The Health and Wellness Centre offers free and confidential counselling to students in accordance with our Scope of Practice Statement. Inquiries and appointment requests can be directed towards our Front Desk.
Email: hwc [at] (subject: Counselling%20Inquiry) (hwc[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Phone: 905-575-2211
The Health and Wellness Centre is available to respond to your inquiries Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4pm.
Below is a list of other resources and programs that are available to students in instances when different or more support is needed. If you would like additional support connecting with any of the resources or programs listed, feel free to hwc [at] (subject: Connection%20to%20Community%20Resources%20-%20WCC%20Support%20Request) (contact our Front Desk), and ask for one of our Wellness Care Coordinators to assist you.
For a complete list of services in Hamilton, visit Community Information Hamilton
Student Services and Supports
For a full list of student services and supports available at Mohawk College, please visit The Registrar's Office - Student Services webpage.
Online Mental Health Resources
Virtual Counselling
Mental Health Resources and Information
More Feet on the Ground
An online resource intended to be a one-stop shop for any individual looking to understand more about mental health and how to refer someone to relevant mental health programs.
Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health
Focused on student mental health, this site provides resources, webinars with experts, and the latest news on mental health.
Information on Depression
The Mobilizing Minds research group offers educational resources about depression and offers treatment options for depression.
Suicide Prevention Community Council of Hamilton
Educational resources about suicide prevention.
Community Resources
LGBT Youthline
Offers confidential, non-judgmental, and informed LGBTQQ2SI Peer Support.
Phone: 1-800-268-9688 (6pm to 9pm daily)
Text: 647-694-4275 (4pm to 9:30pm daily)
Trans Lifeline
Provides trans peer support, run by and for trans people.
Phone: 1-877-330-6366
Services for Parents and Children
Children's Aid Society
A non-for-profit charitable organization focusing on the well-being and protection of children, which works to reduce harmful circumstances and address areas of concern.
Phone: 905-522-1121
For service in French: 1-855-550-3571
After-hours emergencies: 905-522-8053
Email: info [at] (info[at]hamiltoncas[dot]ca)
Address: 26 Arrowsmith Road, Hamilton
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Hamilton Catholic Children's Aid Society
Working closely with other child- and family-focused community agencies, provides coordinated and complementary child welfare services to children, youth, and families.
Phone: 905-525-2012
For service in French: 1-855-550-3571
After-hours emergencies: 905-522-8053
Address: 735 King Street East, Hamilton
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Learn more about the Hamilton Catholic Children's Aid Society
Boys and Girls Club of Hamilton/Halton
Offers quality programs for children, youth, adults and families with a focus on learning and skills development.
Phone: 905-549-2814
Early Years and Child Care Services
Access the Hamilton Child Care Registry, Financial Support for Child Care, Early Years Programs and Services, and view licensed Child Care Operators.
Phone: 905-524-4884 (Information line)
Crisis - Phone
Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST)
Serves residents of the City of Hamilton who have serious mental health challenges and are in crisis.
Phone: 905-972-8338
Toll Free: 1-844-972-8338
Provides free, confidential support services for post-secondary students in Ontario.
Phone: 1-866-925-5454
Text: GOOD@TALKON to 686868
Sexual Assault Centre Hamilton (SACHA)
Provides supports to people who have experienced sexualized violence at any point in their lives.
Phone: 905-525-4162 (24/7 Support line)
Address: 75 MacNab Street South - 3rd Floor, Hamilton
Salvation Army - Crisis/Hope Line
Offers practical assistance for children and families, tending to the basic necessities of life; and offers practical supports for people in crisis.
Phone: 905-522-1477 or 1-855-294-4673
Address: 80 Bay Street North, Hamilton
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm
Food Banks
Mission Services - Good Food Centre
Provides emergency food and hygiene supplies to those with a low income. Bring ID for all family members, proof of address, income statement, rent or mortgage statement, and copies of utility statements (if applicable).
Phone: 905-528-4212
Address: 196 Wentworth Street North, Hamilton
Neighbour 2 Neighbour - Hamilton Community Food Centre
Welcoming and safe community space offering food-based programs.
