CIRKL has offered professional development sessions on various topics including Terminology, Land Acknowledgements, Smudging and Common Misconceptions, both internally at Mohawk College and to external organizations.
Internal Professional Development

- Please visit the Mohawk College Internal PD Calendar for information on the latest PD offerings
- Land Acknowledgement resources
- Tetewatatyenawà:se (PDF) (We help Each other) (day-day-wah-dah-dyen-un-WA-zay) [TR1]
External Professional Development
Please visit the links below for information on PD offered via external organizations:
- University of Alberta: Indigenous Canada
- First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC): The Fundamentals of the First Nations Principles of Ownership, Control, Access and Possession (OCAP)
- Mental Health Commission of Canada: Mental Health First Aid First Nations training