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The CHSR strives to align its practices with the International Nursing Association of Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL)’s standards of best practice, otherwise known as the 'Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice' (HSSOBP). The HSSOBP are designed to advance the science of simulation, share best practices, and provide evidence-based guidelines for evaluating and improving simulation operating procedures and delivery methods that every simulation team will benefit from.

Click the following button to visit INACSL's website and read more about the HSSOBP:


SSH - Code of Ethics

The CHSR also strives to align with the Society for Simulation in Healthcare's (SSH) Code of Ethics. SSH explains that 'codes of ethics are self-imposed, aspirational, express key values in professional relationships, identify general standards of conduct and responsibility, and assert a professional identity' (SSH, 2024). As healthcare simulationists, we at the CHSR wish to encourage the upkeep of higher standards in our profession.

Click the following button to visit SSH's website and read more about the Code of Ethics:

Visit SSH