Address: 10-310 Lime Ridge Road West, Hamilton
Neighbour 2 Neighbour - Food Bank
An appointment only, emergency food bank. First-time shoppers must provide ID for all household members, proof of address, and proof of income.
Phone: 905-574-1334 ext. 300
Address: 28 Athens Street, Hamilton
Salvation Army
Provides emergency food, and referral to community programs and resources as necessary.
Phone: 905-540-1888 ext. 101
Address: 80 Bay Street North, Hamilton
St. Matthew's House Food Bank
Provides emergency food. First time visitors are required to bring 2 pieces of ID for the head of household, 1 piece of ID for all other family members, proof of income, and proof of address.
Phone: 905-523-5546
Address: 785 Britannia Avenue, Hamilton
Hours: Monday to Thursday, 9am to 12pm
Housing Support
Access to Housing
Helps with the application process and maintains the central waiting list for subsidized housing for social housing providers in Hamilton.
Phone: 905-546-2424 ext. 3708
Email: ath [at] (ath[at]hamilton[dot]ca)
Address: 350 King Street East - Suite 110, Hamilton
CityHousing Hamilton
Provides homes that are safe, well-maintained and affordable.
Phone: 905-523-8496
Email: cityhousing [at] (cityhousing[at]hamilton[dot]ca)
Address: 181 Main Street West - 3rd Floor, Hamilton
Housing Help Centre of Hamilton
Offers rental listings, access to financial assistance programs, landlord support, and information relating to housing in Hamilton.
Phone: 905-526-8100
Address: 119 Main Street East, Hamilton
Wesley Urban Ministries
Offers support to individuals experiencing episodic and chronic homelessness, and those who are at risk of homelessness.
Phone: 905-528-5629
Address: 52 Catharine Street North, Hamilton
Bed Bug Information
Information about bed bugs, cockroaches, rats, and pest control.
Crime Stoppers
A citizen program that works to help stop, prevent, and solve crime.
Phone: 1-800-222-8477
Hamilton Community Legal Clinic
Works with low-income residents of Hamilton to improve legal rights and promote access to justice.
Phone: 905-527-4572
Address: 100 Main Street East - Suite 203, Hamilton
Hamilton Police Services
Serves and protects Hamilton's residents, making Hamilton a safe place to live and work.
Phone: 905-546-4772
Address: 155 King William Street, Hamilton
Mental Health
Catholic Family Services (Counselling)
Provides counselling, community connection, and education programs to men, women, young, pregnant and parenting women & their partners, infants, and seniors.
Phone: 905-387-3823 ext. 0
Intake Line: 905-387-3823 ext. 279
Email: intake [at] (intake[at]cfshw[dot]com)
Address: 404-460 Main Street East, Hamilton
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
Provides recovery-focused programs and services for people of all ages and their families.
Phone: 905-521-0090
Email: info [at] (info[at]cmhahamilton[dot]ca)
Address: 131 John Street South, Hamilton
Connect Mental Health and Addiction Services
A centralized intake service for 17 adult outpatient mental health and addiction programs at St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton.
Phone: 905-522-1155 ext. 36499
Address: 100 West 5th Street, Hamilton
Learn more about Connect Mental Health and Addiction Services
City of Hamilton
Information about property taxes, garbage and recycling, tickets and parking, by-law and enforcement, and more.
Phone: 905-546-2489
Email: askcity [at] (askcity[at]hamilton[dot]ca)
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Home and Community Care Support Services
Delivers local health care services such as home and community care, access to community services and long-term care home placement.
Phone: 905-523-8600
General Inquiries: 1-800-810-0000
Address: 1-211 Pritchard Road, Hamilton
Hours: Monday to Sunday, 8:30am to 8:30pm
Hamilton Urban Core
Offers harm reduction, health and wellness programs, and support and community development.
Phone: 905-522-3233
Email: administration [at] (administration[at]hucchc[dot]com)
Address: 181 Main Street West, Hamilton
Ontario Works
Provides temporary financial and employment assistance for people who are in financial need.
Phone: 905-546-4800
Toll Free: 1-855-999-8729
Email: ontarioworks [at] (ontarioworks[at]hamilton[dot]ca)
Address: 250 Main Street East, Hamilton
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Public Health Services
Offers various clinics and services, information about health topics, specialized classes, and more.
