Before we get to welcome your son or daughter to Mohawk College, you have to wave good-bye. Please know we will be working hard to ensure their experience at Mohawk is one to write home about (or at least text!)
Choosing to come all the way to Canada to study at Mohawk was a big decision. We’d like to offer a few resources to help minimize any worries.
About Mohawk College
It’s reassuring to know that on average, over 300 international students make the Dean’s Honour List each semester and that international students successfully graduate from their programs. And, ninety-six percent of our international graduates would recommend Mohawk College to someone else. We can only have achieved these great results by delivering a great, all around experience both in the classroom and out.
Agents Infographic Accessible Version
- 300 - number of international students on Dean’s Honour List (Winter, 2017)
- 86% - grads employed in their fields within 6 months of graduating (KPI)
- $100 million - pent on campus renovations over past 6 years
- #1 - college in student satisfaction in the GTHA for the 7th consecutive year (KPI, 2017)
- 33 - co-op programs with over 300 employers
- 30 + - dedicated supports for international students
- Top 3 - Ranked in the top 3 colleges recommended by 160,000 students from 196 colleges in 17 countries. (i-Graduate’s International Student Barometer, 2016)
Living in Hamilton
Where in the World is Hamilton, Ontario?
To give you a sense of where we are, Hamilton is about a 1-hour drive from Toronto (Canada’s largest city) and about a 1-hour flight to New York City. Please have a look at our Welcome to Hamilton page to find out exactly where Mohawk College is located and to find the best locations for living near campus.
Mohawk College has 3 Campuses in Hamilton
Our 3 campuses are located in different areas of the city, so be sure to find out which campus your son or daughter will be attending before helping them choose a place to live. Also, have a look at the distances from Hamilton to other cities in the area using the information at the bottom of the Welcome to Hamilton page. This will help ensure you don’t accidentally choose a place that would mean long travel times to and from school.
Hamilton Resources
Our Student Life page lists resources for living (eating, shopping, exercising, etc.) in Hamilton. More information about living in Hamilton can be found on the City of Hamilton website.
Paying for College
Financial Aid
There are a number of bursaries and awards available only to international students. Visit our Financial Assistance page for more information about these opportunities.
Working in Canada
International students may work while in Canada – please see the Working in Canada page for more details. The International Career Advisor may also be able to help your son or daughter to determine options for work – your child may email Hussam Eldib (Hussam.Eldib [at] mohawkcollege.ca (Hussam[dot]Eldib[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)) to set up an appointment and discuss work options or attend one of our frequent workshops or events on working Canada.
Academic Success
It is our goal to see every student succeed at Mohawk. But starting college in a new country with different academic customs can be a challenge at first. Mohawk College has many supports to assist your son or daughter and ensure they have every opportunity to succeed.
- Student Success Advisors: An Advisor is available for each academic program area at the college. These advisors are available to guide and assist students in creating an academic plan, identifying other supports in the College, determining pathways and options, and more. Your son or daughter may make a one-on-one appointment with a Student Success Advisor at the Student Success Advisor webpage.
- Coaches and Program Advisors: Program Advisors assist your students in making decisions about courses and programs. It’s important to note that your son’s or daughter’s study permit may have some specific requirements and limitations, a Program Advisor can help make sure any program decision your child may make does not put their study permits at risk. Coaches can also help with acclimatizing to life in Canada and can direct students to supports at Mohawk and in the community. To make an appointment with a Coach or an Advisor, your son or daughter will need to visit The Registrar's Office located at each campus.
- Other Academic Supports: Please take a few minutes to explore the full range of academic supports that we offer to help our international students – and your son or daughter – succeed!
- Pathways: There’s no telling where a student’s education interests may take them. At Mohawk, we support our students’ education goals with flexible pathways that can lead a student from college diplomas to University degrees. Find out more on our Pathways page.
Social Activities
Making a transition to a new culture and country can be daunting. It’s important to make social connections early. Mohawk offers a wide range of events to encourage new students to get to know others.
- The Language & Culture Centre: The Centre is a great place to meet fellow students and attend cultural and social events. See the Language & Culture Centre page for events and location information.
- Volunteering: Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and also add valuable experience to the resume. See the Language & Culture Centre page or your son or daughter may email: internationalvolunteer [at] mohawkcollege.ca (internationalvolunteer[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) for information about volunteering.
- Peer Mentors: Peer mentors assist new students with learning their way around Mohawk – your son or daughter may benefit from having a peer mentor to help with the transition to the Canadian learning and social environment. See more information about the Student Connect Peer Mentor program.
- Leadership Activities: Mohawk College has many leadership activities and opportunities for students to get involved and make connections. See the full list of activities available at Mohawk for students.
Mohawk College takes your child's safety seriously. For more information about safety and security at Mohawk College, please visit our security page.
Mental and Physical Well-being
Counselling is Available: It’s not uncommon for new students in a new country to feel some anxiety, stress or cultural isolation. Mohawk College offers Counselling Services to support students in need. A one-on-one appointment can be made with a professional counsellor who is trained to help students develop strategies to manage stress and succeed at College.
We also have an Intercultural Counsellor who is trained especially to assist international students. See more information about Counselling services or counselling [at] mohawkcollege.ca (email for an appointment with a counsellor.)
Mohawk College Health Centre at Fennell Campus
Most medical needs can be met at the Mohawk College Health Centre which is open to all students and is located conveniently at Fennell Campus in room C109. Services at the clinic are covered under Guard.me insurance which is mandatory for all international students. See more information about health insurance.
Address: 135 Fennell Ave. West, Hamilton – Room C109
Telephone: 905-575-2211
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4 pm.
Please phone for Doctor and availability and appointments.
Visit the Mohawk College Health Centre (Fennell Campus) website
Important Dates & Guides
Academic Dates
You’ll find a full list of the important academic dates such as when classes start, exams begin, and more. You can always know when important dates are approaching.
Guide and Further Resources
Please review the Mohawk College Parents and Caregivers page for further information about Mohawk College.