Mental Health in Motion

Mental Health in Motion was established in 2015 with the goal to break down barriers to mental health on campus and within the community through mental illness awareness, mental health promotion, and recognition of the strength and courage of individuals.

Mental Health in Motion is a peer lead group that engages students through dialogue while creating awareness and resources available on and off campus in an effort to end the stigma and misconceptions related to Mental Health. Peer to peer initiatives is one of the best ways to engage students who may have concerns with sharing their stories with a professional, or who find it difficult to reach out for help.

Our proactive versus reactive approach has shown success with educating about mental health and wellness and looking at strategies to motivate students with positive mental well-being.

​We host events year round on campus at Mohawk College and in the Hamilton community. We hope to build an environment that changes attitudes and behaviours while educating the Mohawk College Community on mental health.