Phone: 905-546-2489
Email: publichealth [at] (publichealth[at]hamilton[dot]ca)
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Service Ontario
Get your Driver's License, health card, birth certificates, register a birth, and more.
Phone: 416-326-1234
Toll Free: 1-800-267-8097
Welcome Inn Community Centre
Offers programs for children & youth, seniors, and community, as well as a food bank and thrift store.
Phone: 905-525-5824
Email: info [at] (info[at]welcomeinn[dot]ca)
Address: 40 Wood Street East, Hamilton
Hours: Monday to Thursday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Physical Health
Hamilton General Hospital
Phone: 905-521-2100
Address: 237 Barton Street East, Hamilton
Hamilton Health Sciences
Care for all ages, from pre-birth to end-of-life.
Phone: 905-521-2100
A free, secure and confidential service you can call or access online 24 hours a day, seven days a week to get health advice from a registered nurse or find health services or information.
Phone: 811
Juravinski Hospital
Phone: 905-389-4411
Address: 711 Concession Street, Hamilton
McMaster Children's Hospital
Phone: 905-521-2100
Address: 1200 Main Street West, Hamilton
St. Joseph's Healthcare
Phone: 905-522-1155
Address: 50 Charlton Avenue East, Hamilton
Shelter Health Network
Provides primary care to high risk populations without stable housing and who have complex health problems, within shelters and transitional housing programs, drop-in centres, addiction facilities, and mental health facilities.
Phone: 905-526-7137
Email: admin [at] (admin[at]shelterhealthnetwork[dot]ca)
Address: 82 Stinson Street, Hamilton
St. Joseph's Urgent Care
Serves patients with non-threatening injuries and illnesses. Patients are encouraged to visit Urgent Care only if and when their conditions cannot wait for a scheduled doctor's appointment.
Phone: 905-573-7777
Address: 2757 King Street East, Hamilton
Hours: Monday to Sunday, 8am to 10pm
Health Connect Ontario
Get connected to health care 24/7. Check your symptoms, get health advice, find a health service, or search the medical library.
Toll Free: 1-866-797-0007
Main Street West Urgent Care Clinic
Walk-in medical care for patients with urgent health concerns that cannot wait for a family doctor.
Phone: 905-521-2100
Address: 690 Main Street West, Hamilton
Barrett Centre for Crisis Support
Provides a safe environment in the community for individuals who are experiencing mental health and/or substance use crisis and who do not require a hospital stay.
Mental Health Crisis Support: 905-529-7878
Toll Free: 1-844-777-3571
Women's Services: 905-523-6277
Good Shepherd Family Centre
A housing-focused shelter for families experiencing homelessness in the Hamilton area.
Phone: 905-528-9442
Address: 143 Wentworth Street South, Hamilton
Good Shepherd Men's Centre
Offers emergency overnight accommodation for up to 54 men including meals and laundry services, overflow spaces for up to 10 men, case management and referrals to appropriate community resources.
Phone: 905-528-9109
Address: 135 Mary Street, Hamilton
Good Shepherd Notre Dame House
Helps youth who are street-involved or homeless due to family violence, conflict, abuse, neglect, poverty, and exposure to mental health and addiction issues.
Phone: 905-308-8090
Address: 14 Cannon Street West, Hamilton
Halton Women's Place (North & South)
Provides shelter and crisis services for physically, emotionally, financially, and sexually abused women and their dependent children.
Phone: 905-332-1593
Crisis Line: 905-332-7892
Email: info [at] (info[at]haltonwomensplace[dot]com)
Inasmuch House
A shelter for women-identified and non-binary people with or without children in their care who are experiencing abuse and/or homelessness.
Phone: 905-529-8600 (Main line)
Phone: 905-529-8149 ext. 125 (Reception)
Text: 289-212-6399
Interval House of Hamilton
Provides emergency shelter, safety planning and support services for women with or without children that have experienced abuse or violence.
Phone: 905-387-9959
Crisis Line: 905-387-8881
Email: info [at] (info[at]intervalhousehamilton[dot]org)
Martha House
An accessible 40-bed emergency shelter for women and their children who are homeless and fleeing violence and abuse. Also provides referrals and advocacy for legal, medical, financial, employment, housing, and community services.
