatal Clinic - St. Elizabeth's Village / McMaster University
  • Post stroke and post orthopedic surgery clinic - St. Elizabeth's Village
  • Adult Recreational Therapy Centre
  • Bob Kemp Hospice
  • Ride to Conquer Cancer (Professional and International Athletes)
  • Dundas Buskerfest (Professional and International Athletes)

St. Elizabeth Mills and Mohawk College partnership

A student-run massage clinic officially opened at St. Elizabeth Mills on Hamilton’s West Mountain on June 2. More than 200 students will work at the eight-table clinic throughout the year and be supervised by registered massage therapists. Read more about our St. Elizabeth Mills partnership at Mohawk News Desk, and don't forget to check out our story in Mohawk Momentum, Learn While Helping Others.

Educational Pathways


Pathways to Mohawk 

If you've successfully taken a course at another post-secondary institution, you may be able to earn course exemptions toward your credential here at Mohawk.

If you have successfully completed one of the following programs at Mohawk, you may be eligible to receive transfer credit in this program. To start a new program at Mohawk, you must apply via

Transfer from

You can transfer to the Massage Therapy - 469 from the following programs:

Receiving Program

Massage Therapy

Fennell Campus (FF)
Ontario College Advanced Diploma

Credit transfer agreements have been arranged to make it easier for students to move from Mohawk to another institution.

Transfer From Massage Therapy To

Davenport University

Program Name
See below for Massage Therapy pathways

6191 Kraft Ave SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
United States

Opportunity Details

Bachelor of Science – Health Services Administration


6191 Kraft Ave SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
United States

Thompson Rivers University

Program Name
See below for Massage Therapy pathways

805 TRU Way
Kamloops BC V2C 0C8

Opportunity Details

Bachelor of Health Sciences


805 TRU Way
Kamloops BC V2C 0C8

Mohawk College makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of each transfer opportunity. Please note that changes may occur in program offerings, admission requirements, and transfer credits granted by the receiving institutions. We advise all students to check with the receiving institution directly for the most up-to-date information.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Search for more pathways with Ontario public colleges and universities.

Mohawk College makes no warranty or endorsement of material contained within links to external websites, nor does the College assume any responsibility for the linked website or its contents.

Tech requirements

Technical Requirements

  • A mobile device is required for all courses in the Health Studies department. Mobile devices need to have internet access and be able to connect to the MyCanvas system.

Additional Information

For more information about the student clinic, contact:

Rodger Bramwell
Phone: 905-575-1212 ext. 3756

Alexis James
Phone: 905-575-1212 ext. 3756

Program Coordinator


Contact us

Domestic Canadian Students

Contact Student Recruitment
Haven’t applied yet and have questions?
Contact our Student Recruitment team for information on programs, how to apply, and more.

Contact Admissions
Contact our Admissions advisors for help with your application.
Contact Admissions
Phone: 1-844-767-6871

International Students

Contact International Student Recruitment
Contact our International Student Recruitment team for information on programs, how to apply, and student life.
Contact International
Phone: 1-905-575-2254
Toll free phone numbers:
For general questions: 1-888-Mohawk9 (1-888-664-2959)
North China: 10-800-714-2521
South China: 10-800-140-2541
Brazil: 0800-022-7408
Philippines: 180011102544

Contact International Admissions
Contact our Admissions advisors for help with your application.
Contact International Admissions
Phone: 1-905-575-2254

*Not all programs are international eligible. Please see our programs available for international students.

Accessible Learning Services

Are you a student with a confirmed or suspected disability? Visit our Accessible Learning Services website to discover how we can help you.

Program Coordinator

Canadian Domestic Students

Fennell Campus (FF)
September 2025
January 2026

International Students

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Program delivery

Learn about program delivery terms.


Please note: in-person, virtual, and hybrid classes vary according to the program and some programs may be in-person only. Refer to the Program Overview for more information.