MohawkAPPS is the name of a new software application service provided by AppsAnywhere
AppsAnywhere is an easy to use web-based tool which provides access to the software applications you need in college without the need to download them. AppsAnywhere with the help of Cloudpaging lets users access the service from their own computers or from campus computers.
First-time users? Follow the getting started guide.
The MohawkAPPS Apps Software Hub looks like this the image below:
What is MohawkAPPS?
AppsAnywhere has two parts:
- A catalogue of available applications on the MohawkAPPS Apps Software Hub.
- Client software Cloudpaging player on the device you choose to use AppsAnywhere.
When you launch any application from MohawkAPPS Software Hub, it gets delivered to the computer you are currently on and Cloudpaging player runs this application as it was installed locally without the need to install it. Cloudpaging Player window will also allow the user to see the progress of the application as its loading.