Policy Number: CS-1105-2020
Policy Title: Space Allocation and Management Policy
Policy Owner: Chief, Building and Facilities Officer
Effective Date:
On this page:
- Purpose
- Application and Scope
- Definitions
- Principles
- Accountability and Compliance
- Rules
- Policy Revision Date
- Attachments
- Specific Links
1. Purpose
Mohawk College owns and leases building spaces which are a valuable and finite resource. Mohawk aims to plan, allocate, use and manage this valuable resource using a transparent process and procedure consistent with best practices in postsecondary facilities management. This policy documents the space allocation practices and the long-term space planning decisions of the college.
2. Application and Scope
This policy is applicable to all departments and employees of Mohawk College. All building space owned or leased by the Mohawk College is subject to this Policy, including space utilized by the Mohawk Students’ Association (MSA) and Union Leadership.
3. Definitions
“Campus Master Plan”, a comprehensive planning guideline for Mohawk that was approved by the Board of Governors in February 2019 and must be adhered to for physical resources of Mohawk at all campuses.
“Campus Master Plan Implementation Committee (CMPIC)” refers to, a cross-functional committee at Mohawk College responsible for ensuring compliance with the vision and principles contained in the approved Campus Master Plan.
4. Principles
Mohawk College is committed to using its resources wisely and equitably.
4.1. Mohawk College does not allocate space permanently. Any owned or leased building space can and shall be re-allocated to meet Mohawk’s changing strategic priorities, functional needs, implementation of the Campus Master Plan or commitments to external parties (in particular regulatory and accrediting bodies).
- Space will be allocated for a specified type of use (a computer laboratory, an office for part-time faculty, a storage room, etc.)
- Mohawk College will periodically review and enact major change to the use of a space or any required exchange of allocated spaces between Schools or departments.
- Mohawk College’s space allocation decisions will consider the quantity and the type of space available, the needs, the best practice in space allocation, the Campus Master Plan, and related policies on space and sustainability.
- MSA utilized spaces are considered Mohawk College resources and all future space allocation will consider this policy and existing lease and operating agreements in place with the MSA.
4.2. All space allocated shall be used efficiently. Utilization data on the use of space will be maintained and reviewed on a regular basis.
4.3. All requested changed to existing space allocations and/or for new space allocations for existing programs and services will follow the steps and forms specified in the Instructions for Space Request Proposals.
5. Accountability and Compliance
5.1 Accountability Framework
This policy has been approved by the Senior Leadership Team.
5.2 Compliance
The Vice President, Corporate Services is responsible for monitoring this policy and ensuring compliance. The Policy is owned by the Chief Building and Facilities Officer and governed by the Planning & Programming Department.
6. Rules
Mohawk College’s space allocation decisions and planning practices will be guided by the objectives and the directions of both the Mohawk Strategic Plan and the Mohawk Campus Master Plan.
All Space Requests shall be reviewed by the Planning Team within Facilities and the Planning Team will bring forward requests requiring additional review to the CMPIC.
Following CMPIC review and recommendation, major space requests will be reviewed by Mohawk Executive Group.
7. Policy Revision Date
7.1 Revision Date
November 2025
7.2 Responsibility
This policy will be reviewed every five years or earlier when required. The policy review will be conducted by members of the CMPIC with guidance from the Planning and Programming Department.
8. Attachments
- Attachment 1: Space Request Form (PDF)
- Attachment 2: Facility Accessibility Design Standards (PDF)
- Appendix A: Instructions for Space Request Proposals
9. Specific Links
Appendix A: Instructions for Space Request Proposals
To standardize the workflow for all space requests from all areas of the college, the below process must be adhered to by all areas. In cases where a change of use for space or additional space is requested, your space request may require review by the Campus Master Plan Committee (CMPIC). CMPIC is a cross-functional group that has been struck to ensure the Campus Master Plan vision, guiding principles are adhered to and the Campus Master Plan is used in the manner it was intended. This group meets on a monthly basis and reviews proposals from College teams who intend to change use of existing space on the three campuses of the College or require new space to accommodate new or existing programs and activities at the College.
