Rx for Fitness

Prescription (Rx.) for Fitness is an evidence-based, peer-led wellness program designed to help student to combat loneliness, stress, anxiety, depression, and low physical activity levels. Social connection and physical activity are essential health behaviours necessary for young adults to thrive. Rx. for Fitness provide students the opportunity to connect through movement to improve psychological well-being and resiliency. Get matched with an exercise buddy for weekly physical activity sessions based on activity interests and schedules.

Is Rx. for Fitness Right for Me?

  • Anxious about accessing space like the gym
  • Feelings of loneliness or isolation
  • Lack of peer support
  • Interested in incorporating movement into your life for mental health benefits but don't know where to start

How It Works

Referral is required to access the program. Already accessing services at the Health & Wellness Centre? Ask a HWC counsellor or nurse about Rx. for Fitness to get connected with an exercise buddy. New to the Health & Wellness Centre? Book a screening appointment with one of our counsellors to see if Rx. for Fitness is the right program for you and get connected with an exercise buddy.