Pre-Admission Testing
What is a Pre-Admission Test?
Pre-Admissions test(s) are used for applicants that do not meet or are missing the eligibility requirements for the program they have applied to.
A Pre-Admission test will replace an English/Math credit from an applicant’s transcript for eligibility into a program at Mohawk College only.
Pre-Admission test grades are not transferrable to other colleges.
How will I know if I require a Pre-Admission Test?
If the Admissions department determines an applicant requires a Pre-Admission test, an Admissions Advisor will need to submit a Pre-Admission testing referral. Once the Testing Centre processes the referral, applicants will receive an email with booking and payment instructions.
To contact a staff member to confirm whether a Pre-Admission test is required, please see below:
Domestic applicants: coach [at] (coach[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
International applicants: intered [at] (intered[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or [at] (international[dot]services[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Applicants to the GAS-EAP program: eap [at] (eap[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Applicants to a Continuing Education program: ce [at] (ce[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
How do I book my Pre-Admission test?
Tests can only be booked once a referral has been generated. Applicants are required to contact the appropriate area. Once a referral has been received, you will be provided with instructions from the Pre-Admission Testing Centre on how to proceed with scheduling your appointment and processing payment.
Pre-Admission tests are administered in-person at the Fennell Campus Testing Centre (Room A124).
I require testing accommodations due to a disability. What is the process?
All Pre-Admission tests at Mohawk College are designed following Universal Design for Learning guidelines with respect to additional time. This means, the Pre-Admission tests are designed to give applicant 50% to 100% extra time. The goal is to create an accessible situation where the accommodation for extra time is not needed because it is already built-in to the test duration.
Applicants who feel they require testing accommodations due to a disability or had an Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.) in high school are asked to contact the Pre-Admission Testing Centre at 905 575-2448 or by email at preadmissiontesting [at] (preadmissiontesting[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) and identify themselves as requiring accommodations. Applicants will then be referred to Accessible Learning Services to discuss an accommodations plan.
Once this accommodations plan has been established, the applicant will contact the Testing Centre at 905-575-2448 to schedule their test.
Is there a fee for the Pre-Admission test?
If writing one test, there will be a testing fee of $30+hst.
If writing two tests, there will be a testing fee of $40+hst.
The testing fee will be confirmed at the time of booking. Pre-Admission testing fees are non-refundable.
How do I pay for my Pre-Admission test?
You will receive payment and booking instructions via email after your testing referral has been created.
What will I need to achieve on my test to be considered successful?
The passing score for each admission test varies. Pass scores can be obtained from your Admissions Advisor who provided your testing referral. If you have questions regarding your score and eligibility following your test, please contact the department provided in your post-test handout.
What resources are permitted while writing the Pre-Admission test?
While writing the Pre-Admission test, applicants are permitted a pencil/pen and scrap paper. Testing areas must be clear of any other objects. All scrap paper must be discarded after testing.
Are calculators permitted on Pre-Admission math tests?
Applicants writing a Pre-Admission math test are not permitted the use of calculators, unless indicated at the time of booking.
Where can I find Pre-Admission sample questions?
Please confirm with your Admissions Advisor which test(s) you are required to write. This information will also be on your Pre-Admission testing referral. Once you have done so, access the Pre-Admission sample questions (opens a new tab).
When will I be notified of their Pre-Admission test results?
All applicants that write a Pre-Admission test will receive a post-test handout with information regarding their results.
Can I rewrite the Pre-Admission test if I am not successful?
Applicants who are unsuccessful on their Pre-Admission English or Math tests can rewrite these tests after three (3) Mohawk College intake terms.
Applicants writing the Pre-Admission Language test are eligible for a rewrite after 6 months.
How long is the test and how many sections and questions are there?