Phone: 905-523-8895
Crisis Line: 905-523-6277
Address: 25 Ray Street North, Hamilton
Mary's Place
A 20-bed emergency shelter for women 18 years and older, who are dealing with homelessness, poverty, mental illness and/or violence. Also provides safety planning and advocacy for medical, legal, and other community services, as well as assistance in establishing permanent housing.
Phone: 905-540-8000
Crisis Line: 905-523-6277
Address: 20 Pearl Street North, Hamilton
Mission Services - Men Shelter
Emergency shelter for men-identifying people over the age of 18 years old.
Phone: 905-528-7635
Address: 325 James Street North, Hamilton
Native Women's Centre
Provides safe, emergency shelter for all women regardless of age, ancestry, culture, place of origin or sexual orientation with or without children who are experiencing crisis in their lives due to family violence, homelessness, or conflict with the law.
Phone: 905-664-1114 or 1-888-308-6559
Address: 1900 King Street East, Hamilton
Salvation Army - Booth Centre
Emergency shelter for homeless or transient men. Provides short and long term transitional accommodation, an enhanced hosteling program with case management, financial management, and referral to counselling.
Phone: 905-527-1444
Address: 94 York Boulevard, Hamilton
Willow's Place and Emma's Place
A safe, low-barrier space for all women-identifying folks experiencing homelessness, precarious housing, and social isolation. Emma's Place offers 15 low-barrier beds to women and non-binary people from 9pm to 9am.
Phone: 905-528-5100 ext. 1200
Address: 196 Wentworth Street North, Hamilton
Sexual Health
Hamilton AIDS Network
Offers services and education to people living in the communities of Hamilton, Halton, Haldimand, Norfolk, and Brant.
Phone: 905-528-0854
Toll Free: 1-866-563-0563
Address: 140 King Street East - Suite 101, Hamilton
Anonymous HIV Testing
Anonymous and rapid HIV tests. No health card or appointment needed.
Phone: 905-528-5894
Sexual Health Clinics
Provides testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, low-cost birth control, and free condoms.
Phone: 905-528-5894
Maternity Centre of Hamilton
Provides expert care to pregnant women at any or all stages of having a baby.
Phone: 905-528-5553
Address: 100 Main Street West - 3rd Floor, Hamilton
Sexual Assault Centre Hamilton (SACHA)
Provides supports to people who have experienced sexualized violence at any point in their lives.
Phone: 905-525-4162 (24/7 Support line)
Address: 75 MacNab Street South - 3rd Floor, Hamilton
Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Care Centre
Provides compassionate, confidential health care for children, adolescents, women, trans persons, and men who have experienced sexual assault and/or domestic violence.
Phone: 905-521-2100 ext. 73557
Learn more about Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Care Centre
Substance Use
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
A fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
Phone: 905-522-8392 (Hamilton)
Phone: 905-631-8784 (Burlington/Oakville)
Strength and hope for friends and families of those dealing with problematic drinking.
Phone: 905-522-1733
Alcohol, Drug, Gambling Services (ADGS)
Provides information, counselling, group programs, methadone case management, referral to residential treatment, and more.
Phone: 905-546-3606
Address: 21 Hunter Street East - 3rd Floor, Hamilton
Alternatives for Youth
Provides community-based substance use and addition treatment services that engage and mobilize youth ages 12-25 and their families.
Phone: 905-527-4469
Email: admin [at] (admin[at]ay[dot]on[dot]ca)
Address: 38 James Street South - 2nd Floor, Hamilton
Men's Addiction Service Hamilton (MASH)
A safe place that welcomes men who are struggling with substance use problems.
Phone: 905-527-9264
Address: 595 Main Street East, Hamilton
Hours: Available 24/7
Mission Services - Suntrac
Suntrac Wellness & Addiction Treatment Program incorporates best practices in the treatment of substance use. Serves individuals of all genders aged 19 and older.
Phone: 905-528-0389
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
An international, community-based association of individuals recovering from drug addiction.
Phone: 1-888-811-3887 (English)
Phone: 1-888-385-7247 (French)
Phone: 1-888-377-7881 (Farsi)
Smoker's Helpline
Work one-on-one with a Smokers' Helpline Quit Coach to create a quit plan that works for you.
