Mohawk College is proud to collaborate with Six Nations Polytechnic STEAM Academy and IBM to offer the P-TECH program. This innovative partnership was designed to provide Indigenous and non-Indigenous high school students from SNP with a unique opportunity to earn college credits while completing their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). 

Over five years, students will earn:

  • An OSSD; and
  • A Programming Fundamentals Mohawk College Certificate; and
  • A Software Engineering Technician Ontario College Diploma

Students will also complete field placements with industry partners, such as IBM, to provide real-world experience and career exploration opportunities. An example of the Program of Studies is listed below. If you want to learn more about Mohawk College’s collaboration with Six Nations Polytechnic STEAM Academy visit: SNP STEAM Academy or email reception [at] (reception[at]snpsteam[dot]com) .

ECGP Program of Studies

Grade 10

Course #Course TitleTotal Hours

Grade 11

Course #Course TitleTotal Hours
COMP 10001Programming Fundamentals70.00
COMP CO910Introduction to Networking56.00

Grade 12

Course #Course TitleTotal Hours
COMP 10062Programming in Java (Pre-req: COMP 10001)70.00
MATH 10042Mathematics for Computer Studies56.00
COMP 10259

Client-side Web Programming 

(Pre-req: COMP CO710, COMP 10001)

COMM 11000Essential Communication Skills56.00

Mohawk College - Semester One

Course #Course TitleTotal Hours
COMP 10260

Server-side Web Programming 

(Pre-req: COMP CO710, COMP 10062)

COMP 10204Programming in .NET (Pre-req: COMP 10062)56.00
COMP CO859Database Theory56.00
COMP 10066Software Quality and Testing (Pre-req: COMP 10062)56.00

Mohawk College - Semester Two

Course #Course TitleTotal Hours
TBACapstone Project 
COMP 10064Computer Training and Technical Writing56.00
MATH 10064

Discrete Mathematics and Statistics 

(Pre-req: MATH 10042)

 COMP General Elective Courses
• ANTR 10001: Introduction to Anthropology 
• HIST 10010: History: Myth and Reality 
• HIST 10023: Art History 
• LITR 10000: Speculative Fiction 
• PSOL 10015: Critical Perspectives and Society 
• PSYC SS156: Introduction to Psychology 
• SSCI 10079: Digital Thinking 
• SSCI AS105: Race and Ethnic Dynamics 
• SSCI SS108: Introduction to Sociology 
• SSCI SS299: Society, Technology and Social Issues

Mohawk College - Semester Three

Course #Course TitleTotal Hours
WORK 10172S.E. Field Placement 
WORK 10171S.E. Field Placement Seminar 

Learn more about the SNP STEAM Academy.

You can get a head-start on your career with Early College Graduation Program!
Interested? Talk to your Grade 8 Teacher, Guidance Counsellor or Student Success Teacher to learn more.

Contact Us

Jody Brown

Manager - Community Access, Engagement, and Research 

jody.brown2 [at] (Email Jody)


Brittney Glass
Research and Project Coordinator [at] (Email Brittney)


Tanya Kowalewicz

Program Support and Outreach Officer

tanya.kowalewicz [at] (Email Tanya)