Test Booking Instructions for Students - Accommodate

Accessible Learning Services at Mohawk College has implemented a new system for requesting and managing accommodations called Accommodate. Within this new system you can:

  • Request your accommodations for the semester
  • Request new accommodations not on your Accommodation Letter
  • Submit meeting requests
  • Book to write quizzes/tests/exams with The Mohawk Testing Centre

For more information and instructions regarding the Accommodate portal, including login instructions and accessing your Accommodation Letter, please visit Accommodate Instructions for Students.

Fennell Testing Centre Final Exam Hours

Saturday, April 12

  • Student Testing Hours: 8:30am – 4:00pm

Monday, April 14 – Thursday, April 17

  • Student Testing Hours: 8:00am – 8:00pm

Friday, April 18

  • College Closed

Booking Your Class Test and/or Exam 

These processes must be followed at least 7 days in advance of the test date and time. This is the only way to guarantee students receive testing accommodations.

Online Test Accommodations

If you require accommodations for an online test, please communicate directly with your instructor and request that the testing accommodations be applied at least 7 days in advance of the test date and time. All approved testing accommodations can be found on your Accommodation Letter which should have been provided to your instructor prior to requesting accommodations.
If you require accommodations in the online environment that the online proctoring tool and your instructor is not able provide, please book your test through the testing portal on Accommodate.

In-Person Test Accommodations

If you require accommodations for an in-class and in-person test, tests must be booked at least 7 days in advance of the test date and time through the test booking portal on Accommodate.

How to Book:

  1. Login to your Accommodate account
  2. Click the “Test Booking” tab on the left-hand side

    1. If the Test Booking tab does not appear, please ensure you have submitted your Accommodation Renewal. For instructions, please visit the Accessible Learning Service’s website.
  2. Click “New Booking Request”

  1. Select your course

  1. Complete the information presented
    1. While completing the test request, select the date and time of your test for BOTH options in the range.

    1. If the test length differs from the length of the class, click “Yes” to override course length. This will require you to input the test length and your extra time will be automatically calculated into your test request.

  1. Click the slot on the right-hand side, and complete your test request by filling in the remaining information.


Please be advised you will receive a confirmation email to your Mohawk email address upon submitting your test request. If you do not receive this email, or do not see you test request in Accommodate, please re-submit your test request.


You must have the following information prior to booking:
Student ID, instructor name, course code, course name, test delivery, date and time the test is being administered in class, test room location and duration


If you require any changes to your booking, please reach out to your campus Testing Centre at least 3 days prior to your test date.

Fennell: alternativetesting.fennell [at] mohawkcollege.ca (alternativetesting[dot]fennell[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)

IAHS: alternativetesting.iahs [at] mohawkcollege.ca (alternativetesting[dot]iahs[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)

Stoney Creek: alternativetesting.stoneycreek [at] mohawkcollege.ca (alternativetesting[dot]stoneycreek[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)

Please feel free to contact your Campus Testing Centre if you have any questions.