Every space request submission begins by completing a Space Request Form. This form identifies the project details to initiate the discussions with Planning.
- Once received, the Planning Department will review and meet you for clarification and discussion regarding the additional steps required to prepare your submission, and assist where required.
- This form must be received at least 2 weeks prior to the CMPIC meeting you intend to present.
- Note: Not all space requests will require CMPIC review. Where the change is minor the Planning Department will review and can approve the change and execute the work.
In order to quantify the space request, a functional program may be required. A functional program defines the character, services, scope, functions and space requirements in sufficient detail for subsequent design or approvals.
At the College, a functional program can be developed by an outside consultant when complex, or the Planning Department can assist your team with developing the functional program.
The length of time to develop a functional program varies (a simple program can be developed in a month, while a complex one can take many months or up to a year, especially if there are multiple stakeholder groups to be consulted) but this step can clearly describe the project to the CMPIC.
Following the review by Planning, the determination of whether your request needs Step 2 or if you can move directly to Step 3 will occur.
The Campus Master Plan is anchored by the Vision and the Guiding Principles:
Mohawk College campuses will be welcoming and vibrant places of education, where learning and pride permeates all aspects of the campus environment for students, alumni, faculty, staff and visitors. In all its physicality, Mohawk College will be a great living lab: an integrated, pedagogical and inspirational environment that showcases student leadership, sustainability, adaptability and innovation and sparks the development and sharing of new ideas.
Mohawk College will be, in all aspects, a learner-centred, industry-focused, transformative and future-ready campus.
It will also be a place of wellness – a sanctuary supporting walkability, recreation, accessibility, diversity and healing. Mohawk College will continue to grow and develop as a key city destination and a hub for the community, a place for gathering and sharing knowledge, offering continuous new experiences and discoveries for all.
- An innovative and collaborative learning environment
- A community-oriented campus and destination
- An environment that supports diversity and inclusivity
- New and enhanced Indigenous spaces on campus
- Environment and context
- A fully accessible environment
- A quality and attractive environment
- A place of wellness, healing and transformation for all
- A sustainable, resilient, and future-ready campus
- A campus that embraces the natural environment and context
The Fennell Campus has been organized into 5 overlapping “neighbourhoods” which helps create clarity and guidance when determining location of spaces. The 5 neighbourhoods are: Gateway, Academic Heart, Student Life, the Residences, and Community Health and Wellness. The neighbourhoods are laid out in the Campus Master Plan Report.
The CMPIC is responsible for evaluating alignment between proposals and the goals of the Campus Master Plan. In addition, there are a number of recommendations contained in the Campus Master Plan. Consider the ways that your proposed project meets the vision, guiding principles and recommendations of the Campus Master Plan and prepare your submission for the CMPIC along these lines.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Sketches, floor plans with annotations, precedent images, and other graphics are all useful in conveying your idea to the CMPIC. In the presentation you make to the committee, please include visual aids to help communicate the impact and the aspirations of your proposal.
Prepare your presentation to the CMPIC. Ensure that the presentation materials are sent to the CMPIC chair at least one week prior to the CMPIC meeting you are presenting at. Your submission will be sent to all CMPIC members for their review prior to the meeting.
Plan to attend the CMPIC meeting to make your proposal, demonstrate the alignment with the Campus Master Plan and answer questions the CMPIC may have.
After you present, the CMPIC will discuss the proposal and determine if the project is aligned with the Campus Master Plan. If your project is deemed as aligned with the Campus Master Plan, you are able to move to the next stage: Detailed Planning.
During the Detailed Planning stage, you will continue to partner with the Planning Department to further refine your project in preparation for approval from Mohawk Executive Group and Mohawk College Board of Governors (BOG).
Note: CMPIC approval does not indicate approval to proceed with your project, or any financial commitment by the College; the detailed planning work for your project is the next phase in the project cycle and could take many months or year(s) and may involve work by consultants. Following the detailed planning phase for your project, your project will be ready to move to the approvals phase at the College for funding (and MEG /BOG approvals, if required).