P-TECH Program of Studies


Grade 9

Course #Course TitleTotal Hours

Grade 10

Course #Course TitleTotal Hours
COMP 10001Programming Fundamentals70.00
COMP CO910Introduction to Networking56.00

Grade 11

Course #Course TitleTotal Hours
COMP 10062Programming in Java (Pre-req: COMP 10001)70.00
MATH 10042Mathematics for Computer Studies56.00

Grade 12

Course #Course TitleTotal Hours
COMP 10259

Client-side Web Programming 

(Pre-req: COMP CO710, COMP 10001)

COMP 10064Computer Training and Technical Writing56.00
COMM 11000Essential Communication Skills56.00
MATH 10064

Discrete Mathematics and Statistics 

(Pre-req: MATH 10042)


Mohawk College - Semester One

Course #Course TitleTotal Hours
COMP 10260

Server-side Web Programming 

(Pre-req: COMP CO710, COMP 10062)

COMP 10204Programming in .NET (Pre-req: COMP 10062)56.00
COMP CO859Database Theory56.00
COMP 10066Software Quality and Testing (Pre-req: COMP 10062)56.00
 COMP General Elective Courses
• ANTR 10001: Introduction to Anthropology 
• HIST 10010: History: Myth and Reality 
• HIST 10023: Art History 
• LITR 10000: Speculative Fiction 
• PSOL 10015: Critical Perspectives and Society 
• PSYC SS156: Introduction to Psychology 
• SSCI 10079: Digital Thinking 
• SSCI AS105: Race and Ethnic Dynamics 
• SSCI SS108: Introduction to Sociology 
• SSCI SS299: Society, Technology and Social Issues

Mohawk College - Semester Two

Course #Course TitleTotal Hours
TBACapstone Project 
WORK 10172S.E. Field Placement 
WORK 10171S.E. Field Placement Seminar 

You can get a head-start on your career with Early College Graduation Program!
Interested? Talk to your Grade 8 Teacher, Guidance Counsellor or Student Success Teacher to learn more.

Contact Us

Jody Brown

Manager - Community Access, Engagement, and Research 

jody.brown2 [at] mohawkcollege.ca (Email Jody)


Brittney Glass
Research and Project Coordinator

brittney.glass [at] mohawkcollege.ca (Email Brittney)


Tanya Kowalewicz

Program Support and Outreach Officer

tanya.kowalewicz [at] mohawkcollege.ca (Email Tanya)