Grade 10 English
Read an article and answer a series of short answer questions. (1 hour and 30 minutes)
Grade 12 English (First Language English speakers)
Writing Section (1 hour) - 300-600 word essay
Reading Section (not timed) – 20 multiple choice questions
Grade 12 Language (Second Language English – ESL – speakers)
Writing Section (1 hour) - 300-600 word essay
Reading Section (not timed) – 20 multiple choice questions
Listening Section (not timed) – 20 multiple choice questions
Speaking Section - 30 to 60 second response
GAS-EAP Assessment
Writing Section (1 hour) - 300-600 word essay
Reading Section (not timed) – 20 multiple choice questions
Listening Section (not timed) – 20 multiple choice questions
Grade 10 Math
Multiple Choice test (1 hour) – Approx. 30 questions
Topics include: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, mixed numerals, fractions, whole numbers and decimals
Grade 11 Business Math
Multiple Choice test (1 hour & 20 minutes) – Approx. 30 questions
Topics include: fractions, decimals, percents, order of operations, laws of signs
Grade 12 Technical Math
Multiple Choice test (1 hour & 30 minutes) – Approx. 50 questions
Topics include: fractions, decimals, percents, order of operations, laws of signs, basic algebra, equations, exponents, radicals, and algebraic fractions
Grade 12 Comprehensive Technical Math
Multiple Choice test (2 hours) – Approx. 70 questions
Topics include: fractions, decimals, percents, order of operations, laws of signs, basic algebra, equations, exponents, radicals, and algebraic fractions, mensuration, trigonometry & geometry, linear equations and logarithms
Is there the option to reschedule a Pre-Admission test?
If you are unable to make your appointment, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance by phone at 905-575-2448 or email preadmissiontesting [at] (preadmissiontesting[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) to reschedule your Pre-Admission test. Pre-Admission testing fees are non-refundable.
Assessments for Success
What is the Assessments for Success?
The Assessments for Success is a post-admission assessment for incoming first-semester students. The assessment consists of a writing prompt and a reading comprehension assessment. The Assessments for Success will not affect your offer of admission
What is the purpose of the Assessments for Success?
The purpose of the assessment is to assess your writing and reading, which will determine which communication course delivery best suits your skills. There is no pass or fail for the assessment and this does not impact your offer of admission.
When can I write my Assessments for Success?
You will receive communication to both your personal and Mohawk College email with booking information. You are encouraged to write early and prior to classes beginning. Writing the assessment early will give you more options to available sessions and avoid longer wait times when writing the assessment. New sessions will be made available weekly.
How can I book my Assessments for Success?
After you have accepted your offer of admission, you will receive an email to your personal and Mohawk College email with information on how to book your Assessments for Success.
What questions can I expect on the Communications assessment?
The Communications Assessment consists of a writing prompt and a reading comprehension section. The writing assessment is a 300-600 word essay-style response. The reading section consists of 20 multiple choice questions.
Sample questions are available through the following link:
What will I need for my assessment?
You will be required to present photo I.D (driver’s license, Mohawk ID, health card, or passport) at the time of your assessment. No additional resources are permitted. The Assessments for Success are completed on a Testing Centre lab computer.
How long does the assessment take?
The Communications assessment consists of two components: Writing and Reading Comprehension. The total duration of the assessment is approximately 2 hours. The writing portion is timed for 60 minutes; the remaining time can be used to complete the reading portion.
When will I get my results for the Assessments for Success?
When completing your Assessments for Success in-person, you will receive your results immediately following the session.
If I cannot make my assessment date, how can I rebook?
If you cannot make your scheduled assessment, you can reschedule online through your MyMohawk account, under the Registration tab. You can also reschedule by contacting the Testing Centre directly at 905-575-2042. If you need to leave a voicemail, please ensure to include your full name, student ID and the date and time of your scheduled appointment.
I wrote the assessment last year. Do I need to write it again?
Please contact us at assessment [at] (assessment[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) to verify if you are required to complete the Assessments for Success.
What if I require testing accommodations due to a disability?
The Assessment has been optimized to follow the Universal Design for Learning which means that every student is given 100% extra time to complete the writing portion of the Assessment. The reading portion is untimed.
If you require accommodations in addition to the additional time, or have any other questions pertaining to testing accommodations, please contact the please contact the Mohawk Testing Centre at 905-575-2042. You may be referred to Mohawk College’s Accessible Learning Services Department.
I currently reside out-of-country, am I still eligible to write the assessment?
If you are an International student and are unable to attend an in-person session, due to not being in country, you must book and write your Assessments for Success, after you arrive.
If you have any questions or currently reside out of the country and need assistance booking an Assessments for Success appointment, please contact assessment [at] (assessment[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca).
