Virtual Global Learning Opportunities (COIL)

Collaborative Online International Learning, or COIL, is an innovative educational approach that connects classrooms around the world, allowing students and faculty to engage in shared learning experiences.

Through COIL, faculty from participating institutions collaborate to create a rich learning environment that emphasizes teamwork and cross-cultural exchange. This modei goes beyond traditional online courses by integrating experiential learning and promoting equity among diverse student populations. The goal is to enhance global awareness and Intercultural competencies through collaborative projects and Interactions.

Virtual GLO/COIL Framework

Definition and Purpose

A Virtual GLO, or “COIL – Collaborative Online International Learning” enhances your course with an online intercultural learning opportunity so that students can gain global competencies without leaving home. First developed at the SUNY COIL Centre, COIL “connects you and a colleague in another country to develop collaborative projects that your students do together across time zones, language differences and geographical distance using online tools. It becomes one aspect of your course, supporting your student learning goals, giving you and your students the opportunity to engage hands-on with your course concepts and new ideas and – most importantly – exploring them from different cultural perspectives.”
-    SUNY COIL Center

The purpose of a Virtual GLO/COIL project is to:

  • Provide students with intercultural learning opportunities to become global citizens and graduate with future ready global competencies
  • Provide opportunities for faculty to explore innovative digital teaching strategies, professional development and global networking with partners around the world
  • Provide a cost-effective way to ensure more students participate in global learning
  • Further the College’s Comprehensive Internationalization strategy


  • All full-time faculty are eligible to submit a proposal for a COIL during the call for proposal phase of the cycle
  • Faculty are invited to submit a proposal to embed a COIL project using the Virtual GLO/COIL Proposal Form linked above during the call for proposal phase of the cycle
  • A partner does not need to be identified and International & Partnerships can assist with partner identification


The Virtual GLO/COIL grant provides a 4.5 hour/week release to full-time faculty members selected to complete a COIL project during one semester.

How to Apply

Applicants must review this Framework as well as the Virtual GLO FAQ before applying and then complete the Virtual GLO/COIL Proposal Form (linked at top of page) and email to: glo [at] (glo[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca). Proposals must be signed by the applicant’s Operations Manager, Associate Dean/Director and Dean.


The Virtual GLO Selection Committee is made up of staff from any or all of the following:

  • Mohawk International (Dean and/or at least one Manager; Academic Coordinator)
  • Academic areas (faculty and/or Dean/Associate Dean) 
  • International Faculty Lead
  • Centre for Teaching & Learning 
  • Human Resources


Proposals will be evaluated based on the following:

  • Learning activities allow students to collaborate virtually with a global partner at another institution, learn about global perspectives and build intercultural competencies through a robust, experiential, online learning opportunity embedded in their course
  • Opportunity to achieve at least one global competency is clearly described. Online activities to enable achievement are reasonable and realistic
  • Learning outcomes and assessments are clearly defined if possible at the time of application
  • The opportunity provides a robust, online cultural experience and adds value to the learning experience in the course
  • 1-2 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals will be addressed


Selected applicants must agree to the following:

  • Meet with International & Partnerships team member(s) to plan the opportunity
  • Read the Virtual GLO Framework (this page) and FAQ before submitting the application
  • Review the Virtual GLO Guide (coming soon!) and complete the templates with their partner after selection
  • Promote the COIL to fellow faculty and attend an International Faculty Leads meeting to discuss the COIL once completed
  • Provide feedback and lessons learned after completing the COIL to the International & Partnerships department
  • Be open to sharing with others embarking on a COIL in future and presenting on the COIL project to other faculty at conferences, events, etc..

Timeline and Important Dates

Important EventsDates
Call for proposals and information sessionsWinter - Spring
Virtual GLO/COIL and FLIP Proposals DUE: glo [at] (glo[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) July 2, 2024
Virtual GLO/COIL Selection committee reviews the proposals Summer
International notifies successful applicant(s)Late Summer/Early Fall
Planning and Virtual GLO/COIL takes placeWinter