After School Within a College

New Supports for Our School within a College Students!

Launched in the 2017-2018 school year, Mohawk College has partnered with our local school boards and the School College Work Initiative to introduce an exciting new program:

After School Within a College (or After SWAC) adds a brand new dimension to our School within a College program. We will help guide students in this program towards postsecondary education and career success.

How does it work?  After SWAC runs during and after your School within a College program, and it includes support in:

  • Finding and exploring postsecondary programs that interest you and can lead you to a successful career
  • Creating a plan for postsecondary education and beyond
  • Applying to college or university - we pay the application fee!
  • Finding financing for postsecondary education, including OSAP, bursaries, and scholarships
  • Navigating the application and registration process

Are you a School within a College student?  If yes, then you are automatically enrolled!  A college adviser will work with you in small groups and one-to-one to help you prepare for your postsecondary experience.  Your college adviser will connect with you during your School within a College class.


Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board Logo

Hamilton Wentworth District School Board Logo

Brant Haldimand Norfold Catholic District School Board Logo

Grand Erie District School Board Logo

Halton District School Board Logo