Mohawk College Sexual Assault and Sexualized Violence Learning Module
This 20-minute learning module is available to all Mohawk College employees. It provides information about the college's Sexual Assault and Sexualized Violence policy, and offers ideas about where to seek help.
Learning objectives include:
- Identify where to find updated policy & procedures;
- Explain employee obligation to report disclosures and related guidelines;
- Describe how to provide support from a trauma-informed and survivor driven approach;
- List where students and employees can find resources and support both at the college and in the community.
Responding to Disclosures on Campus
Responding to Disclosures on Campus Website
This training includes 7 modules with video scenarios, practice quizzes and links to important resources to help you deliver both a supportive and effective response to disclosures of sexual violence on campus.
Learning objectives include:
- Respond supportively and effectively to disclosures of sexual violence;
- Know where to seek tangible support and resources in your institution and communities;
- Examine one's own attitudes, behaviours and beliefs;
- Learn about professional and institutional practices and initiatives in education around the province.
Courage to Act
Courage to Act Education Website
Courage to Act is a two-year national initiative to address and prevent gender-based violence at post-secondary institutions in Canada. This collective has curated a webinar series, a National skillshare series, several communities of practice, and a number of toolkits and blog posts to facilitate skill-sharing and knowledge-building.
VAW Learning Network
The Learning Network is at the Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women and Children in the Faculty of Education at Western University, and is committed to ending gender-based violence through knowledge mobilization that identifies gaps and emerging issues, establishes meaningful collaborations, and values diverse ways of knowing. The Learning Network develops evidence-informed resources, facilitate knowledge exchanges, present webinars and resource spotlights, and promote Ontario-based resources for the violence against women sector and its allies.