Dual Credit Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about Dual Credits at Mohawk College? These Frequently Asked Questions may help!


What specific costs of attending college are covered in the Dual Credit program?

The costs that are covered for students in Dual Credit programs include:

  • Tuition and ancillary fees for the Dual Credit course being taken.
  • Textbook costs for the Dual Credit course.
  • Busing to and from the college campus for any courses or class sessions held at Mohawk College.  Any transportation costs are coordinated by the students' home high school or school board.

Some costs that MAY be included for some students include:

  • Course-specific classroom supplies - in classes that require specialized classroom supplies, the cost of these supplies MAY be covered for students in Dual Credit programs.
  • College application costs - provided for School within a College and Adult Dual Credit students ONLY!


What costs are NOT covered in the Dual Credit program?

The costs that students may incur that are NOT covered for students in the Dual Credit program include, but are not limited to:

  • Parking
  • Meals
  • Locker rentals
  • General classroom supplies, such as pens, notebooks, computers, and calculators
  • Mileage for students who drive to and from Mohawk College
  • College application costs for students NOT in the School within a College or Adult Dual Credit programs

Where will the Dual Credit program be delivered?

Dual Credit courses may be delivered at a college campus or at a secondary school.  Each Dual Credit course description on Mohawk's website includes the specific college campus or secondary school where the Dual Credit course will be delivered.  Remember, courses held at specific secondary schools are typically open ONLY to students who attend that school.

If students attend a Dual Credit course at a college campus, how will they get there?

Busing will be paid for students to travel to and from a college campus.  The students' secondary school will either arrange a school bus or provide bus tickets for transportation.  If a student chooses to travel by any other means, such as automobile or taxi, transportation and parking costs will NOT be covered.

How are Dual Credit classes structured?

Every Dual Credit class will have at least one college instructor and one secondary school dual credit teacher. In most cases, material will be delivered using in-class and online formats. Class sizes typically range from 15 to 25 students.

How is the online content delivered?

At Mohawk College, all online content is delivered through MyCanvas. Students in Dual Credit courses may use MyCanvas to access course materials, assignments, quizzes, class discussions, and more.  Learn more about Mohawk College's MyCanvas system.

What is “team taught”?

Students are enrolled in a course that covers the content of both a secondary course and a college course. The college instructor delivers the portion of the course from the college curriculum and the secondary teacher delivers the portion of the course contained in the Ontario curriculum. Students’ achievement is evaluated by the college instructor and the high school teacher. Successful completion of the secondary course is recorded on the students’ secondary school transcript. Credit for completion of the college course is recognized on the students’ college transcript.

What is “Dual Credit”?

Dual credit programs allow high school students to enroll in college courses for credit while still in high school. During the program, students are taught by both a high school teacher and a college instructor. Upon successful completion of the credit, two credits are earned by the student – one at the high school level, and one at the college level. College credits earned through dual credit can be applied toward high school and college graduation and can be transferred to other colleges or universities. A dual credit program benefits the student in a number of ways:

  • Provides a head start on postsecondary core requirements
  • Lowers the cost of college
  • Expands the variety of classes available to high school students
  • Allows access to college facilities/activities–such as fine arts performances, career development services, computer labs, college libraries, and learning skills/tutoring services
  • Provides greater opportunities for a coordinated, seamless education
  • Serves as a “controlled” introduction to college life
  • Allows for an easier transition to college
  • Builds students’ confidence and self-esteem

What resources are available to support learning at Mohawk College?

Mohawk College students have access to a plethora of supports and services.  While on campus, students can visit The Registrar's Office to explore the resources available to them. Learn about all of the different resources available to our students.

Some resources that may be particularly useful for Dual Credit students include:


These are just some of the great resources these areas have to offer. Visit their website to explore all of their great services!


Do you have a question that wasn't answered here?  Contact your Student Services or Guidance Department for more information!


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