What if I cannot write the Assessments for Success on campus?
The Assessments for Success are only being administered in-person at the Mohawk College campus. Sessions are available at the Fennell, Stoney Creek and IAHS (McMaster) campuses. For more information, please contact assessment [at] (assessment[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Do I need to write the Assessments for Success prior to selecting my timetable?
No, you are able to select your timetable prior to completing your Assessments for Success. When selecting your timetable, please close the Assessment pop-up message and continue registration.
I have taken Communications courses in the past at other institutions, can I be exempt from the Assessments for Success?
If you have a previous Communications course credit from another post-secondary institution, you may be eligible to apply for a course exemption. For more information, please see link below:
External Proctoring
What is external proctoring?
The Mohawk Testing Centre offers proctoring services for non-Mohawk College students and other post-secondary institutions or certification programs.
I need to write my CCHFM-CHES certification exam, what is the process?
Mohawk College currently provides assistance with administering the CHES exam. Please ensure you have completed your registration through CHES prior to contacting the Mohawk Testing Centre for proctoring. Once applied, please email testingcentre.fennell [at] (testingcentre[dot]fennell[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) for further information and to register for external proctoring.
Your exam will be virtually proctored. Please ensure you meet the following requirements in order to have your exam virtually proctored:
- Access to a computer or laptop (no cell phones, tablets, iPads or Chromebooks)
- Stable internet or WIFI
- Quiet workspace with no disruptions
- Webcam and microphone
- Operating systems: Windows 11 and 10 (“S Mode” and “SE” not available), and Mac macOS 10.15 to 14.0+
- Browser with pop-up blocker disabled: Google Chrome v39 or later (recommended), Mozilla Firefox v34 or later, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari v6 or later
- Review the LockDown Browser computer requirements (link)
For questions regarding test details, results, and/or other certification inquiries, please email cchfm [at] (cchfm[at]ches[dot]org)
For questions regarding testing, please email testingcentre.fennell [at] (testingcentre[dot]fennell[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
I need to write my CVRP/ICVE(CCVE)/ICCCP/RTWDM/ARPA-RTWDM Certification Exam, what is the process?
Please ensure you have completed your registration through CVRP prior to contacting the Mohawk Testing Centre for proctoring. Once applied, please email testingcentre.fennell [at] (testingcentre[dot]fennell[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) for further information and to register for external proctoring.
Your exam will be virtually proctored. Please ensure you meet the following requirements in order to have your exam virtually proctored:
- Access to a computer or laptop (no cell phones, tablets, iPads or Chromebooks)
- Stable internet or WIFI
- Quiet workspace with no disruptions
- Webcam and microphone
- Operating systems: Windows 11 and 10 (“S Mode” and “SE” not available), and Mac macOS 10.15 to 14.0+
- Browser with pop-up blocker disabled: Google Chrome v39 or later (recommended), Mozilla Firefox v34 or later, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari v6 or later
- Review the LockDown Browser computer requirements (link)
For questions regarding test details, results, and/or other certification inquiries, please email info [at] (info[at]cvrp[dot]ca)
For questions regarding testing, please email testingcentre.fennell [at] (testingcentre[dot]fennell[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
I need to write a Real Estate Education Program test, what is the process?
Real Estate Education Program testing takes place at the Mohawk College Fennell Campus (Room A124). Please contact realestateinquiry [at] (realestateinquiry[at]humber[dot]ca) for further inquiries and/or to register for your test.
I need to write a Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) exam, what is the process?
Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) testing takes place at the Mohawk College Fennell Campus (Room A124). Please contact caec [at] (caec[at]tvo[dot]org) for further inquiries and/or to register for your test. For additional information, you can also visit the CAEC website (link).
I am looking to have my test and/or exam externally proctored by Mohawk College, what is the process?
If you require your test to be proctored by Mohawk College, please email testingcentre.fennell [at] (testingcentre[dot]fennell[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) for more information.
The request must be made at least 3 weeks in advance. Our external proctoring service is only available in-person (Fennell Campus – Room A124), Tuesday to Thursday with start times between 9am and 12pm. The tester must pay the non-refundable testing fee ($90.40 including HST) by Credit Card once the appointment has been confirmed.