Early College Graduation Program

Gain the Advantage!

Mohawk College, in partnership with the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board and the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board, is pleased to launch the Early College Graduation Program (ECGP) in September 2021. This pilot program will help local students travel the pathway to a college credential and the opportunity for promising jobs. Mohawk College and the Centre for Community Partnerships and Experiential Learning bring years of experience combining secondary and college curriculum. 

Using proven delivery models, college credit courses are delivered with related secondary school credits in an innovative partnership between college instructors and secondary school teachers. ECGP will work hand-in-hand with employers and community partners to deliver an early intervention strategy for students who face barriers in education and may be targeting direct employment after leaving high school. This program will help students expand their understanding of potential careers and enable them to acquire the exact skills and experiences they will need to thrive once hired. ECGP will provide real-world experiences that will lead to greater student success. At this time, the program offers two streams that align with the workforce needs of our Greater Hamilton community: Advanced Automation and Manufacturing and Software Engineering.

manufacturing operator


Students will earn their Ontario Secondary School Diploma while concurrently earning an Ontario College Certificate in Mohawk College’s Advanced Manufacturing Operations program and value-added credentials from the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council’s Certified Production Technician Program (MSSC). Upon graduation, students will have honed their technical skills with current and future computer engineering technology, with early college graduation leading to early career entry and success.  

Learn more about AAM

software engineering students


Students will earn their Ontario Secondary School Diploma while concurrently earning an Ontario College Diploma in Mohawk College's Software Engineering Technician program. Mohawk has partnered with industry leaders to deliver the P-TECH model and by doing so can assist students travel the  path to a college credential and the opportunity for promising jobs. P-TECH students will be ready to begin a career (or continue further post-secondary studies) by the time they graduate. 

Learn more about P-TECH

You can get a head-start on your career with Early College Graduation Program!
Interested? Talk to your Grade 8 Teacher, Guidance Counsellor or Student Success Teacher to learn more.

Contact Us

Jody Brown

Manager - Community Access, Engagement, and Research 

jody.brown2 [at] mohawkcollege.ca (Email Jody)


Brittney Glass
Research and Project Coordinator

brittney.glass [at] mohawkcollege.ca (Email Brittney)


Tanya Kowalewicz

Program Support and Outreach Officer

tanya.kowalewicz [at] mohawkcollege.ca (Email Tanya)