Phone: 1-866-797-0000
Text: Text iQuit to 123456
WomanKind - Addiction Services
Offers a range of gender responsive programming and supports to women seeking change with their substance use.
Phone: 905-545-9100
Email: womankindinquiries [at] (womankindinquiries[at]stjoes[dot]ca)
Address: 431 Whitney Avenue, Hamilton
The Van - Needle Exchange Program
A confidential service that travels anywhere in Hamilton and is available at a requested meeting spot. Delivers new needles and harm reduction supplies, and offers safe disposal of any used harm reduction supplies.
Phone: 905-317-9966
Text: 905-317-9966
Hours: Monday to Sunday, 7pm to 11pm
Indigenous Resources
Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services
Provides safe and affordable housing to urban and rural First Nation, Inuit, and Metis people living off-Reserve in Ontario.
Toll Free: 1-866-391-1061
Email: info [at] (info[at]oahssc[dot]ca)
Address: 42 Mary Street, Hamilton
Sacajawea Non-Profit Housing
Provider of housing units for low to moderate income Indigenous families and individuals. Offers referrals to services to help tenants with their individual needs.
Phone: 905-544-3406
Address: 370 Main Street East - Unit 200, Hamilton
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Hamilton Regional Indian Centre
Provides Urban Aboriginal People with the tools to achieve a balanced, holistic lifestyle.
Phone: 905-548-9593
Email: adavis [at] (adavis[at]hric[dot]ca)
Address: 34 Ottawa Street North, Hamilton
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm
Metis Women's Circle
Circle of Metis women who support, educate, and empower women who share Aboriginal heritage.
Email: info [at] (info[at]metiswomenscircle[dot]ca)
Address: 44 Park Street East, Dundas
Six Nations Social Services
Provides assistance in a non-adversarial, cooperative manner, which draws upon, supports, and strengthens the family.
Phone: 519-445-2071
Address: 15 Sunrise Court, Ohsweken
Ganohkwasra - Family Assault Support Services
Offers residential services, counselling, programs and services, and community education.
Phone: 519-445-4324 (24/7 Support)
Address: 1781 Chiefswood Road, Ohsweken
De Dwa Da Dehs Nye's Aboriginal Health Centre
Provides primary care and health promotion programs in the urban centres of Brantford and Hamilton.
Phone: 905-544-4320 (Hamilton)
Phone: 519-752-4340 (Brantford)
Email: info [at] (info[at]dahac[dot]ca)
Address: 678 Main Street East, Hamilton
Learn more about De Dwa Da Dehs Nye's Aboriginal Health Centre
International Resources
Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion
Civic resource centre to create an inclusive and welcoming city through respecting diversity, practicing equity, and speaking out against discrimination.
Phone: 905-297-4694
Email: info [at] (info[at]hcci[dot]ca)
Address: 423 King Street East, Hamilton
Circle of Friends for Newcomers
Provides English classes for newcomers to Canada. Also provides support with finding ESL credit programs, obtaining high school diplomas, and locating bridging programs in the city.
Phone: 905-529-1840
Address: 155 Queen Street North, Hamilton
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 2pm
Centre de santé communautaire
Les services et programmes du CSCHN sont offerts à toute personne francophone qui habite dans les régions de Hamilton ou du Niagara.
Phone: 905-528-0163 or 1-866-437-7606
Address: 1320 Barton Street East, Hamilton
Guard Me
Provider of international health insurance, offering health and wellness programs and services designed to mitigate risk, manage crisis events, and improve health and wellness.
Phone: 905-752-6200
Toll Free: 1-877-873-8447
Email: admin [at] (admin[at]guard[dot]me) (Administration)
Email: claims [at] (claims[at]guard[dot]me) (Claims)
Compass Community Health (Compass CH)
Offers client resources, primary care, mental wellness, community health promotion, and more.
Phone: 905-523-6611 ext. 2000
Address: 438 Hughson Street North, Hamilton
Immigrant Working Centre
Offers settlement services, employment services, English classes, and volunteer opportunities.
Phone: 905-529-5209
Email: communications [at] (communications[at]iwchamilton[dot]ca)
Address: 8 Main Street East - Suite 101, Hamilton
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm